~Guilty 3 ENGLIS03.PCX ENGLIS04.PCX ENGLIS08.PCX Animated Adventure by PSYGNOSIS Reviewed By Lu Richardson This is the sequel to Inocent Until Caught, one of the few adventures I've ever given up in disgust. Why? Because you just could not see the items which were vital to complete the game. Because of the lack of logic behind the puzzles. Because it went beyond trying to keep me interested and lapsed into utter boredom. So, with some trepidation, I had a look at Guilty. Yep, the same excellent graphics and fairly logical interface (the right icons flash according to what you can do - but you have to cover every pixel on the screen! And don't be too sure about anything), the same smooth animation and feeble attempts at humour (though I LOVED the Jewish Momma computer). And the same problem with spotting items. However, this time I was ready for that. Not that it did me any good. The storyline is that you get picked up by a cop when your attempted holdup fails (probably due to the uncooperative cow, of the dairy sort, who was meant to help you) and are taken into a ship so that you can be sent to jail. However, things go slightly wrong and you wind up visiting various planets and sorting divers problems out. At the outset you can choose to be the female or the male character, which means that you can play the game in different ways; actually, two sides of the same coin. It makes better sense if you play with both characters, first the male then the female. That's a plus - so many of these run-of-the-mill games just get played once and are instantly forgotten. In this case, you can have another bash and see what's new - before you forget it. The thread of the story is so loose that it's hardly worth following. The object of the exercise seems to be to land on various planets and do your stuff; just you solve the puzzles, never mind that you don't know why you are doing all this. There are some aliens to sort out, I expect you'll come across them sometime. The whole thing is very disjointed and the problems you have to solve are hardly inspired, let alone logical. They are tough mainly because it's difficult to see the one thing which holds the key to the solution. In other words, you would have no problem solving the puzzles if only the important items were easier to see. Only one thing is original in this game; move the Examine cursor around the character and his eyes will follow it. Now, THAT's amusing. Apart from that, a very ordinary adventure which should keep you entertained for a while, till you get stuck. Which most people undoubtedly will. Due to the current lack of RPGs and adventures (it's all shoot'em ups and space flight games at the moment) this product will probably be more popular than it actually deserves. Still, I've seen a lot worse. This Article Copyright 1995 of Lu Richardson. Written for Cheet Sheets Magazine.