~Jungle Strike Tips and info. Most of the following was found while playing the Demo Cd-Version of Jungle Strike.Although it should be very useful to you in the full version. To destroy tanks. Fly around to its blind side and while it is turning. Fly around it a few times in a 360 degree motion and while you are right at the back of the tank and the tank still is only turned 180 deg. Fire 3 hydras into it this will destroy it. NOTE : Never take on a tank while head on, only do this if your armour is at full strength and that you have rescued Roz. The tanks rapid firing rate is very fast.And your firing rate will only match it if you rescue Roz. Also once you have rescued Roz in the first mission the firing rate of all your weapons are increased. For example : Gun - The firing rate of your Gun gets VERY fast. Missile - Instead of firing one missle when you press the fire button it will fire four in a row! Hydras - No noticable change to this except a slightly speed increase in firing rate. Always choose Roz. As your Winch Woman because she will enchance your weapons (described above). I don't know about the rest. ~Another Fancy Manouver - When you're fighting head to head against a tank and you are getting heavily battered, 1.Hold the Down key for 10 seconds. 2.Press Down and right together this will actually turn you round 180 degrees. 3.Now hold up for about 12 seconds you will fly away from the tank and out of its gun range. Also the Helicopters in Jungle Strike look like the heli you flied in Desert Strike. Were they leftovers from Desert Strike the Americans forgot to destroy? We'll never know. ~A Landing Tip ~------------- When you drop people off at the landing site.There is always a person that shoots rockets at you.He will miss because your heli is on the ground. ~General Problems Answered. I play the Full CD-ROM version of the game. With a full install,but the FMV is very jerky with 3-4 pauses between speech.I own a 486DX2 66MHZ,2X CD-ROM drive,4mb,Soundblaster V2. Kevin Replies : I had this problem with my second machine which has excatly same spec as above. On the box the game says it needs 2x Cd-Rom Drive,4mb ram with 3mb free extended.The only way to solve this problem(I found) is to copy the whole of the CD onto your hard drive.Remember the game only takes up 275mb out of nearly 600mb of CD.So you only need to copy 275mb to your hard drive.It is done by doing the following routine.Please note below the hard drive is C and the CD drive is D.Also make sure Smartdrive is loaded with the CD-ROM caching Module loaded(it only takes up 2k of conventiona l memory).Also I don't know where Jungle Strike is located on the CD so I am assuming that it is in a the Jungle is only directory on the CD(There one thing on the CD).Make sure you are at D:\ prompt: XCOPY D:\JUNGLE C:\JUNGLE /S /E It will ask you if Jungle is File or Directory on the target.Press D and now sit back and wait.Make yourself a cup of tea and a macroon because this will take at least 10 minutes on my 486DX2 66mhz it only took only 11 minutes.Once this is done.Reboot your computer to Unload Smartdrive,setup sound for Jungle Strike and play it as usual. The sound,FMV and music should play as normal with no stops. The above solution is the one I found,there may be others,like having a fragmented drive etc. Viola!! I keep running out of weapons!: Kevin Replies : Blow the circular mine shaped cones litterd around the playing area.These should reveal different iteams to either help you on your way,eg:replenish your ammo,amour etc.Also when you find Roz your rate of firing increases.This is described in this file. It gives me a Out of Memory error when I start the Game: Kevin Replies : You need at least 573K of Conventional memory to run the game and 3mb of Extended memory also to run the game. I get a message Could not find Jungle.Dat whenever I start a new campaign. Kevin Replies : The problem lives within the Path File.Just type the following: Path=C:\DOS;C:\JUNGLE;C:\WINDOWS.If you don't play the game much and want to create a batch file that will do the above & start the game for you. Use the following configution: Echo Jungle Strike Batch File Path=c:\dos;c:\jungle;c:\windows Jungle Name the file j.bat instead of Jungle.bat this will shorten the name and in the Jungle Strike directory instead of typing jungle to start the game you just have to type in "J". Scrolling is slow and doesn't seem to look smooth? Kevin Replies : Well,I looked at your problem and seems that Jungle Strike is like that.I can't do anything to stop it. Even though Desert Strike had better scrolling. The shadows are all weird colours!? Kevin Gorasia : Another Bug I found in Jungle Strike.You don't notice it too much on Jungle Terrian,but on other types of terrain it looks pretty weird. -Kevin Gorasia