~Doom II Level confusion sorted, via NetMail. Anyone any idea why at the end of level 32 I end up back at level 16? Is it meant to do that? Or have I missed a secret room or summat? That's 'cos you get to level 31 & 32 from level 15, so once you've done them you should progress to 16. They're the secret levels. Haven't been *CHEATING* have we? If you haven't, you would have known this......; I'll tell you how to get there properly, but I'd better SPOILER it or someone's bound to winge at me. Here goes: AFAICR, to get to level 31 from 15 you must drop off the centre block onto the small pillar in the lava; press the button and proceed to the far north of the lava where you should take out the cacodemons. Somewhere in that chamber a line trigger occurs which opens the entrance to the secret level; it's down the dim lava-filled passage in the bottom left-hand corner. Since you obviously know about IDCLEV, you could always use IDDT to find this yourself.