~Warcraft : Orcs & Humans Strategy game by BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT Review by Lu Richardson Anything which comes on four HD floppies is something of a curiousity these days, and I am inclined to think that it has to be well programmed and, therefore, worth having. Well, it is indeed a very nice game, reminiscent in some ways of Civilization - you know the sort of thing, overhead view, obscured screen which has to be explored to reveal what it contains. The graphics and animation are neat, the sounds good and the idea simple and catchy. The interface is a dream. You can play solo or with others, through a modem. And, as the name implies, it is all about humans trying to get rid of an orc plague. You get briefed on your mission, you go to the starting screen and you get on with it. There are two types of scenario: in the first, you have to build up a village in support of your warriors, and the first steps are to explore around to identify the source of two essential commodities: lumber and gold. Usually, the forest and the mines are quite close to the village and all you have to do is to explore around a little and send your two villagers to get the stuff. From there on you, you build your facilities and keep marauding orcs at bay with your warriors. Eventually, when you are all set, you go after the enemy and kill them all and destroy their village to win the level. It is not as easy as it sounds. The other scenario is when you have to explore a cave or whatever in order to get at some baddy or other. In this case, you cannot create any new units and you've got to manage with the warriors you've got. In both cases, strategy is vital and, until you hit on the right combination, you are likely to start each level several times - till you get really good at it. For gamplay so simple and even repetitive, it is extraordinary how addictive it can become. Of course, towards the end the whole thing goes over the top a little bit and eventually you'll reach a level impossible to complete - but, on the way, you will certainly have lots of fun. This Article Copyright (c) 1995 Eurowave Leisure Ltd.