$This time we have an interview $with Freezerburn/Vertigo. To verify, $you can mail him: $treadwam@marietta.edu $This is Theta14 talking. This is Freezer talking. $1.) How and when did you get $into ZZT? Well, i got into zzt way back in 1995, or so. But I didn't get STK, or any of that happy crap until maybe 1998. When I actually got into the commune, I was pre-chaos&disorder. I joined a company, quit that company, joined ERI, released an art collection, quit ERI, joined Interactive Fantasies, quit Interactive Fantasies, became president of ERI. And now I'm here. $2.) What games/utils have you $released in ZZT/MZX? Well, sadly to say, I only have an art collection that's about a year old. I released an extremely crappy 24hoz game... "Freezerburned". But, if you want a piece of my updated work just email me, and ask. $3.) What are your favorite $ZZT/MZX games? Gem Hunter, by far are the coolest games. I also liked The Caverns of Zeux series for MZX.Kings Quest 1 & 2. Teen Priest 1, and 2. Winter. Escape from Zyla Island. and Tuts Tomb Legends. $4.) What is your favorite $type of ZZT/MZX game? RPG. Mainly because I'm an RPGuy. RPGuy. Catchy. $5.) Do you have any tips $for beginning programmers? 3 things. One, don't be annoying. Two, don't start off on the boards. Three, don't start your own newbie company. $6.) How did you get your $ZZT nickname? Heh. I have two. Freezerburn came from the thing that meats get if they're left in the freezer too long. Although, most people call me an oxymoron. Vertigo is just a cool name. Ect. $7.) What do you think is $most important in a ZZT $/MZX game? Plot, storyline, and atmosphere. With a touch of graphix, and programming. $8.) Do you have any $future projects in ZZT/ $MZX? Err. RUIN (zzt), The Judge of Dreams (zzt, dedicated to zenith), North (zzt, with Hercules) and the ill-fated Dark Metropolis (zzt, prolly will be the sequel to RUIN.) $9.) Any comments? Always keep the Florida Love. And leave the hard times, to freezer. Cya Theta, nice talkin.