~Hi-Octane Driving Action by BULLFROG PRODUCTIONS -------------------------------------- Review by Lu Richardson Marvellous drive'n'shoot game. I got my slick vehicle and entered a single race, and had only just driven off and was beginning to look about me in amazement at the sensational graphics and realistic 3-D view when people started shooting and me. Which wasn't nice, considering that I was busy at the time negotiating the road at high speed, picking up this and that, recharging my weaponry and refuelling my car. I mean, I already had my hands full, you know. Then I had a bash at the championship race and that was worse, because the road was then full of trigger-happy maniacs shooting at all and sundry, I even got bullet holes on my computer screen. And they were driving far too fast, if you ask me. How can a body enjoy a Sunday drive and admire the scenery with all that going on? So I decided this is a fast and furious game not for the likes of me, but for people who enjoy speeding and shooting, with the ability to dodge and duck, and turn corners on two wheels and goodness knows what other skills. Very thrilling, very realistic (you even get car sick) and with an easy interface - what more could you want? All of you speed fiends out there will just love it. Copyright (c) 1995 Eurowave Leisure Ltd.