~Help Needed This is the section where you can make a plea for help. Are you desperate for a tip to get past a certain part in a game, do you want a cheat/tip to help you out ? Well this is where you ask.... and if YOU CAN HELP then please do, by sending everything you have to the normal Cheet Sheets address.... ~Jungle Strike Has anybody got a trainer or will tell me the code to change to get unlimited bullets, rockets, armour etc. I need the above for the Jungle Strike CD-ROM Demo Version. PLEASE HELP! ~General Requests Here are a number games that some readers have requested in the past few months. If you can help or have any tips/cheats/hints etc on these game then please send them in as you will make a few people happy...... Baldies Jazz Jack Rabbit Hi-Octane Wacky Wheels Lemmings 3 Depth Dwellers Combat Patrol Across The Rhine Jutland Sleepwalker Cyberplasm Microcosm Lode Runner Sid & Als Tiny Toon Super Karts Robinsons Requiem Brutal Stone Prophet World Cup Golf Legions Earthsiege Virtuoso Last Dynasty Defender's of Earth Dr.Radiaki FX Fighters Virtual Pool Champship Manager 2 Chaos Control Earthworm Jim Silverload Striker '95 AIV Networks Command & Conquer Prototype Motor City Teen Agent Perfect General II Quantum Gate Orion Conspiracy Club Dead Tunnels & Trolls Consipracy Flight Unlimited Iron Assault Big Red Adventure Mordor Isle Of Dead Protostar Hammer Of The Gods 1830 Star Crusader Last Dynasty Dungeon Master II Savage Empire Phantasmagoria And help on any other games that haven't been covered (or not enough coverage) in past issues. FREE issues to anyone helping out....