~Alien Olympics 4 ALIENO01.PCX ALIENO02.PCX ALIENO03.PCX ALIENO04.PCX REVIEWED BY ADRIANO GRISANTI 1995 This is basically a sporting game like the olympics, but instead of playing from a choice of humans you play from a choice of eight aliens each with there own strengths and weaknesses. Here is a list of some of the events available :- A.) 50 QBIT DASH B.) LASER LEAPING C.) THE BIG BOUNCE D.) LASER SKEET 1 E.) LASER SKEET 2 F.) 2000 QBIT SPLURGE G.) LUNGE LEAP SPLAT H.) TOXOPHILLY I.) FLOB FLOP J.) SABER LAUNCH K.) SURVIVAL L.) ALIEN HURL M.) JETPAC TAG N.) LIZARD LEAP O.) WALL JUMPING The game graphics look nice, the music is ok, but the game play is well in a nut shell crap, i.e you just have to waggle the joystick faster, or waggle it in different dirrections, which isn't really challenging is it ?, and can cost a bomb in new joysticks. The only diffence in game play is that you can practice some of the events, play some of the events or play them all, or my favorite quit. Overall I give this game 45%, and a place in the crap games hall of fame.