~Lands Of Lore A few tips obtained via Email. I'm in the middle of playing Lands of Lore and wondered why I have one iron key and two mystic keys left. Did I miss a door, or are they spare keys? (I got the elixir, so they are not vital keys.) þIt's possible to have extra keys left over. Keep them for a while þand if you don't need them soon, ditch 'em. In exchange, there are two keyholes in Yvel I can't pick, and also have no key for - any ideas? þCheck out the east side of town. Look at some of the boarded up þdoors. There's one door that's not very secure(click on it). I would also like to know what lies behind the rightmost hole in mines level 1 - where you can close one hole with the lever to get a mines level 2 key, I can't find a way behind the second hole, and I'm curios! þThis is a bit screwy. Close the first pit up. Go to the niche and þget the key. Throw the key back over the pit. Pick up the key and þwalk towards the second pit. It will close up. Walk over. I don't þremember what's there, but it's not too exciting. Btw, what are the horseshoes good for? You can't use them and you can't wear them, so should I just drop them and forget them? þI found no use for them. Ditch 'em. And what about those nice shiny Bezel cups (1 gold in resale)? þThey're good for healing. Each bezel cup will heal a number of times þequal to the number of gems on the cup. They will totally heal and þcure poison. And can I always know how good an item is by trying to sell it, using the equation "Price=quality"? The shopkeepers seem to value magic items very lowly...my cool ghost-killing emerald swords are worth nothing... þGenerally, the more expensive a weapon the better, but some weapons þare of little use and some even are bad to use. The emerald swords þare pretty much worthless(keep them, though. You _may_ need them þunless you make good use of the Valean's cube). þTom (grue@netcom.com)