~Sleeping Gods Lie SLEEPING GODS LIE - landscape one and two solution. Typed in by PARASITE of LSD. Before you leave the hut, pick up the pebbles and the bowl, and then head through the north door. Shoot any bandits that get in the way and pick up anything they leave behind. Find the old man to the north and listen to his wisdom. In places you'll find trees with red berries on them which are healthy to eat. Go to the eastern exit and enter, pass through it to eastern caila. Head south and you find a mole hill which contains the back door key to the house. Go back to siuthern Caila and fill the bowl with water. Re-enter eastern Caila and head towards a pair of closely spaced trees. They let you through if you have water. Northern Taira can now be entered. In the north west corner you'll find the bandit leader. Shoot him and pick up the map he was carrying. Go to the east exit of northern Taira and you enter western Caila. You find a peasants hut, containing some useful items including a mouldy old lump of cheese. This can be used to distract the mice creatures, and they'll let you through the exits they guard. Chances are you'll have fought a good few bandits by now and picked up extra weapons. A staff is needed to kill the two headed at the north of western Caila. it drops a circlet of concentration when deceased. Return to the old man and he rewards you with a potion to find the hidden pass in the south west corner of northern Taira. It's represented by two closely spaced stones. Once you're into southern Taira you have only to find the magic tree at the centre and you're to the next kingdom. When you arrive you meet Prince Gregor. Travel east or south to another landscape and the enterance to the dwarven caves at the southern extreme of both landscapes. You need a lantern to climb down, dropped by a dwarf when you shoot near the enterance. Enter the caverns and head south. You find the spiders lair in the second cave, pick up a rope to allow escape from the caves. Go to the throne room of the dwarf king, to the side of the next southern cave. Kill him and grab the princes crown. Go back and give the crown to the prince who's waiting at the cave enterance. As a reward you are given some gold. Return to the caves and head for the southern exit. There's another molehill in the landscape which contains a blet of lung capacity. Combined with the poison darts and blow pipe, which you're bound to have come across by now, these make a very lethal weapon. Travel south and you encounter a fountain in southern Sylvar. Verily, this takes you into landscape number three......