~Teenagent (LR) Animated Adventure by UNION LOGIC Solution -------- By Lu Richardson General: Click on the left button of the mouse to look at things (you must look at EVERYTHING), and the right one to do everything else. With the right button you can pick things up, use one item on another, give items to other people, engage in conversation, etc. Pity you can't borrow money off them, you can do just about everything else... Talk to everyone you meet and keep talking till they start repeating themselves. Come back later and try talking to them again. After the intro: As soon as you are in control, give the pass to the guard and talk to him. Let's have a look around. Go right. Get the rope inside the trash can. Go to the right and look at the tent, fence and mysterious object, exit left, look at the bird, post and mud pool, down, look at the brick wall, the solid ground in front of it, the shovel behind it and the plant beside it. Click with the right button on the plant to get a spring of it. Go left and enter the cantine. Talk to the barman, look around and get the crumbs. Out. THE FIRST TEST Enter the door marked "001" and you will automatically meet the captain and get put in jail to attempt the first test. Get the spring from the bed and then the bulb. Use the "crates" portion of the door again and again until some food appears. Click on the live wires and you will automatically attach them to the bowl. Use the switch by the door. Use the crates again; the captain will appear and get an electric shock. Click on his body to get the key and use it to unlock the door. Watch the next sequence. THE SECOND TEST Use the delicate plant on the captain and get the Swiss army knife. Go out the door and to the right. Use the knife on the fence. Left, down, use the spring on the solid ground and then the spring itself: you'll go over the wall and automatically pick up the shovel as well as find your way around the wall. Go back to the fence, use the spade on the mysterious object. Take it to the guard: use it on him to swap it for the magazine. While he is looking through the kaleidoscope, nick the guard's grenade. Go back to the captain and use the magazine on him. Watch. THE THIRD TEST Talk to the barman; he will give you a mug of coffee. Go to room 001, use the rope on the grenade and that on the locked drawer of the desk. Get what's inside, leave and go to the mud pool. Combine the medicine with the crumbs and use them with the post. The bird will eat them and pass out. Pick up the bird. Use the post and, when you fall in the mud, use the mug on the pool. You have to be quick, otherwise the character gets out without collecting any mud. If that happens, try again. Go to the cantine and use the bird on the radio. When the barman is busy with it, use your mug on the barman's man. Talk to the barman to remind him of his tea - he'll drink it and pass out. Open the door to the store and look around. Note the hole on the barrel by the locker and use it (blinking hole) to find the captain. Watch. THE MISSION Outside: The object of the exercise here is obviously to get into the Mansion, and indeed you will have to try and fail several times before you can actually make it inside. You can do the following in any order you like. When you are in control, use the boat to get the broken paddle. Note the well and the handle. Go left. Talk to the squirrel and keep talking till it throws the nut at you, which will disappear in the grass. Go into the house. Pick up the chainsaw and the rotten cheese. Look at everything in this room. Leave and go right. Go down to the village. Talk to the boy, go through the door and talk to the old man. Look around. Out and talk to the boy again. Open the car door, get the comb, if you like (it's a red herring), and use the lever. This opens the trunk, so get the box inside. Use the box to get a car jack and then look at the box again to get a spanner. Use the spanner on the basket; you lower it down the pole and the boy is able to put the ball through. Watch. Go inside, pick up the fan, the shotgun and the hanky from the drawer. Out. Take the path to the field, to the left of the house. Put the hanky in the mouse hole, use the cheese on the mouse. You can now pick up the mouse. Search in the second haystack from the left to get a needle. "Use" the hen and pick up the feather. Use the shotgun on the crows and, when they've gone, get the diving mask and flippers off the scarecrow. Pick up the sickle and the rake. Leave. Go to the right. Look at the laundry and use the fan on it. Attempt to reach the "valve" past the dog. Ring the bell and go into the house. Talk to the old lady and she'll go out to get the laundry. Look at everything in the room and try to pick it up, and then talk to the girl. Out. Get the rope on which the laundry was hanging. Walk down to the cave and have a look around. Use the car jack on the rock to the right and get the bone. Go and give it to the dog. Now you can go to the "valve". Use it and go down the hole. You won't be able to see a thing. Up again and close the valve, then go down the hole again and a switch will have appeared by the stairs. Use it and then get the shovel. Up. Go to the lake. You can now use the mask on the flippers and then the diving equipment itself. You'll jump in the water - click on the anchor to the left of the sunken boat. The character will come out and you'll have to use the equipment again. Once more in the water, click quickly on the anchor and he will get it. If you are not fast enough, you'll just have to try again. Now use the sickle on the well and it will be sharpened. Go right to the Mansion. Speak to the guard and keep talking till he gives you some candy. Pick up the wrapper by his feet. Go up and left and have a look around. Leave and go to the right of the guard. Note the branch on the tree - attempt to climb the tree. You get tickled. Use the plant against the wall and you will get a wild potato badly spelled. Go left. You will see a hedgehog carrying a pine cone on its back. Pick up the rock. Now go all the way to the first house, go in and use the candy on the heart-shaped holes on the cupboard. You get a heart-shaped candy - use the wrapper on it and take it to the girl. She will give you a ribbon in return. Use the ribbon on the rake and take it to where the squirrel is and use it on the grass to retrieve the nut. Take the nut to the old lady and use it on the fake apple on the table to swap it. OK, now for your next trick. Go to the cave, use the sickle on the bush and go in. Read the message. Put the mouse in the hole and the rock in afterwards, use the superglue on it. The mouse will come out through the bottom, pushing a nugget in front of it. Pick up the nugget. If the mouse escapes because you have not been quick enough, go back to the field and get it the same as before, then try again. Well, we are just about ready. Go to where the hedgehog is and use the shovel - this is attempt to get in number one. Watch. Go left and you should see the guard drinking from a flask. Talk to him and he'll drop it - pick it up (don't worry if you don't catch him at it now, try again later). Once you have the whisky, use it on the chainsaw. Go to the tree with the hole in it and use it on the branch. Get the sawn bit and use it on the half paddle. Go to the lake and use whole paddle on the boat. Go to the isle and get the two flowers. Take them to the old lady, give her one and then get the feather duster. Give the other flower to the girl. Leave and go to the first house, using the feather duster in the fireplace. Use that on the wild potato. Go to the hedgehog and give him the fake apple to get the cone. Move right and use the fake grenade in the hollow of the tree. Watch. Now is the time to try various things to get in. After each attempt, you will see a short sequence inside the Mansion. Attempt number two, climb the tree with the hole. Next, combine the rope and the anchor and use that on the wall next to the tree. Then, go to the forest, to the left of the guard, and combine the pine cone, the needle and the feather. Hide behind the bush and use the dart on the beehive. Watch. Use the valve. Finally, give the nugget to the guard. The bad guy will come out and try to bribe you. Pick up the note, look at it and take it to the girl. Watch. Inside: Go to the left and pick up the chilli bottle and the rolling pin. Out, up the stairs. Open all the drawers of the desk, one by one, look inside and get the dictaphone and the camera. Get some paper from the waste basket. Down. Go to through the next door and pick up the newspaper (you find the remote control), use the couch to get a cork, pick up the brandy (cognac) and the tongs (pincers) from the bucket on the table. On to the next room and meet Mike. Out, last room: note the square hole on the door. Open it, go in and note the sock on the basket by the door. Go to the sink, use the paper on the cork and use that in the sink. Use the tap, and then put the chilli bottle in the sink - you get a label. Use that on the brandy bottle. Go upstairs and get another piece of paper from the waste basket. Go to the kitchen and put the brandy on the spot from which you took the chilli. Talk to the cook and watch. When he is gone, use the rolling pin on the radio and you'll get the batteries - use them on the dictaphone. Open the fridge. Open it again and look at the meat. Use the paper on the hotplate and put the burning paper in the fridge. Get the meat and use it in the stew; you get left with the empty plastic bag. Go to the bathroom and use the tongs on the sock, which you collect in the bag. Now go upstairs again and look for the book, third bookcase from the left and first in the second row from the bottom. Look at it. Open the blue drawer of the desk (top left) then grab the book. A secret compartment opens - get the video tape. Go to the TV and use it. Use the tape in the slot and use the remote control on the video machine. When you get the chance, use the polaroid on the TV and then the dictaphone, also on the TV. Go to Mike and use the socks, photo and dictaphone on him. He will open up. Get the blue jar and the book. As you read the diary a little scene will develop. Watch. At the end, when the guy is about to come into the room, use the left lower edge of the screen to hide. Wait. When John leaves, pick up the door handle he's left on the cabinet. Out. Use the handle on the square shaped hole on the bathroom door and use the handle to open it. To get past the giant fan, use the pill bottle. Use the switch, if you like. Open the door and go in. Watch what happens. When you are in control again, go to the TV room and through the wardrobe. Use the chilli bottle on John. Watch the end of the game. If you wait till the credits are over, you'll see one final screen. THE END Copyright (c) 1995 Eurowave Leisure Ltd.