~Rebel Assault 2 Info uploaded to the Cheet Sheets BBS, extracted from a compilation of screen shots. Never underestimate the power of the Force. In spite of its weak gameplay, Rebel Assault somehow managed to find its way into over 1,000,000 homes around the world. If some twisted student chooses to do their thesis on the phenomenon, they will want to mention the facts that the shop demo was the sharpest looking bit of software at the time, and after just a few months Rebel Assault was given away free with just about every multimedia kit sold. Now LucasArts; eager to get another Officially Licensed Star Wars Product onto the market; are to soon release Rebel Assault II. Blessed be the gamer, for LucasArts have taken the care to make sure Rebel II suffers none of the afflictions that dragged the original down - like crappy joystick routines, run on rails flight sequences, unfair difficulty and a plethora of bugs (in the PC version). The same basic formula is left untouched. The three basic game modes are: hand-to-hand combat, flight manoeuvring and cockpit combat. It sounds suspiciously like more of the boring same, but LucasArts assure us that oodles more playability is a dead set cert. Ground combat will include far greater interaction with the environment, with hiding and dodging the new skills your rebel scum is blessed with. They still can't hear you scream in space, but anyone within a radius of a couple of blocks will be treated to a cacophony of wails, as your ship is repeatedly pummelled to stardust. With a hefty variety of ships to pilot, as well as a meaty new range of space-borne missions, Rebel II is looking good for value. It also faithfully adheres to the gaming adage that "thou shalt not make a space shooting game without at least one asteroid field". Fans of convoluted and unnecessary FMV will find Rebel II a right treat. The cool computer generated characters from the original have been replaced by live action (real people!) footage. It's the first time Star Wars material has been filmed without the input of George Lucas, so the game has much to live up to. The plot picks up soon after your "shot in a million" destroys the Death Star in the first game. The astronomical equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle is sucking in rebel ships faster than... things that suck fast. It smells like the Empire is up to no good, with a bit of recon work on the cards to get the plot out of first gear. Initially a PC CD ROM only game, Rebel Assault II is due sometime towards the end of the year, with a full HYPER review sometime before then.