Patches are provided as a courtesy. If you have any difficulties contact the vendor for assistance. ______________________________________________________________ Listed below are this month's patches. Each game is installed in its own unique way. It is suggested that you extract the patch you are interested in to a temporary directory on your hard drive and follow the instructions that are provided for installation. To decompress a zipped (ZIP) file go to the patches directory and type 'PKUNZIP file C:\TEMP -D' This will extract the 'file' you want to a temp directory on your hard drive. Type PKUNZIP for a list of the commands that are available. If PKUNZIP is not already installed on your computer it is provided in the patches directory. Copy PK204G.EXE to a temporary directory on your hard drive and run it. This will extract the files, PKZIP, PKZIPFIX, and PKUNZIP. Copy these files to your DOS directory or include them in your path statement. ================================================================ Absolute Zero bgg101.exe Battleground Gettysburg 1.01 cc119p.exe Command & Conquer V1.07 to 1.19 update Day of the tentacle Fate of Atlantis gnb10_12.exe Great Naval Battles 3 v1.0 to 1.2 update gnb11_12.exe Great Naval Battles 3 v1.1 to 1.2 update Grand Prix Manager 1.01 Harpoon Classic for Windows 1.5 to 1.55d Need for Speed nfs.txt Need for Speed patch instructions Capitalism 1.01 pball112.exe PBA Bowling for Windows 95 1.12 StoneKeep thunder.exe Thunderscape 1.1