~Descent DESCENT SECRET LEVELS ===================== The secret levels to Descent can be accessed from levels 10, 21 and 24 as follows:- Secret Level 1 (access from level 10) -------------- From the reactor room, fly through towards the red door furthest from the reactor (there are two red doors on this level, so it shouldn't be too difficult to find!!!). Before flying through this door, notice the blue tunnel through the grating - this is the access tunnel to the secret level. To get to it just fly through the red door (still heading away from the reactor) and shoot the wall on the side the grating\access tunnel was on (this obviously depends on the orientation of your ship - if you were flying with the 'correct' orientation then the access tunnel should be to your right). The alternative exit is right round the corner.... Secret Level 2 (access from level 21) -------------- This one is a little trickier to find. From the reactor room, head towards the 'normal' exit. Now fly straight past and through the door directly(ish) ahead and head DOWN. Hopefully you're now in a tunnel with high walls (if not, fly back and head up instead - and in future don't fly upside down all the time, ok!!!) - and to negotiate the tunnel you have to weave left and right avoiding the 'pillar'(ish) things. Having past the last pillar, turn completely around to face the way you came. Now immediately before the first pillar infront of you either in the ceiling or floor, there should be a hidden wall. Behind that is the access tunnel. Secret Level 3 (access from level 24) -------------- You can't miss this one (when you know where it is). From the reactor room, fly out through both red doors. Now there is a secret wall either immediately to your left or right (orientation dependent - left if you are correctly oriented) inside the circular room.