mysql-3.23.52: description + notes

MySQL is a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user, and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server. The MySQL web site and release announcement have more details. Note that simply installing fw_mysql does not create a mysql user or change ownership of the /var/spool/mysql directory tree.

This package has been compiled with Berkeley DB and InnoDB transactional tables, and with tcp_wrappers support.

MySQL version 3.23 has been declared stable, and can now be safely used in production environments. Apart from being more stable, more optimized and more portable, the MySQL 3.23 release has several major features not present in the 3.22 or 3.21 releases. These include: full-text search, replication between a master and many slaves and several new table handlers that support large files and transactions by using the Berkeley DB library from Sleepycat Software to implement transaction-safe tables.

Special thanks to Andrea Suatoni ( for helping port this package to IRIX.
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