~Metaltech : Earthsiege A few tips By Adriano Maurizio Grisanti. This is a good tank sim, which I bet has been causing some of you cheet sheet readers a little trouble. Well don't fret help is at hand with a down to earth guide, which should help you out. Here goes :- ~CONTROLS ~-------- Before you start get used to the control's, by optimizing your movement and taking the time to learn how to aim carefully while moving and rotating the turret (This takes time, but you need to have a good reflex-oriented skill level if you want to get the most out of this game). I found using 2 joysticks instead of the usual 1 made the game more fun and a little easier. ~MANEUVERS ~--------- I find that a careful initial scouting works best, followed by planning appropriate avoidance maneuvers once a detection has been made. Realize that as soon as you've detected an enemy unit there's a good chance they'll have detected you as well. The best way to avoid detection is to make use of nearby vertical terrain for masking, this is a good temporary measure, though the computer run enemy opponents seem to have an inordinate fondness for chasing you around mountains once they find you near one, and usually have a good idea where your heading. Instead of going round in circles, or going straight all the time, it is best to change your direction frequently, by this I mean immediate reversal at top speed and then sudden breaking left or right for a few seconds, reversal of movement again followed by you heading in a different direction (45 degrees off your original course) at top speed. Make a "V" for your first avoidance tatic, followed by similar movement techniques which could be used both to break radar contact and still head for the ultimate target. Remember it is always best to take the time when planning your maneuvers, and not rush into it, as this could put you in danger from enemy fire. ~IMPORTANCE OF RADAR ~------------------- It is important to use radar to your advantage and not your enemies, so it is best to keep a low profile, by this I mean only use your radar for 3 seconds at a time when scanning for enemies, so if you see something on radar move a little towards the enemy, while turning the radar off, then scan again to see where the enemy is and so on until the enemy has been destroyed. Relying on this passive radar method is okay, but is more likely to bring you into the firing range of the enemy rather than detecting the enemy first and destroying it. So if your enemy shows up on passive radar, it is likely he is already in range to turn you into scrap metal, so try to find him first. Also try to get your allies to shoot down enemy aircraft as they provide early warning radar for the computers team. You have now learnt how to use your radar for hunt and sniff situations, but you will also need to use the radar for your various weapon systems, to do this study the needs of the particular weapons system. Once you have done this, you must decide whether its fire and forget situation, if so you only need to radar the target to get an initial lock, then fire the weapon immediately followed by your radar being turned off, the weapon being fired will then follow the initial lock-on the target and hopefully destroy it. If this method does not work radar the target and then be prepared to move backwards fast after or during the firing of your missile, so that ideally you can keep the target within your radar lock range while staying out of his firing range, which seems impossible at first but a pleasure when you master it. That's it hope it was useful, Good luck and happy gaming. This Article Copyright (c) 1995 Eurowave Leisure Ltd.