Special Files (7)

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


alp (7) - algorithm pool management module
arp (7P) - Address Resolution Protocol



ccsync (7M) - Power Fortran join accelerator.
cdsio (7) - 6-port serial I/O
clone (7) - open any minor device on a STREAMS driver
connld (7) - line discipline for unique stream connections
console (7) - console interface
cserialio (7) - character driver interface to serial communication ports


db (7P) - local name service database
dks, jag (7M) - dksc (SCSI) disk driver
dlpi (7) - data link provider interface
dmrb (7M) - digital media ring buffer device
dn_ll, dn_netman (7) - 4DDN special files
dns (7P) - Domain Name Service
drain (7P) - capture unimplemented link-layer protocols
ds (7M) - generic (user mode) SCSI driver
duart (7) - on-board serial ports


eg (7) - gigabit ethernet driver
ei (7) - external interrupts interface
ethernet (7) - Ethernet controllers


failover (7M) - disk device alternate path support
fddi (7) - IRIS-4D Series FDDI controllers
files (7P) - local files name service parser library
fsctl (7) - operations on a mounted file system


genlock (7) - genlock capability on IRIS-4D Series machines
gse (7) - Silicon Graphics 5080 workstation interface card
gvo (7) - Serial digital video option for Onyx InfiniteReality graphics


hitachi (7) - driver for Hitachi HDG-J series tablets


icmp (7P) - Internet Control Message Protocol
ik (7) - Ikon 10088 (ikc) parallel interface controller
imon (7M) - inode monitor device
imp (7) - driver for IMP wireless presentation mouse
inet (7F) - Internet protocol family
input (7) - input devices
intro (7) - introduction to special files
ip (7P) - Internet Protocol
ipx (7M) - IPX Streams Multiplexor Driver
isdn (7m) - Integrated Services Digital Network



kbd (7) - generalized string translation module
keyboard (7) - keyboard specifications
klog (7) - kernel error logging interface


ldap (7P) - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (Client)
llc2 (7) - DLPI multiplexor-driver
log (7) - interface to STREAMS error logging and event tracing


mdbm (7P) - local name service database
mem, kmem, mmem (7) - core memory
mouse (7) - mouse specifications
msg (7D) - Text formatting macros for UNICOS and IRIX messages
mtio (7) - magnetic tape interface


ndbm (7P) - local name service database
networking (7) - introduction to networking facilities
nis, yp, ypbind (7P) - Network Information Services Protocol (Client)
nisserv, ypserv (7P) - Network Information Services Protocol (Server)
null (7) - the null file
nwfs (7M) - NetWare File System


O2Video (7) - O2 Video System


par (7) - process activity reporting device
pciba (7M) - User level PCI Bus Adapter interface.
pckeyboard (7) - keyboard specifications
pcmouse (7) - mouse specifications
plp (7) - parallel line printer interface
prf (7) - operating system profiler
pty, pts (7M) - pseudo terminal driver



raw (7F) - raw network protocol family
root, rroot, usr, rusr, swap, rswap (7M) - partition names
route (7P) - kernel packet forwarding database


sad (7) - STREAMS Administrative Driver
samp (7) - Security Attribute Modulation Protocol
satmp (7) - Security Attribute Token Mapping Protocol (SATMP)
scsiha (7M) - SCSI bus and loop operation driver
serial (7) - serial communication ports
smfd, floppy, floptical (7M) - driver for SCSI floppy and floptical disk drives
snoop (7P) - network monitoring protocol
stereo (7) - stereo viewing on Silicon Graphics systems
streamio (7) - STREAMS ioctl commands
sysctlr (7M) - Onyx and Challenge L/XL system controller communication device


t3270 (7) - Silicon Graphics 3270 interface card
tcp (7P) - Internet Transmission Control Protocol
termio, termios (7) - general terminal interfaces
ticlts, ticots, ticotsord (7) - loopback transport providers
timod (7) - Transport Interface cooperating STREAMS module
tirdwr (7) - Transport Interface read/write interface STREAMS module
tokenring (7) - IRIS-4D Series Token Ring controllers
tps, tpsc (7M) - SCSI tape interface
trusted_networking (7) - Trusted IRIX network administration: basic concepts.
tsd (7) - TELNET server protocol STREAMS device
tsix (7) - Trusted Security Information Exchange
tty (7) - controlling terminal interface


udp (7P) - Internet User Datagram Protocol
unix (7F) - UNIX-domain protocol family
usema, usemaclone (7M) - software semaphore driver
usrdma (7M) - User-Level DMA engine support interface.
usrpci (7M) - Obsolete User level PCI Bus adapter interface.
usrvme (7M) - User level VME Bus adapter interface.


vh (7M) - disk volume header
vino (7) - on-board video input system for Indy
vlan (7) - VLAN Interface Library



xlv (7M) - logical volume disk driver
xlv_labd, xlv_plexd, xlvd (7M) - logical volume daemons



zero (7) - source of zeroes