~Gateway To Savage Empire Neutronium Dragon tips. Help posted on via Email by alfred_hailey@cyberstore.ca ~What are you supposed to do on the Gallant Prince and how do you ~get past the 'speaking face' on there ? The Gallant Prince... that was the ghost ship in Port Llast? In the northeastern cabin, you can search around and find the password. When you're asked, give it, you'll be let in. I don't recommend going into that back area unless your party has gained a few levels though, it's quite easy to get someone killed otherwise. ~How do I know when I've completely cleaned out the gardens in ~Neverwinter? How do I clean them out, anyhow ? As for the Neverwinter gardens, fight and win 3 battles in each of them, that'll do it, if I'm remembering right. Don't remember if there's actually a reward or not..