~Dark Forces Tips obtained via NetMail. ~Info The Dark Forces FAQ, contains complete info of the game, including cheats, hints, tips and complete walkthru of EVERY level. It can be obtained from the Cheet Sheets BBS or from Overflow Issue 7 (which should be available end of May 1995, for the usual Issue cost). Also available on the Cheet Sheets CD Vol.2 (Available June 1995). If there is any particular level you wish help on then please don't hesitate to write in with your problem, and I'll print the solution next issue....... ~Level 3 I am at the square thingy with four switches, yeah?...I know that one switch opens one sewage door...but which one will lead em to the scientist??....please help...admittedly I ahve not had the time to play it a lot, due to revision.... You have to go through each sewage door and throw the switches there. Then return to the second door to find the scientist. Be prepared for some tricky "platform" bits once you get there though... ~Prison Complex How on earth do you get anywhere on the prison complex? I know about the two doors the lift doesn`t stop at, but when I open them, the lift doesn`t get back fast enough :-(. I also know of a switch in a crawlway that resets every 17 secs - whassit for? On one level there's a door behind which is a room with a clue on the wall - the clue shows the lift shafts and where to postion the lifts so that you can drop on TOP of the lifts and climb into the air ducts - from here you can get behind the big door which doesn't open... ~Level 4 Please help, I am having trouble with the level which starts on the cliffs. I get into the facility just fine and do what it is I'm supposed to do, but when I retrace my steps back out, I can't get out. Is there another way out or am I doing something wrong. There are two parts to this level. One you must find the blast doors outside, and drop down the back of them. You'll kill a few guards and should be able to lower them. Then without bothering shooting anyone else, go back to the ledge with a stormtrooper and a shield on it and jump across. Then make you're way into the facility and you should be able to get out of the doors you opened earlier! (Jeremy Riley) ~Next Issue...... In Issue 41, I will be printing another collection of tips for levels that you are stuck on.... Look out for them next Issue !!!!