~Alone In The Dark 3 - CD Animated Adventure by INFOGRAMES Solution By Lu Richardson. -------------------------- Having in front of you the solution to a game can ruin it for you. Therefore, you might be content to read the general tips only, just to give you an idea; alternatively, you can read up to the point in which you are stuck. It is worth resisting the temptation of reading on! Place a blank page on the text and move it down to the point you need, that way you can't even see what cames after. Sorry, it's the best we can do! General tips: The first word of advice is that you save very often. For instance, every time you get through some difficult bit OK, and before go into the next nightmare; try it out, and then restore and try again. In fact, sometimes is very important to do a dry run so that you know exactly where everything is, since you don't have a great deal of time in which to do what you have to and survive for the next round. The important thing here is to save hit points, and the only way you can do that is to work out beforehand the strategy you need in order to tackle each new peril; frankly, the guy handles so badly, you might make a mess of it the first time. In any case, you will note that on some occasions you can't help losing points, it's written into the game! But, why waste them unnecessarily? Another important point is that, if someone or something pops up and kills you without you being able to do anything about it (i.e., the interface does not respond), or if you are losing hit points for no reason that you can see, then you are doing something wrong - either you shouldn't be here yet or else you should be getting round that particular danger some other way. You will note that most important items you have to pick up are brightly coloured, or even the things you ought to investigate; so don't pass them up. On the other hand, don't assume that things which are not picked out that way can be ignored. Just make sure you attend first to the noticeable ones. It is inevitable that in your encounters, and no matter how you try, you are going to sustain some damage. The only way you are going to gain hit points is by drinking and eating; therefore, it's an advantage to lose as few hit points as you possibly can, as I said before. I found that, when it came to combat, by far the quickest and easiest way was to run to the enemy, crowd him in and fight bare-handed. By the time you get your gun ready and pointing in the right direction, a lot of harm has already been done to you. And besides, you need to conserve you ammo for later, when you are attacked in pairs and shooting yourself out of trouble is your only option. Above all, remember that the main difficulty in this game is the actual manoeuvring of the guy himself. Even when you know what he should be getting, or doing, in a particular spot, it might take you ages before you get him precisely where he should be. The same applies to positioning him for fighting. The solution which follows might make the whole thing seem easy - in fact, I had to think really hard in order to solve each problem; and I consider myself a fairly experienced player - so beware! I hope that this will help you on if you are stuck fast. The solution: The Saloon ---------- As the game starts, advance through the bridge. Watch what happens, there isn't anything you can do about it - just an intimation of things to come. As soon as you have control, go to the right towards the saloon's doors but first go a bit to the right of them to get some gas. You can go in now. In search mode, collect the can of oil, the maraca and the blue key from the table. These things are all brightly coloured and you'll see them readily; actually getting them will be another matter. Be patient and keep trying. Now put the gas in the generator (the strange contraption near the door) and watch. Go to the right but, before you go behind the counter, enter the opening and head left, still in search mode. You should find a box of matches. Save. Go right and behind the counter. Search the shelves and you should find some wood spirit (useless), a bottle and a flask. (This flask can be drunk and will restore hit points; I suggest you drink each flask as you find it, no point in carrying a lot of stuff; and, in any case, at certain points you lose all your items.) While you are rummaging around here, a guy will appear upstairs and start shooting at you. Glue yourself to the wall and try to remain directly under him till he goes away. With a bit of luck, you won't lose any hit points. The bottle should be thrown somewhere convenient around here - you get a broken bottle (which you don't need) and a token, but be careful where you break it, you might not be able to get at it. I found that the wall under the broken stairs was fine, but save before you try. Now for the moose head. If you stand to the right (as you look at it) and push, you are a dead duck. So, stand to the left and save your game. As soon as you've pushed, change instantly to fighting mode and run to the guy who comes up the trap. A couple of punches and he'll be dead. Keep trying till you can do this without losing too many hit points. You might try to shoot it out with him if you prefer. At any rate, once he is dead and the cat has disappeared, move forward and collect an ace and a golden bullet. Go down the trap. The Cellar ---------- You will find a lamp, but you'll be alone in the dark. Use the oil can, then the matches, then the lamp and you will be able to see. Walk along the big barrels and pick up the cane hanging on the wall to the left of them. In search mode, look at the poster. Save again. Go to the first barrel from the left and search/open. Step back and use the maraca. The snakes come out to play and you can go in the barrel. Keep going in till your guy climbs up the stairs. The Cells --------- There will be a nasty popping up the hole in the floor every few minutes, shooting at you. Although he is quite easy to fight, you have to be alert and jump at him at once before he can do you any damage. You might crowd him back into the hole. In between bouts, you have to be very quick and collect the stone from the bench and also go to the door of the cell and use the cane to collect the keys. Once you've opened the cell door by using these keys, get the heck out of here and don't return unless you want more fights. As you come out of the cell (save), throw the stone at a wall and collect the amulet that comes out of it. There is a door up and to the left and another door to the right. If you go to the top cell you can have an easy fight but there is nothing there. As to the door to the right, you can only go through if you have the amulet on you. When you come through this door, over the star on the floor, you can go left or right. If you go to the left and open a small door, Frankenstein's twin brother comes out and gives you heck, but there is nothing worth having here. So, go to the right, use the key you found in the Saloon on the padlock and search for a Winchester (it's not easy). Search the posters, they are illuminating. Search near the desk to the left, to get a star and bullets for the Winchester. Don't use them yet. Leave and go to the left, i.e., through the opening opposite the one with the star on the floor. Here we have the old obstruction ploy. Get to the right of the wardrobe and push to place it in front of the door and then push it from in front to make sure that the door cannot be opened. You see, if you don't, a guy comes in and shoots you dead and the program doesn't let you do anything about it. Look inside the wardrobe and get the shotgun, not that it'll do you any good. Now climb up the ladder. The Roof -------- As you come out pick up the whip, then go around the trap door and to the right. In front of a locked door there is an iron mat. Use it as protection. Go back and then forward to see the red beam. Save. You can nip in and get the voodoo rope avoiding the beam, but you have to be quick. Try from the side, get the thing and run on. And no more jokes about "voodoo? you do!" - IF you please! Basically, you want to walk round again by the locked door till you see a guy leaning on a wall. By the way, this particular hole in the ground leads to where our friend Frankenstein lurks, so you can't go down it till you kill him - not that it's at all necessary. Pick up the cartridge belt and save your game. Use the gold bullet and then the Winchester. Taking careful aim, from the safety of the parapet, shoot the guy with the golden bullet. If you miss, restore and make the necessary adjustments. Once he's dead, you can get the sack of scorpions he was carrying. Past here you will find a gatling gun and another flask as well as a fuse (by the barrel, near the crack on the wall). To open the locked door, use the gatling gun, but don't go mad. A couple of shots should do it. As soon as you are in, use the lit lamp and then the voodoo rope. Next, come close to the trap (the lever is jammed), but be careful not to drop in; and then put the bag of scorpions in it. This somehow shuts the trap and you are able to search the far wall where, to the right, you'll find a stick of dynamite and a piece of meat. But. No time for lunch. And now, for your next trick. Save. Leave this room and head for the room with the barrel. Ready your gatling gun because as soon as you come around the square hole in the floor you will be attacked from two sides - however, you should be able to dispatch the two guys quickly, one after the other. If you can't without getting hurt, try again till you get it right. As soon as you've done this and entered the room with the barrel, the door will shut and you will be shot at. Go immediately to the left of the door and glue yourself to the wall till the shooting is over. You should get away without the loss of any hit points. Save again. When the shooting is over, open the door. Go to the crack in the wall, by the barrel, and use the fuse on the dynamite stick and then the dynamite stick itself. Then use the matches, and now get out of the room quickly and hide behind the wall on the other side of the barrel. When the wall blows and there is a gap, go through it and step on the slab. A wall will open. Go along here, get the gatling gun ready and carry on ignoring the gap through which you can see a statue. You will meet with another nasty, but you should be able to blow him away with your gun. Proceed along here and you will see a machine with a missing gear. Use the sheriff's star on it, then the whip. You've got to stand in the right spot for this to work, so be patient - try the right side of the machine. This opens the door through which the nasty came out. Go in now, pick up the flask and use it and then step gingerly onto the planks. Advance carefully till you pick up some ammo for the Winchester. Back up until you are with your back to the wall. Save and then run along the planks. This lets you catapult into the window opposite. If you fall below, try again. The Hotel, Upstairs ------------------- The corridor: Deja vu? You are back at AITD 1; all the doors locked and a hole in the ground. Look at the plan on the wall and then move forward carefully - avoid the hole and pick up the ring. Use it and it separates into a diamond and a ring. Ignore the ghost marching across, one more won't make any difference. By the way, for some reason or other the gatling gun appears to jam about now; if you use the cartridge belt, you'll notice that there are less bullets in the gatling, but the belt disappears. I don't understand this bit. Matter of fact, I don't understand ANY of it. Now turn around and light the lamps with the matches, first the one nearest and to the right of the window. You get a good shaking and an aparition tells you that you now have an amulet which will bring you back from the dead. What amulet? I looked and looked and nothing! Well, I'll take his word for it. Never mind that, carry on lighting the four lamps and the door nearest and left of the window will open. First room: Go in and don't be alarmed if a guy suddenly appears and starts shooting around, he won't hurt you. Calmly pick up the newspaper on the floor and read it. The door closes behind you. A night valet by the ghost can be picked up, you never know when it'll come in handy. Face the clock and put the dried meat in the opening. You get a token, the vulture shuts up and the ghost jumps through the painting. I don't know about you, but I'm beginning to think that something very queer is going on around here. Second room: Go through the painting, search the dresser and pick up the pearl, the bullet (remember the poster you saw where you got the Winchester?) and a bulb. Look at the bed. Search the lady with the quiver and you will get an arrow. Use it on the Cupid-like statue and watch the sequence. This actually opens the door which closed on you. Great. Go to the dresser, push the mirror and get the key. You can go out on the landing, if you like, but you'll find yourself hemmed in by the hole, stairs you cannot use and a firmly locked door. It can get quite claustrophobic in this game. So, back into the room, through the painting, through the door now open and on to the room by the hole. Use the key to go in. Third room: Pick up the diary and the instructions and read them. Walk up to the statuette by the bed and search it. Use the diamond on it and you get more ammo for the Winchester. Believe me, you are going to need all you can find. The balcony: Go out cautiously. You will notice at once that part of the floor of the balcony is different from the rest. If you were to stand on it, you would be shot to pieces without being able to do anything about it. Approach carefully and place the night valet on this piece of flooring - try not to lose any hit points. Watch what happens. The maniac inside the room rushes out to press his trousers in the night valet and falls through; push the shutter from the side and it will fall across the gap so that you are able to go into the next room. Fourth room: Look at 3 the photos on the wall, pick up the key from the table and, behind it, the flash and the shutter release. Combine the bulb with the shutter release and then the release with the flash. You are all set. OK, out the way you came. The next room which will open to your key is the one to the right of the window through which you crashed so elegantly. Use the key and go in. Fifth room: There is a nasty waving deadly arms around - avoid it at all times by keeping well away from it (it can be done) and get to the side of the pianola. Use a token and watch. Go carefully to the contraption to the left of the door. Get into fighting mode and kick at it. It will fly open. Search it and get the items inside (a war stick and a flask). You will have noticed the round shape by the locker you've just opened. It's actually a reel - move right up to it, not to say on top of it, and use the flash. This will get rid of our friend on the wooden box. The box moves aside and you can drop into the hole which appears. The Cave -------- You will be set upon by a couple of bats - don't bother to try and fight them, it's too difficult and too costly in hit points. Just move smartly to the left and go through the opening as quickly as you can, where they won't touch you. In front of you, one of those horrible "jump from block to block" jobs in which you are going to die every few minutes. Since it is difficult to explain how you have to advance, because of the changes of perspective, I will first draw you a little map and then explain it all to you. [11] [6] [i] [13] [10/12] [7] [5] [s] [14] [9] [8] [4] [1] [15] [3] [2] Right. First of all, in order to jump safely, you have to be pretty well in the middle of each block and facing square on to the next. Don't attempt to place the guy in position by stepping forward - he takes a great stride and walks right off the block (the silly idiot!); it is best to make him take little steps backwards, even if you have to turn him around to do so. Save your game every time you land safely, otherwise you'll go nuts. And now for the explanation. [s] indicates the platform from which you start. Walk to block [1] and stand in the center, facing [2]. Choose the option Jump by pressing RETURN. Press the spacebar and you'll jump to [2]. Jump to the next three squares following the sequence I've given you. On block [5] you will find yourself facing an injun, on platform [i], who is blocking your way. Use the war stick and he will back off. Jump onto the [i] platform and pick up the key and the ammo. Save again and face [6]. Follow the sequence till you get to [10/12] - as you will have gathered, you have to jump to this block from [9], jump on to [11] and come back to [10/12]. Continue the sequence till you reach [15]. Now use the Indian amulet and watch. The Town Hall, Downstairs ------------------------- You'll come up through the floor (I do that all the time, don't you?); be ready to run to your assailant and, as soon as you are close, change to Fight mode and beat him up. As soon as you've done that, run forward to the other side of the hall, otherwise another nasty will shoot you up. This one, too, is easily beaten with a few kicks. Now you can explore the hall and get the top hat, the key and the flask. Note the cask of silver salts. First room: The key you've just picked up will open the door to the left of the hall. Go in and search all the shelves; you should find three books. One is the White Book, which appears to be blank, the other tells you about a curious watch and the third is locked - use the small key you found by the injun down below. It tells you about the White Book. Search the niche with the bust and you will find a watch. Keep going around the other wall and, when you get to the table, pick up the plate. Use it in front of the painting to the right of the table. Yes, I know that's silly. Now stand in front of the candle (on the table) and use the matches. Read the White Book. Go out to the hall and head for the other room. Second room: Use the watch to open it. As you come in, several things happen. Somebody shouts "don't shoot", so don't - advance towards the guy to get a message, then the guy with the gun moves towards the door. Move further into the room and watch what happens. Turn to the guy by the door and be ready to fight it out with a zombie. When that little lot is over, turn to the bust by the door and use the top hat on it. That's even sillier. You get more ammo. Have a look around, but what you have to do is shoot at the coloured window. It will shatter. Go up the ladder and out through the window. The Cemetery: Head straight for the circular stone in the middle and use the war stick. Watch. Now find the vault - you won't be able to go in because the entrance is too low. Find the tomb with the initials O. E.J. and stand to the right of it. Use the ace of diamonds on it and the tomb will open; you go in and pick up a message and, furthermore, a block comes out and conveniently deposits you at an upstairs window. The Town Hall, Upstairs ----------------------- The Kitchen: Collect the oil can, the bag of pemmican (eat it for more hit points) and a roll of film. If you walk around the cupboard, you come out through the door into the corridor. Go back in and inspect the spit under the bear's head. Use the can of oil and the wall will roll up. Go outside to the Ball Room. The Ball Room: Go right up to the stage and, to the right, search and you will find a guitar string, a music score and a safe key. On the way back to the kitchen, stop by a fat man (stage side of him) and search for a hammer. Opposite him there is a lady and, if you were to search there, you'd find some more ammo. However, the moment you get the hammer, the little guy who was watching the stage will come at you shooting non-stop. You might leg it out of here or, if you prefer, go right up to him and fight him with the down arrow key, i.e., kicking him. It takes a while, but you can kill him. Avoid the spinning guy at all costs. Apart from the ammo, there is nothing else to get here, so go back to the kitchen. Here, go behind the cupboard and out to the corridor. Go across to the locked door and use the bullet you've been carrying all this time. Once in place, use the hammer. This will open the door. The Makeup Room: Search the bench till you find a blasting cap, a map and a light bulb. Examine the map. Now go behind the partition and examine the table, which is broken. In the usual daft style in which this game sets and solves problems, use the guitar string and the light bulb on the table. It's mended. Use the music score and you will see the number 806. Now use the film reel and see if you can make any sense out of it. OK, all done here, go through the door to the left and into the Bank. The Bank: As you come in, you will see a doorway to the right. Don't go through it because there are three machine guns which will kill you. Walk straight ahead instead. You will come to a table - pick up the book and read it. Carry on and examine the painting. It will open; if it doesn't, go into fight mode and hit it. In search mode, keep looking and pressing the spacebar. You will see various numbers appear. When 806 pops up, leave and go to the doorway with the machine guns - you can go in now, you've deactivated them. When you come to the safe door, use the pearl on it and then the safe key. When the door opens, a nasty knocks you over and nicks your amulet. Run after him to beat him up and get it back. If you are too slow, he goes all the way back to the kitchen. You'll have no problems killing him. Now back to the safe, where you'll find a case and some more ammo. You can search the case, which is booby-trapped - but don't attempt to open it. Now search and open the window by the machine guns. You jump out and end up falling through the roof. The Store --------- A guy says he has a message for you. Advance towards him and you'll get it. Read it. OK, search around. You should get another flask (on the saddle, at the back of the room). I could find nothing else. Go to the cart and look inside - you find a detonator and some ammo; you also get into it and dash out of the doors. You finish up at the Station. The Station ----------- As soon as you are out of the cart, equip your gun, it's the only way to deal with the two guys who will come at you. Eliminate them. Now, then, you can get away with murder here, if you are very quick. First save your game and then go into the Station to see where everything is, don't worry about the nasties which will come at you and probably kill you. Just make sure you know where the board saying "Station" is, the pile of struts or whatever they are and the bell with the missing bit. Restore your game and turn the Action to Push. Rush in and push the board - the pot of paint will spill over it and the guy in the rafters will drop a key. Get it and search the pile, you'll get an eye-bolt. Run to the bell and Use the eye-bolt. It will appear in your hand. Press the spacebar and the up arrow to strike the bell; strike it this way three times. Save. The door will open, but don't rush out yet. Position yourself facing the door, but not to close. It shuts three times quickly and once slowly. Wait till the right time and go through. Again, don't waste any time. Save. Go to the right of the screen and, past a sort of post, use the blasting cap. Cross the lines and use the detonator. That sorts the Station out nicely. Now advance to the right and go to the Water Tower. You'll be asked to put down the money box and the key. Do so and watch. What am I, a man or cat? ------------------------ A cat, definitely. Right. This is what you do. And don't walk, RUN! Get out of the cave through the mouth of the Vault, out of the cemetery and go along the Town Hall to the Store. At the side, go to the cask of tar. Press the spacebar to step on it and get a paw mucky. Now run back to the Saloon, make for the broken stairs and you'll go up them. All the doors will be locked - carefully step to the edge of the hole and choose the option Jump. Take a running leap at the window and you'll jump to the other side. This time, go to the gap through which you can see the statue and, again, take another leap. You'll land on the statue and pick up the eagle-shaped nugget. Down and to the Town Hall. The doors will be open, so go in and dip your paw in the cask of silver salts. Make for the cemetery and you'll meet with a werewolf. No problem. Fight it and kill it with your silver paw. You will meet two more on the way to the Vault. Once inside the vault, you automatically drop the eagle in the fire. Watch the sequence. Where am I? ----------- You'll have noticed that the guy who run off dropped a gun. Pick it up, it's on the lines, not far from the tomb. You could also walk behind the tomb and get a piece of soap. At any rate, walk away from the blocked tunnel and go to the left to the Water Tower. Your double is waiting for you. Approach and put the colt on the ground, next go to him and you'll blend together. Pick up the colt and climb the stairs. Save. At the top, advance very gingerly, with mincing steps, to the left edge of the platform - the guy will climb down safely. As soon as you touch down, change to fight mode and start throwing punches - you should be able to knock off the nasty without losing any hit points. Pick up the brush and the flask. Walk around to a peg with a hole in the giant cask and use the brush on it. Go down. The Caves --------- Go along here and, to the right, when the passage opens up, you'll find a dead leaf. Continue on and look at the cross-section of the caves on the left. At the end of the corridor there is a blockage and a jammed lever. Also a diary to the right of this. Read it. Use the leaf on the Indian's head and the blockage will be removed. Go along here and pick up a flask in one of the cubicles - you'll find a pick in the cubicle to the left of the entrance. Go out through the other exit and pick up a couple of pages. Read them. OK. Save. Imagine that the edge of the platform consists of four sections. Step forward from the third from the left, and a flagstone will appear under your feet. (Note: when I say turn right or left I mean turn your character to his right or left.) Again, you have to be careful not to walk off the edge of the flagstone. Here we go. Step forward off the flagstone, step forward again, then turn left and go forward, turn right and go forward, go forward again, turn right and go forward, turn left and go forward, turn right and go forward, turn left and go forward. You can step now on solid rock. Phew. I hope for your sake I got that right! Save. Use the pick and run forward to the guy standing guard - hit him at once, you should be able to kill him without getting hurt. Go through, run and attack again immediately with the pick. You should have no trouble eliminating the guy with the axe. Pick up the book and read it. Search the shelves for the scorched book and read it. Now go to the column opposite the entrance. Get the candlestick on it and the green door will open. Beside the column there is a water pitcher. As you go through the door you will pick up a needle. Advance to the little guy with the gun and stop right in front of it. Use the pitcher, the door will fly open. Enter and pick up the piggy bank. Throw it and retrieve the microscope slide. Push the lever. When the door opens, step out. Move right along to the microscope and use the slide on it, then search the microscope. You will see four colours: white, green, blue, red. You have to push the right coloured tiles in the right order to get the door open. The Laboratory -------------- Once inside, turn to the right and search the bench to find a vial of poison. Back out and this time go opposite the door. You will see a cell with someone in it. Stand by the cell, near the distilling coil on the table and use (NOT drink) the poison. You will shrink. You are going to go through the bars of the cell but, before you step in, use the poison to poison the needle. Save. Go through and you'll get back to normal. Now, this is extremely difficult, so don't blame me if it doesn't work out. Use the needle and fight the guy with your hands. Sounds simple. The problem is that you can't do anything while he's bashing you, and the effect of this is that you get thrown backwards and you can't hit him. He has long arms and he just doesn't let up from beginning to end, and you need to get right up close to him to hit him with the needle. However, you will eventually kill him (though you may want to try a couple of times to see if you can get away with a minimum loss of hit points). Pick up the cell key (!), the straw and the bottle. Use the cell key to get out. Since there is no place else for you to go, stand by the still as before and use the poison. You shrink again, but this time you are going through the mouse hole. The Mouse Hole -------------- Again, save as soon as you are in because the next bit is very tricky. You might like to have a look to see what's in store for you, but then restore your game. Stand with your back nearly inside the entrance (you should be able to see the other side), use the straw and make sure you are square on (i.e., not slightly tilted to one side). Double click on the up arrow key to get running and about a "yard" from the protrusion on the edge, press the spacebar. You should pole vault over. Pick up the vial on the other side, by the exit, and save before you go through. The Spider's Cave ----------------- Go in first and have a look around so that you know where you are and before you do it for real. If you stick around long enough you will notice that the spider thing with red pants has to go to a little stream of lava to recharge. So! Restore your game and run directly to the stream - use on it the potion you found before you came in and then run around to stay clear of the spider till it goes to drink. It turns into a tiny one and you just go over and stomp on it. Most satisfying. Now you can go and get the pot of glue, being careful not to get caught in the web - back away. Go to the other end of the room and search/open the oval-shaped indentation in the cave wall. You get shot at for your pains, but you do get a peek in. Stand in the ray of light, face the wall and use the pot of glue. Change to Search/Open. Save. Press the forward arrow and you'll climb up the wall. The Headless Monster -------------------- You'll have noticed that things are getting tougher as they go along. Once more, you'll have to be very quick. As soon as you are up and allowed to move, turn to the character's right and run to the dresser. Press the spacebar and get the head. Turn right around and move to the edge of the hole (without falling through) and throw the head into it. You shout "Fetch!" and the monster jumps in. What a relief! Now move forward and pick up the ingot from the pedestal. Move to the right of it and push it out of the way. Get the flask and the Winchester. Equip the Winchester and save before you go through the open door. The Cobra --------- Be ready and start shooting at the guy by the other door and don't wait to see what he can do. You should be able to kill him if you are quick enough. Once he's dead, pick up another flask in the corner behind you, Cobra's wig and a coin. Look at the poster by the door and use the coin in it. The door opens - advance slowly and your guy will climb down. Pick up the box of matches and, don't faint, the next door will actually open. Watch what happens. Save. Emily, at last! --------------- Go around picking things up, but don't step on the markings on the floor which confine Emily. When you've explored all around, step in front of the crucible (under the oval opening) and use the ingot, then use the matches. Watch what happens. Pick up the wand (that's what the ingot has turned into). Go to Emily, and try your hand at the lever. Wot, a big guy like you can't shift it? Ah, well. Save and go through the door by the lever. As soon as you have control, turn right around, take a step back and throw the bottle of ammonia at the door - it must hit square on it or you are undone. Why you couldn't wake Emily while you were with her I don't know. Watch. A mere slip of a girl can push the lever you couldn't shift. When it's your turn, turn around and fight the nasty. When you've done, pick up the knife and go to the door with the spikes. Use Cobra's wig on the hook above the door. Save before you step up to the door, which will open to let you through. The Final Confrontation ----------------------- It would be best if, having saved your game, you went through the door and had a good look around, even if you get shot to pieces in the process. It will help enormously if you know exactly where to go and where everything is. Right. Through the door and run to the right, go straight in front of the eagle totem and use the wand. Run around to get the two brothers to step onto the circle round it, which will kill them. Now you've only got the metal guy outside - he won't come after you here. The best way to do things is to run out, do something, run back in to the safety of the totem, run out again, do the next thing, etc. You don't stand a chance if you leisurely try go about your business out there with that guy shooting at you all the time. So here is what you have to do: pick up a bag of coal, pick up a glove (and use it), turn the red tap on the machine on, use the knife and slash the cables by the other door, run back to the totem and watch. When the bad guy is eliminated, Emily will call to you from the door opposite the one you came in, now open. Go after her and walk to the front of the train. You will automatically climb into the engine. Use the coal in the furnace and then use the matches. Next, move a bit to the right and push the lever. Watch the finale. The End. Excuse me while I go and collapse somewhere handy... This Article Copyright 1995 of Lu Richardson. Written for Cheet Sheets Magazine.