~Knights of Xentar Info obtained via Email. ~I'm stuck on how to get past Tymm, the demon guard. The wizard ~posing as a Knight, in the town of Coventry, told me that ~Priscilla had a magic mirror, however when I go to her, all my ~character does is sleep... I suppose you could've accidentally scrolled by the text too quickly, but in order for Priscilla to give you the mirror, she wants you to help her defeat an evil wizard first. To the north of her house, you'll find the cave where the wizard can be found. In order to enter the cave, though, you'll need some item that Priscilla gives you after you've "rescued" her. I forget what's it called, something like a "stone slab" I think. If you don't think you have this item, go back and talk to Priscilla again, though I'm pretty sure you should have it if you bopped those dwarves molesting her. (kmodemod@netcom.com)