~Dark Forces Hex Editing, nabbed from the Internet from SRBAKER@nwoca.ohio.gov Okay, I've started Hex editing Dark Forces and here is what I have found so far (edit DARK.GOB): The best place to start editing (I think) is around offset 198183. The information following "LOGIC: " controls the logic level (and weapons) of the enemy. The information following "DIFF: " controls the difficulty level the enemy appears on (0=easy, 1=medium, 2=hard). The information following "DATA: " controls what the object looks like. The information following "CLASS: " determines whether the object is a FRAME, SPRITE, OR 3DO. "I_OFFICER" = The guys in brown (CLASS = SPRITE, DATA = 0). "TROOP" = Stormtroopers (CLASS = SPRITE, DATA = 4). "COMMANDO" = The guys in black (CLASS = SPRITE, DATA = 1). "G_GUARD" = Gammorrean Guards (CLASS = SPRITE, DATA =1). "REE_YEES" = The guy with detonators (CLASS = SPRITE, DATA = 7). "INT_DROID" = Interrogator droids (CLASS = SPRITE, DATA = 8). "REMOTE" = The remote thing Luke uses in ANH (CLASS = SPRITE, DATA = 9). "PROBE DROID" = Probe Droid (CLASS = SPRITE, DATA = 13). "BOBA_FETT" = Boba Fett (CLASS = SPRITE, THERE IS NO GRAPHIC 4 HIM). "MINE" = Mines (CLASS = FRAME, DATA = 2). "GOGGLES" = Infrared goggles (CLASS = FRAME, DATA = 1). "ITEM ENERGY" = 15 energy units (CLASS = FRAME, DATA = 0). "ITEM SHIELD" = 20 Shield units (CLASS = SPRITE, DATA = 3). "DETONATORS" = Thermal detonators (CLASS = FRAME, DATA = 5). "INVINCIBLE" = Limited invincibility (CLASS = SPRITE, NO GRAPHIC). ~Advanced things to do: Change one of the .FME listings (they start before the listings for the enemies and items) to "ICONCUS.FME" then change one of the items to a LOGIC of CONCUSSION.