~Lamborghini Challenge Short review by Adriano Maurizio Grisanti 1995 This is your average car game, with average graphics and sound, along with average gameplay, any way on with the review. This game lets you either play on your own against computer drivers or against a friend. You also have a choice of 3 drivers to choose from. At the start of each race some of the drivers place a bet on themselves, that they will win the race (you included). The following is a list of all 21 drivers include in the game, the first 3, are the one you can choose from at the begining of a race :- (1) Sly (2) Joe (3) Val (4) Cooper (5) Mike (6) Capone (7) Mary (8) Mister Z (9) Spencer (10) Pado (11) Max Steel (12) Steph (13) Frankie (14) Rojer (15) Stozz (16) Client (17) Road Wiz (18) Ludo (19) Walter (20) Kurt (21) Hagar You also have the ability to load and save your postion throughout the game. The plot of the game is to win each race, while going across the US. Overall, I give this game 50%, because its just your average racer, which for an Amiga might be acceptable, but not for a PC.