~Batman Returns (SNES) Walkthrough & Solution, obtained via the Cheet Sheets BBS. ~* General Hints (To be used throughout the game) * 1] To avoid being punched back onto the floor as you get up, always use your special attack to clear the way and give yourself some breathing space. 2] When there`s a wall in the background, throw your opponents at it. Not only is this move more powerul than the Body Slam, any other baddies caught in your opponent`s line of flight will also be slung at the wall. 3] In case you didn`t know, you can grab 2 baddies at once and butt their heads together. This is the most pwerful move you can do. 4] If you`re being forced into a corner, use your Batrope Kick to escape. This special kick can knock down whole rows of baddies. 5] Don`t bother using your ability to block, as it doesn`t reduce any damage enough to make it worthwhile. 6] If a baddy is being a bit of a pain, a well-placed Batarang should stun him long enough for you to kick him in. 7] Usually, approaching a baddy from a horizontal direction (i.e. on the same plane as him/her) means you get a damm good kicking. So, always approach the enemy by walking up or down to him. 8] Problems with the bomb carriers? Throw a Batarang at them to make them drop the bomb at their feet. This not only saves you from danger, but removes half their energy too. ~* Level [1] - Attack On Gotham Plaza * Working your way through level one should be simple enough - and before long you`ll reach the end-of-level baddy. To get a head start, use your Batrope to pull a chunck of rock from the wall which will then hit the baddy in the head. Then jump over his roll attacks and keep pumping him with Batarangs. ~* Level [2] - Fight In The Streets Of Gotham City * In this second level, some very nifty Batrope skills are needed once the building has been set ablaze, but it`s not as difficult as you may think. The next section is pretty easy, too. The end-of-level strongman is defeated by simply walking into him from either above or below, and delivering a couple of Head Butts before slamming him onto the floor. Using one of the henchmen to allow you to use the move where they butt one another is also a pretty good idea. ~* Level [3] - On The Prowl * In the first bit, stay in the middle of the lift platform. The second part is trickier. Use the crumbling window ledges and your Batrope to get onto a higher platform with some goodies on it. Should you fail to reach this platform, use your Batrope to swing across. A test-tube can be found underneath the edge of the platform at the beginning of this level. Your first confrontation with Catwoman is probably the hardest. When she either stands still for a split second, or uses her whip, you should try to grab her and give her the kicking she so richly deserves. Remember though - if she is standing close to you as she gets up she`ll kick you to the floor, so use your special move to take her out. Also watch out when she starts doing backflips everywhere, as this indicates she is about to use her deadly Dash Attack. Very nasty. ~* Level [4] - The Penguin`s Trap * Working your way to Catwoman is simple, and she`s easier to deal with here than in the last level. However, once Catwoman is down you then face The Penguin. The Penguin is pretty tricky, as there`s no tactic to waste him as such. Stil, as long as you don`t go underneath him, don`t jump too often, beware of his sneak and dive attacks, and keep firing at him, he isn`t all that difficult. And watch out for his boomerang-type umbrella`s. ~* Level [5] - To The Batmobile * Stay in the centre of the road to avoid rows of bikers - a simple left, right movement should be enough to avoid any missiles. The Penguin`s campaign van is sooooooo easy: ignore anything it shoots, just pump it with bullets. However, if you`re low on life, stick to one side of the road and move over to the other side when you get things thrown at you. ~* Level [6] - Circus Train * My only advice for this level is to put your block up when the barriers appear. These will take care of all the baddies.....except the dark blue clowns. The Organ Grinder boss is dealt with in much the same way as the Strongman. Just don`t stray too far away or he`ll spray you with bullets. ~* Level [7] - The Penguin`s War * Well, you`ve managed to get this far, so reaching the end of the level shouldn`t pose you no problems. The duck is dealt with by just standing there and blasting it - nothing sophisticated at all. The Penguin himself is a wimp. Use Grab Attacks when he`s on the floor, and use another one when he start flying around (grab him as he throws Umbrella Bombs) You shouldn`t even lose a life if this is done properly. NB: If any of you finish the game on "Mania", look out for the coolest pic of Batman after the credits.