~Teenagent 5 TEENAG01.PCX TEENAG02.PCX TEENAG03.PCX TEENAG04.PCX TEENAG05.PCX Animated Adventure by UNION LOGIC Reviewed by Lu Richardson This is an unpretentious adventure game by some people I've never heard of before... though, with luck, I might in the future. It has adequate, if not spectacular, graphics and animation, jolly sound effects and the easiest interface I've ever come across. Click with the left button to look at things, click with the right button to do everything else. If you want to save, quit or load, or make any other adjustments, press any function key. Move the cursor along the top of the screen to see the inventory. Now, how's about that for simplicity? It's quite funny game, too, and it grows on you. Watch the brief info sequence and find out how a hero is found and trained to become a secret agent. You have to pass three tests before you are allowed to undertake the main mission. I thought at first the puzzles were going to be a pushover till I found I couldn't do anything at all, anywhere, with the items at hand. So I had to think really hard and I found that, familiar though they looked, these problems were rather novel and their solutions anything but easy. Nevertheless, they were solvable, if only you put enough effort into them... and despite the red herrings. So, much to my surprise, I found myself being thoroughly entertained by this seemingly rather ordinary adventure - and I have a feeling that you will, too. Of course, it could be that there is such a scarcity of good adventures at the moment that almost anything will shine for sheer lack of competition. But is it so? Invest on this modest game, on just 3 HD disks, and decide for yourselves. I don't think you'll regret it. Review, Copyright (c) 1995 Eurowave Leisure Ltd.