~Terminal Velocity A few tips... ~Level One Boss Help. To kill the boss you have to blow up the four little hubs placed below the exits first. After that you can shoot the boss in the center of the room. If you have trouble telling what to blow up you should press TAB, which will display a radar thingy showing your targets. ~A few finding that maybe useful for play (from Email) It has one major fault though, the enemy is a joke. I watch the ships fly at me, and they are firing has much off in the distants as they are at me. Then they try come around and ambush me from the rear, where they are almost as bad shoots as head on. Come on! I have already figure how wipe most of them out when they come up on my rear. I just hit after burners, to jump away from them. When I am a safe distances away I slow down and whip around a blast the whole sworm of them with weapon #2 (ion something ?). Works great! On stage 2-1 you can just fly low in canyon (use afterburner past cannon platforms) and come out with little damage. Same thing can be accomplished on 2-2 by flying high. Most levels allow you to fly strait through with out much interferance. When you final get to the Boss they are not much of a problem either. I think the Boss on 1-3 is the hardest of all three on the demo (2-3 Boss is a joke). I find just flying around with long range radar (great feature) on an try to wipe every single thing is the most entertaining. I wonder how long this will last. In the mission intro they rate the ships by how potent they are, but I barely can tell a difference. How about ships that really knock the hell out of you with accurate firing and that are a bitch to loose? Ships that you HAVE TO DEAL WITH inorder to surive the mission. Maybe give some ships guided missiles? I not trying appear anti-Terminal Velocity. In truth, I am a big fan and plan to buy the real version. It's the best game I have played in a while. (Nathan)