~Genesia A Mini Tutorial - By Simon Burrows `So, you got stuck on Genesia did you? Well, perhaps this little `step-through tutorial for beginners (or lamers) might help! `Obviously this is a very regimental and basic method of play, so `once you've mastered the play interface and the control system, `you can begin to develop your own plans and strategies to beat `off your neighbours in style!... ~` * * * `For those of you who really are thick, lets just go over the `icons before we start.... ` Hourglass - Click on top of this to end your go. ` Disk - To save and load games. ` Globe - To see a view of the whole land. ` 3D Graph - To see statistics about resources, morale etc. `Hammer & Anvil - To build things (eg, walls, barracks etc.). ` Bomb - To destroy things. ` ` Arm & Sword - To find battles. `Single Soldier - To find armies. ` Wagon - To find your wagons. ` Cannon - To find your cannons. ` Boat - To find your boats. ` Balloon - To find your balloons. `First of all we need to assign your inhabitants to various `trades. To do this, click on the brown flag icon to open the `trade window. From here you can drag your various residents to `the different trades. `Start with an architect. Use him to build first some fields, `then a warehouse, a drill and a well. By clicking on the `construction icon, you'll be presented with a list of the `constructions you can build, and what resources they will use up. `It's worth remembering that if you leave an architect alone, they `will come up with more and more houses, using up valuable wood. `Since there is a great need for your warehouse, well and drill, `therefore, building these first will ensure you still have enough `resources left to construct them! `Empty houses and food-filled warehouses draw inhabitants to your `settlement like a magnet, so keep your architect busy to start `attracting interest. `Make your first settler a farmer, then choose a woodsman and a `carpenter as soon as more people arrive. Next, build a workshop, `then assign the job of inventor to one of your settlers and he'll `start inventing there. In a little while, your inventor will `invent a wagon. Make yourself a blacksmith, then get him/her to `build one of these vehicles for you. `Now you have the wagon, build a shop to sell spare goods from the `warehouse. Next, build a barracks to generate some soldier- `settlers so you can seize neighbouring land later, and then a `temple to boost morale. Low morale is presented to you in the `form of settlers saying "I'm sick and tired of this piece of `land!". `Now start to build cannons. Also, start constructing workshops `on other lands so you can have more than one project being worked `on at the same time by your inventors. Its important to invent a `lightening rod to stop summer storm damage, and make sure you `research cold and plague as well. Don't research other disease `unless you feel you need to, as it is more important to `concentrate on the attacking inventions - cannons and balloons. `Make sure that, when building drills, they are not next to `houses, but on the top of hills instead, since the noise does `little for your popularity. Watch out for low morale among `soldiers, and if you find this is the case, take them back to the `barracks, discharge them, prey for them, then recruit them again `- that normally does the trick!! `Start thinking about bows fairly early, as these are great as `defense against balloons. Also, make sure you capture an enemy `cannon with two troops for success. `During combat, make sure you save before you make a move. Also, `ensure that you have enough action points to reach and destroy `your enemy on one turn, otherwise you'll get stranded on your `opponent's turn. If you don't have enough action points, `retreating may be the only sensible strategy. `When the season comes around to winter, turn all your settlers `except specialists and architects working on specific buildings, `into inventors. Change them only to blacksmiths when needed. If `you leave any settlers as any of the other trades, they will `accomplish nothing over the cold season. ~`Got That??? ` ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ~` SIMON BURROWS ` ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ This Article Copyright 1995 of Simon Burrows. Written for Cheet Sheets Magazine.