~Bio Forge Mixture of tips obtained via Email. How do you stop the reactor from blowing up. I have been stuck here for a while. I can get the alien guy kicked off the bridge, but then I don't know what to do. I tried switching the two switches down (disabling the core), and then fiddling with the central console (the one with 6 buttons), but nothing I do with that does anything, and then I run out of time. If there is a hint somewhere else in the game on how to accomplish this, I would rather have that than the full answer, although at this point, I will take either. (I already used the forklift to get rid of the robot guard, crossed the bridge which starts the timer, and killed the alien by shoving him off the bridge). Two things... have you found the security code to turn off the reactor? You're on the right track, but I don't think you're using the right access code. Make sure you read everything you've come across... including monitors on the walls. If you DO have the proper access code, or think you do, you might be running out of time because of the way you're killing the alien. From what I can tell, if you don't quite solve a problem the way the game expects you to, it rigs the game to force you to fail. However, if you're fighting the alien on the bridge until he falls off... you've probably wasted far too much time (which is most likely the case, not the game rigging itself). There is a much quicker way! Let me know if you want more explicit hints... though I think these hints might point you in the right direction. Ok, i got to the top level, and blew up the two troop carrier spaceships.. I go back to the elevator, and if i goto level 3 or level 4, those huge robots come out and blast me. Where do I go from here? I got a blaster... The Guard Bot on level 4 is slow. You can take it out by dodging and firing. It takes a bit of doing but you'll learn how. Louie In Bioforge..on level Four i think, its a dark corridor and a single BOT comes out and blasts me...i cant get past him, i mean, i cant kill the bot. I do have the blaster..and i try to run circles around the bot, getting in a shot, and continuing to circle the bot, but he has ALWAYS gotten me...any have a strategy that worked for them? Yes. It sorta goes like this: When he comes out, sidestep twice. Turn a bit towards him and shoot him. Then hold down shift and turn and run across the hall. If you get the timing right, he'll shoot as you're running, and you stop running before the bolt hits the elevator. Holding down shift, still, turn towards him and shoot. Then keep turning and hold down forward to run across the hall again. If you get the rhythm going, he just shoots past you each time, and you ping him once before having to run again. You never circle the bot--you try to stay at your end of the hall, so his bolts take longer to reach you. You think he's bad, wait'll you see the dropship marine.... And OK, next question: I dealt with the dropship. Now I'm trying to get the warhead back to the catwalk door to blow it up. The sequence goes like this: remove warhead pick it up (duh, it's a BOMB, George!) run towards square where creature used to be as I almost reach square, see timer: 8800 and counting reach square, hit space, transport across run across monster, climb up step, hit space, get transported climb wall, run a step, climb wall, hit space, get transported run a step, climb, run a step, climb way up, start running as I get onto the catwalk, see timer: 2000 and counting run into mouth of tunnel past probes hit 'I' to put cube away hit enter to drop bomb AS I AM PUTTING IT DOWN, see countdown: 120... BOOOOOM. So what the hell am I missing? I can't see any way to do it faster than this. Do I need to take the environment suit off or something silly like that? Or drop all my unneeded equipment? Or what? (Rob Jellinghaus robj@netcom.com uunet!netcom!robj) : Ok, i got into the cryo storage area.. I was able to free the : cyber raptor, and was able to hurt it.. i went down that large : hole in the ground, : followed the tunnel, and got killed by some : monster. I am assuming i need a light source to scare away the : monster.. where? You've got to kill the raptor when it's on top of the iris. Then you can open the iris, and it will fall down. When the you hear the screams, turn the wheel and the cryogenic fluid will freeze the monster. Then you can climb down the ladder. : Also how do I get a blaster? Once you climb down the ladder, you'll find a way to get to a blaster. : I was able to get to the elevators, but wherever i went on the : elevator, robots killed me. A blaster should help you out. If the robots still keep killing you, keep in mind what happens when you fire the blaster in the elevator. Ok I just got this game... i just got out of my cell, beat caynan, blah blah, got into the guard room, accessed the terminals and stuff... I was able to unlock most of the power bars, except for one cell.. HOW do I do this? Don't worry about that cell right now... Also, when I open this large door, and enter the hallway, this huge robot comes out and shoots me if i move.. Make a quick break for the elevator on the left, halway down the hallway. Duck into the opening (you don't have to enter the elevator) and the robot should walk right past you. (Emilio Galasso a260gala@cdf.toronto.edu) Ok, i got into the cryo storage area.. I was able to free the cyber raptor, and was able to hurt it.. i went down that large hole in the ground, followed the tunnel, and got killed by some monster. I am assuming i need a light source to scare away the monster.. where? Also how do I get a blaster? I was able to get to the elevators, but wherever i went on the elevator, robots killed me. More help please The cryo chamber part was one of the toughest things to figure out... probably because it's the least logical. Anyway, you'll notice that whenever you've beaten up the Cyber-Raptor he falls and passes out. What if he fell somewhere, perhaps on something, that would allow him to be disposed of? Another hint, the fluid that flows from the large nozzle is used to freeze the specimens. As for the other elevators on the base... you will eventually have to deal with them, but you may want to wait until you are more suitably armed. A blaster will come along in due time... If you want a more specific solutions keep reading, though I HIGHLY suggest you take my hints and work with them. Full Spoiler Ahead... I mean it... this will tell you exactly what to do with the Cyber-Raptor and the creature in the "sewers". Are you POSITIVE you want to know? You sure the hints aren't good enough? Ok, well... I'm not sure if you can do this on your first attack, so... beat the raptor until he falls. Then move to the other side of the "sewer" opening but make sure that the opening is closed. Then, fight the raptor from the other side of the sewer (opposite the door entering the room). Once the raptor goes down, he should fall on top of the opening. Once he does, move over and push the button to open the shaft... the Raptor will go plummeting. Now for the monster below... I'll give you a chance to stop reading here if you like. Once the Raptor has fallen you will hear a lot of noise. The "sewer" monster and the raptor are going a few rounds toe-to-toe. Try turning on the nozzle to freeze the creatures below. Once the sounds stop, it should be safe to climb down the steps... (Emilio Galasso a260gala@cdf.toronto.edu)