~FIFA International Soccer FIFA INTERNATIONAL SOCCER PLAYING TIPS By Martin Keen If you're still struggling to win the World Cup then try using these tips, but remember for some reason they only work when shooting from left to right: DODGY KEEPER Make the oppositions goalie look a right idiot by adding a bit of unexpected after-touch to your shot. This is put on automatically if you shoot from a certain area. Trying running down the near side of the pitch in a straight line and shooting just before your player reaches the penalty area. After a few attempts you will soon get the hang of shooting from this certain angle and watch as the ball curls just past the keeper. THE "IAIN DOWIE" CORNER When taking corners from the near right hand side of the pitch aim the moving square as far right as possible, then move it slightly upwards towards goal. This should send the corner so high into the air you'll swear it must have been an Iain Dowie shot. The fortunate thing is, unlike a goal attempt from Dowie the ball will not sail out of the stadium but will hit the top of the screen and fall down directly level with the goal line. Simply position a player near the goal and let him head it in. Gooaaalll! OR... THE SHORT CORNER Against weaker opposition the most effective corner is the short one. Again this only works when the corner is from the near right side. Place the ball to land just short of the near post. While the ball is in the air get a player to leg it over, control the ball, then shoot into the empty net as the keeper is left standing. Unfortunately all my teams are one-half-wonders. They hardly EVER score when shooting from right to left unless the opposition is as bad as someone like Wales (and that's pretty bad!). Anyone got any tips for shots in that direction?