~Windows 95 On The Subject Of Windows 95 By Lu Richardson First of all, I will say once more that I am confirmed windowphobe - I hate Windows and always will. To my mind, Windows was designed for people who could not type, which is a laugh because, even with Windows, the keyboard continues to be pretty vital. If I could not handle a keyboard, I think I would rather learn to type (and, let's face it, it would take about a week with any of the excellent tuition programs there are around and about) than struggle with the horrendous tangle of options, icons, windows and all the rest of the complicated paraphernalia... The one thing that reconciled me to the existance of Windows is that one could disregard it altogether and work with DOS and an orderly, clean screen. But now, even that is going to be taken away from us. With a great deal of fanfare, Windows 95 is being rammed down our throats, much to Microsoft's benefit if to no-one else's. It doesn't matter that numerous progams cannot be run with it. DOS will be dumped in the future and eventually you'll be using Windows whether you like it or not. To us gameplayers this is not good news. Personally, I hate peering into tiny windows in order to play a game. I like it to occupy the whole of the screen so that, if I am going to miss seeing vital items, I can do it in style. Is it possible that I am the only person in the world who deplores the inexorable march into Windows? ~Editor replies...... nope, your not alone, I don't even have Windows ~installed on any of my machines !!! BUT it looks like I'm gonna ~have to if I'm gonna continue playing the latest games.