~Dark Sun 2 Two problems solved. Info obtained via the Internet. ~Here's the situation: ~1) I've cleared out yuan-ti tunnels and been to yuan-ti ~ headquarters where I got note from Jestris and knocked Tantris ~ over the head with it. Now whenever I try to talk to Tantris ~ he still kills me every time. No sign of Solurnis. ~2) Been in Kalak's pyramid-temple. Can make it all the way to ~ Garden but can't kill defilers there. ~3) Cleared out Under Tyr. ~4) Been to Jann camp. Killed Templar merchant-spy and took all of ~ Sultan's treasure. ~I cannot figure out what to do next. I assume I should be doing ~something about the yuan-ti but I seem to be stuck. Any ~suggestions on what I should be doing or are my characters just ~to big of wimps to take on Tantris or the defilers in the ~pyramid-temple. My guys are all around 10-12th level I think. OK, for the Yuan-Ti problem, you need to do several things. First, go north from the forest (past the trees full of halflings). This takes you to the OUTSIDE of the walls of a temple with the Yuan-ti in it. There you will meeet some humans intent on avenging themselves on the snake guys. You can become a scout and get a horn from them. Next, go to the easternmost part of the inside of the camp, and get the note thing done (which you've already done). Now, DO NOT talk to Tantris. Instead, blow the horn you got once you are standing before him. You then get a long play with the humans coming in, and the guy you got the note from trying to take over, and Solurnis ends up making himself available after having summoned El. (He shows up where you see El's stuff, not in the temple fight, if I remember correctly.) If you are still having trouble with the fight, cast tons of protective spells and use the pool of heroism to restore your spell and psionic abilities, and set the game difficulty to easy. 12th level is slightly wimpy in this game, but not very wimpy ... you have the hit points, and your fighters will start hitting VERY often at level 13. A favorite spell combo of mine for making fights short is the clerical "Strength of One" (gives ALL of your characters the strength of the highest strength character -- usually a half giant with up to 24 strength!) AND the "Enlarge" spell, which will effectively double the damage per hit of everyone enlarged. Oh ... and don't forget to use "haste", which is great to use since your characters have NO age to get increased, even though the docs say that it increases your age. ... Now, for in the pyramid, you need to find a grate on the LEFT side of the inner ziggurat. It looks different from the other grates you can tear up but you CAN tear it open and enter. Once inside, there's some info to learn, and then you can go north and through another grate to kill some templars. Go in the cabinet in this room, and you'll be on top of the pyramid, right next to the woman controlling the garden. KILL HER, and do so quickly! Then once she's down, right-click to pause the game as quickly as possible, or you'll get blasted. You'll want to use the cabinet to leave, which takes 2 steps, so you'll want to right click right away after completing the first one of opening the cabinet. As you leave the way you came, you'll have fun watching the bad guys get blasted by the garden. If you're getting chased, use wall spells to block the way, Wall of fire and similar "get hurt if you walk thru here" spells are also useful, by killing the enemy before they get to you. I LOVE this Darksun game engine they use, cuz the wall spells actually do meaningful noncombat stuff like this. ... Now, as for what to do next, there's three places to go: to the mines (ask the mine guy in the NW of Tyr for the key), or into one of the two tapestries (use an "elementally charged" item to turn on a tapestries teleporting magic). Actually, this is about as far as I am, so anyone who can point me to a walk thru would be appreciated for doing so. Don't forget to get the patch to the game, which can be gotten from a site listed in the PC Games cheats and info list posted in ... .pc.games.misc and .pc.games.announce. If you get the patch, you need to start over since the saved games won't be completely compatible. A patch is available on the Cheet Sheets BBS or on request via the usual Cheet Sheets address. (James Daniel) ~I am looking for the "thread from a robe of a templar" to repair ~a tapestry in Dark Sun II. Does anyone know where this item is? Go the Jann camp which is reached by giong to the south exit in Tyr and talking to a merchant in the building to the right of your first fight. He will mention a caravan, once in the next screen look south of the Jann camp there is a small tent. Scare or kill the man there and a coat will be left behind. "use" the coat and an option to "take a trherad (sorrry) tread" will appear. For more points before or after this, have one of the characters put the coat on and wait at the pup tent . a guy will appear and a note will appear in your inventory. Show this to the Sultan for $$$ and experience.