~Flight Sim 5.1 REVIEWED BY ADRIANO GRISANTI 1995. This is a newer version of Microsofts great flight simulator, were you can control any of the four planes :- 1.) CESSNA SKY LANE RG R182 2.) LEARJET 35A 3.) SCHWEIZER 2-32 SAILPLANE 4.) SOPWITH CAMEL Besides being able to choose from the four planes you have the choice of diffenet sceneries, i.e crop dusting, flight sim 5 scenery and add on disks for Flight Sim 5, or some of Flight Sim 4's old scenery. You can also set the weather, detail and time, depending on your personal requirments. This game is quite good once you get into it, and if you find it hard to get used to, you can use the built in flight instructor to help you learn how to fly. This version of flight sim has various improvements over its 5.0 cousin, ie instead of being on 2 disks it is now on 4 and supports faster computers, such as pentiums and supports more sound cards and video cards, ect than before. Overall I give this game 85% as a flight simulator, because it is very realistic, however this means that it becomes boring to most people after a while, especially if you don't like flight sims or you like shooting enemy planes down instead. As a game this game only scores 70%. It would be nice to see Flight Sim 5.1 on cd with all the scenery disks included, with a host of different planes to choose from, with a military/arcade option like TFX thrown in for good measure, and a modem or network option added for good measure. Come on Microsoft, it'll sell like hot cakes.