~Descent Level 7 Big Boss .... Info from Netmail. Am I missing some easy way to kill the big boss man at the end of level 7? He's a tough one all right... I think that flying around the big pilar is the best strategy but when he shoots those green ball missle thingees you need to fly quickly through one of the tunnels in the pilar. The green balls will not be able to follow you through. I also find that the quad laser powered to level 4 does major damage to the cloaking guy. Good Luck. After trying a couple strategies I found this one to be the best: Fly along the outer wall while constantly sliding up and down. If your path was traced along the wall it would be sinusoidal. I can fly in this pattern indefinitely without taking any hits from the big toad. Of course, some adjustments must be made such as when he appears directly in front of you but it really isn't too hard. OR TRY THIS..... What I did first was practiced using the cheat codes to see how many times I would get blown away using the various techniques that I've seen posted here. Not very effective. I guess I'll have to work on my circling patterns. What I did discover was that you can kill everything without ever leaving your little hallway entrance. The three most important things when using this strategy are: 1) Listen! Turn up the FX Volume and the Music volume down. You'll be able to tell how close the Big One is by the sound of his motor. When you don't hear him you can either relax or pick off any visible Red Hulks without leaving the entrance. 2) Be patient! It takes time to kill him and if you're lucky he'll never even fire at you. When you hear him near slowly slide along one side of the passage while aiming at the edge of the wall on the other side. If you see any part of him stop immediately. If you're too aggressive he'll spot you and fire his missiles at you, so you better get back in a hurry and hope not too many plasma balls lock on. When you've stopped correctly just start blasting away with the quad lasers. Only one half of your lasers should hit him. The other two blasts will just hit the edge of the wall. If the middle of your sights is aimed at him and you're in the right spot you'll hit him with a few blasts or more and he will NOT fire at you. If he fires you went too far. If you'd like to speed up the process try firing missiles, but only ones fired from the same side as the lasers that hit him will get past the wall. If you edge along the wall until you see about a half an inch of lava and he's not there he must be on the other side. DO NOT go to the other side right away. Back up then creep up on the other side. He won't stay in the same spot for too long so don't panic if you can hear him, but not see him. This means he's below. Just back up and wait until the volume of his engine changes. 3) Kill the Red Hulks and Vulkies when the Big One is on the other side. This is the least of your priorities. Most of the trouble will be in the form of Red Hulks to the right (if you come in with the lava down). Just pick them off like you would the Big One by sliding to the left and aiming at the right side of the wall until you see something besides the orange wall. Fire as much as possible before heading back to allow their Homing Missile to crash into just outside the right wall. It'll probably take two or three trips per Reddie. It's okay if they fire. They "see" you better than the Big One does so it's nearly impossible to kill them without them firing. Just keep backing away and you'll see an explosion on the right wall when it's clear to edge up and blast away again. I hope this helps anybody is really frustrated with this game. The worst thing that could happen is that he appears right in front of you. In this case fire everything you've got. I don't see any hope of escaping so just let him pay. You'll die, but just pick up you're junk when you come back for more. This is a wimpy strategy, I know. But it IS a strategy. Exit stage left.