~Guilty 4 GUILTY01.PCX GUILTY05.PCX GUILTY07.PCX GUILTY12.PCX Innocent Until Caught 2 : Guilty REVIEWED BY ADRIANO MAURIZIO GRISANTI 1995. This is a graphical adventure which uses the mouse to control the characters around on the screen. When a say charaters I mean either Jack .T. Ladd or Ysanne Andropath, which are the two characters you can choose to play the game as. Each of these characters has to work out various puzzles, which depend on their career, i.e Jack T. Ladd is a thief and has to steal objects, collect fuel and chat up woman, ect. Where as Ysanne Andropath is a bounty hunter and has to do some of the detective work, save peoples lives and make sure Jack T. Ladd doesn't escape. The game starts off were Jack has to escape from prison and throws Ysanne ships hyper drive away into deep space to prevent himself been taken to the authorities. Ysanne then gets mad with Jack explaining that there is trouble in front of them, and she needed the hyper drive to fly round it and has'nt got enough fuel to do so. Therefore she lands on a minning plannet, makking Jack find the fuel, while finding that the minning colony has bee destoyed by aliens from another dimension, who want to destoy the rest of our universe. This then leads jack and Ysanne to find were the aliens are comming from, and stop them before its to late. During the game however Jack & Ysanne fall in love with each other, of course both of them deny it to each other. The games various levels have you exploring various different planets and interacting with the various people on them, all of which aren't that easy to get on with. All these planets have very nice graphics, and the still screen shots are very impressive. Also the games music & sound effects are good, especially if you have a midi compatible sound card and or the CD version of the game, which includes speech & better in game sequences. The game also has a impressive intro, and contains a lot of humour throughout, making it a enjoyable experience. I recommend this game and give it 92%.