~Lost Eden (CD) 4 EDENPR01.PCX EDENPR03.PCX EDENPR05.PCX EDENPR06.PCX Animated Adventure by CRYO/VIRGIN --------------------------------- Reviewed by Lu Richardson I was so impressed with Dragon Lore, also by Cryo/Virgin, that all it took was a brief glimpse at a demo of Lost Eden to make me go for it. Indeed, the graphics, animation and sound were as totally brilliant as I knew they would be and, although not terribly fond of it, the interface was not too bad. The game started excitingly enough - in any case you are so in awe of the scenery that you don't notice much else. At any rate, looking around the Citadel and solving the first few puzzles was quite enthralling. And then play really started. Well, I've seen some daft games in my day, but this one takes the biscuit. Imagine a scenario mainly peopled with dinosaurs, some fluent in English, others quite unable to manage even Mancunian. Add to them some other rather queer folks, and I bet you'll be as out of focus as I am. It seems dinosaurs and men got along quite well, forgive the anachronism, till some rather nasty T. Rexes came along and made life difficult for everyone. Your task is to rally against them all the good Reptilians (and anyone else who cares to join in), thus ensuring survival for all. You travel from location to location, exploring each one and doing daffy things such as feeding empty nests to triceratops. Various complications arise which aliviate somewhat the monotony of play, but all the same you keep saying to yourself, sotto voce, what AM I doing? And also, I wonder what's on the telly? So, awesome as the graphics are, stupendous as the animation is, grandious as the game looks, don't fall for it. I'm all for originality and an interesting plot but, really, I guarantee that you'll feel pretty silly pandering to Velociraptors, Aquasaurus and Doyouthinkeesaurus. Not to mention holding serious conversations with earnest Pterodactyls. All right if you like looking at pretty pictures, but a dead loss as an adventure. Copyright (c) 1995 Eurowave Leisure Ltd.