~Sand Storm A collection of cheats. ~Level Codes SAND PODBAY - For mission 05 SAND KIRKUK - For mission 10 SAND TOMAHAWK - For mission 15 ~Edit Cheat to skip to desired level Edit the SAND.SAV file, and at offset 4 & 7 Change both according to following to skip level 01 for mission 1 0B for mission 11 02 for mission 2 0C for mission 12 03 for mission 3 0D for mission 13 04 for mission 4 0E for mission 14 05 for mission 5 0F for mission 15 06 for mission 6 10 for mission 16 07 for mission 7 11 for mission 17 08 for mission 8 12 for mission 18 09 for mission 9 13 for mission 19 0A for mission 10 14 for mission 20 e.g. change both offset to 10 to play mission 16 quit and restart game to make change effective.