~The Cyberplasm Formula Comic Book Adventure by SANCTUARY WOODS By Lu Richardson Yet another Windows game, in which all the action takes place in a 3"-across rectangle - which an enormous expanse of blank screen all around. Get squinting. This is an adventure in which the characters, a guy and a talking dog, travel back to the past searching for a formula with which to save civilization. The whole thing is in comic book style, and indeed the action screen is no bigger than your average vignette. There is a minimum of animation, but the graphics are very accomplished and what movement there is, is excellent. There is speech throughout; not that I think this is a particular advantage, specially when American street-slang is used. The help menu is very good, giving you details about the mechanics of gameplay. Although the style is novel and bright and breeze, the game does not lack failings. For instance, right at the beginning, you have a choice of items. You cannot pick them all up, because you run out of energy and die, so you choose a few at random and hope for the best. Inevitably, you pick the wrong ones, so that several days into the game you realize that you should have got something else; and, since you have no way of getting back to the locations with the items, you have to start all over again. Once more, you are limited to taking up a few things, so you could spend the rest of your life repeating the same movements till you get it right. Is it worth it? Only if you knew which items to pick up at the outset. Then, yes: it is a pleasant game to look at, to listen to, to play. It doesn't tax your brains overmuch, it's jolly and it's good, clean fun. Nevertheless, a very light-weight product, I'm not sure you'll get your money's worth of entertainment. Copyright (c) 1995 Eurowave Leisure Ltd.