~Thunderscape (SH) Personal opinions obtained via the Internet from Steven Hicks. Here is another opinion of Thunderscape, SSI's new CRPG. Like DM2, there are things I enjoy about it but there are also some flaws. The worst is the unfathomable automap. TS uses a 'true' 3D free movement engine which allows for multiple levels directly above/below each other. Since the automap is so bad, you really need to map these areas by hand. Given the complexity of the levels I find this a real pain to do, much more difficult than a step based, 90 degree turn game where you can whip out the graph paper (not that I'm saying those are better, but areas this complex need a decent automap). Combat is pretty slick. Maybe too slick. 99% of my encounters so far have been fought by hitting the F8 key (repeat last attack) once for each character. There are numerous attack and defense options depending on weapon type, shield, and characters skills, but I have done 80% of my damage in combat with two axe wielding fighters using the 'Mighty Blow' attack. In case you don't know this about TS already, melee combat is turn based while ranged combat (bows, guns, spells) is realtime (and not worthwhile, in my experience). In the first area (Skelon's Gorge) there are a couple of riddles to solve, the second area (Troll Caves) is just exploration and key finding, and the third I have reached (Vanguard Dungeon) has an actual puzzle or three. The third area is the most enjoyable so far, both for the puzzles and the logical layout which makes mapping by hand easier. There is some NPC interaction, but so far it has been very minor (find my lost club and I'll join your party). Animation for the creatures is not all that great. Most look flat and have jerky movements. So far they show no signs of intelligence in combat. Graphics are too dark (even with my monitor brightness turned all the way up) and the textures used are only so-so (I thought I was going to lose my mind in the Troll Caves which all look exactly the same). So far my opinion of this game is lukewarm. If there are more areas as interesting as Vanguard Dungeon I'll keep playing, but if I have to go thru another Troll Cave or two (yawn) I think this one may go on the shelf. (Steven Hicks - steveh@ilx.com)