" VI ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM " """""""""""""""""""""" " Copyright (C) by Ove Ruben R Olsen (rubenro@viggo.blh.no) " All rights reserved " " The author is NOT responsible for any damage this package may make. " " " Unmap the temporary mappings. " remap q " remap g " unmap O unmap U unmap W unmap A unmap E unmap D unmap F unmap R unmap X map g 'h map q :rew :map q u'h vi-online/vi.help 755 47103 4231 17163 5042163772 7447 ############################################################################### # Version: 1.01 # VI ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM # # Copyright (C) by Ove Ruben R Olsen (rubenro@viggo.blh.no) # All rights reserved # # The author is NOT responsible for any damage this package may make. # See the file 'olh' for more information about this system. # # TO START THE ON-LINE HELP: # Type 'g' to go. After a little while type 'q' to exit back to your # original file. Type ^H to get help while editing. # # This help is aimed a starters. Some key's have been remapped. # # CREDITS: # 'Vi Reference' by Maarten Lithmaath # 'Vi Macros, Abbreviations and Buffers' by Fred Buck # # ############################################################################## --> 29 ############################################################################### # VI ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM Moving around. # # LEFT RIGHT # UP DOWN # # # Character h l # Line k j # Find character F f # Beginning of line - + # Till after char. T t # To line from TOP/BOTTOM H L # Begining of word b w # Screen ^B ^F # Begining of WORD B W # # End of word e # Mark a place m # End of WORD E # Move to a marked place ' # Sentence ( ) # Find next bracket % # Paragraph { } # # Whole Line 0 $ # # Repeat last fFtT , ; # See also: Finding text. ^F # # ############################################################################### --> 49 ############################################################################### # VI ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM Entering text. # # End all command bellow with # # Append after cursor a # Change from curs. to (CHAR) c # Append after end of line A # Change from curs. to (LINES) cc # Insert before cursor i # Change rest of line C # Insert at beginning of line I # Switch upper/lower case ~ # Open a new line below line o # Join lines J # Open a new line above line O # Repeat last command . # Put a buffer bellow line p # # Put a buffer above line P # can be any of the characters # Replace characters r # in the Moving around sectionn. ^M # Overite the rest of line R # # Substitue characters s # # Substitue the rest of line S # See also: Moving around ^M # # ############################################################################### --> 69 ############################################################################### # VI ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM Deleting text. # # Delete chart after cursor x # # Delete chars before cursor X # # Delete form cursor to d # can be any of the characters # Delete lines dd # in the Moving around section. ^M # Delete to rest of line D # # Repeat last command . # See also: Moving around ^M # # ############################################################################### --> 89 ############################################################################### # VI ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM Finding and Replace text. # # Search a string forwards /string # Search a string backwards ?string # Repeat last /,? n # Opposite to n N # # Search and substitue: :x,y s/SEARCH/REPLACE/g # # Where x and y are fileadresses, and the string SEARCH will be # replaced with REPLACE. # # EXAMPLE: replace all 'Moveing' with 'Moving' in the current file: # :1,$ s/Moveing/Moving # ############################################################################### --> 109 ############################################################################### # VI ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM Yanking text. # # Yank from begging to y # can be any of the characters # Yank lines yy # in the Moving around section. ^M # Yank current line Y # # Mark cursor possition m # # Fins marked cursom possition ' # See also: Moving around. ^M # # ############################################################################### --> 129 ############################################################################### # VI ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM Undoing changes. # # Undo latest change u # Undo all changes on a line U # Restart editing current file :e! # Quit vi without writing :q! # ############################################################################### --> 149 ############################################################################### # VI ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM Some ex commands. # # Quit vi unless change :q # Next file :n # Quit vi without saving :q! # Rewind filelist :rew # Write file :w # Rewind filelist w/o saving :rew! # Write to file :w # # Overwrite file :w # Switch to ex Q # Write and quit :wq # Switch to vi :vi # Stronger write and quit :wq! # # Same as :wq and wq! :x :x! # # Edit alternate file :e # # # ############################################################################### --> 169 ############################################################################### # VI ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM Miscanselous info. # # Some of these commands may not work when you have this help system. # # Save and quit vi (:wq!) ZZ # Scroll downwards ^D # Status information ^G # Scroll upwards ^U # Refresh screen ^L # Start a shell :sh # Expose more lines at bottom ^E # Pass file-adresses to a # Expose more lines at top ^Y # external program :x,y! # ############################################################################### --> 189 ############################################################################### # Version: 1.01 # VI ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM # # Copyright (C) by Ove Ruben R Olsen (rubenro@viggo.blh.no) # # The author is NOT responsible for any damage this package may make. # # USAGE: # To get help press the key for desired help. Eg. CTRL-H will give you # this helpscreen. To quit the man-page press q. # # # HELP-PAGES: # # ^H - This page. ^R - Remebering text (Yanking). # ^A - Moving around. ^T - Finding and replace text. # ^E - Entering text. ^O - Miscanselous info. # ^N - Deleting text. ^X - Some ex commands. # ^U - Undoing changes. # # Nearly all vi commands may take a numeric argument ############################################################################## ' # Sentence ( ) # Find next bracket % # Paragraph { } # # Whole Line 0 $ # # Repeat last fFtT , ; # See also: Finding text. ^F # # ############################################################################### --> 49 #######################################vi-online/vi.olh 755 47103 4231 5155 5042163734 7255 " VI ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM " """""""""""""""""""""" " Copyright (C) by Ove Ruben R Olsen (rubenro@viggo.blh.no) " All rights reserved " " Version: 1.01, Sun Jul 21 02:58:49 MET DST 1991 " " The author is NOT responsible for any damage this package may make. " " You may freely distribute this system as long as you don't get " paid for doing so. " " All copyright info on all files should be intact. " " You are may NOT change this files without mailing the author " your changes for inclusion in later editions/versions. " " Please mail all bug-reports, suggestions et.al to rubenro@viggo.blh.no " " You may find this package on anon. ftp: alf.uib.no ( " pub/lpf/misc/vi.online-100.tar.Z " " " CREDITS: " " 'Vi Reference' by Maarten Lithmaath " 'Vi Macros, Abbreviations and Buffers' by Fred Buck " " " " INSTALLATION: " " Copy the files vi.{olh,ende,help} to /usr/local/lib. " If you don't want them there, change the path. No need to mailing the " author for this. " " Put map  :source /usr/local/lib/vi.olh in your ~/.exrc or your " EXINIT or other places where you need the vi online manual. " Everytime you hit CTRL-H in command mode you will load the help-system. " " When entering ^H or other controll characters in vi, type ^V before " you enter your controll char. " " After doing this you are ready to use the on-line help system " " " " THIS SYTEM WORKS ON: " " SunOS 4.1.1 - 4/75 " HP-UX A.B7.00 - B9000/825 /834 " bsd 4.3 - Unknown " " " " HOW THIS WORKS: " " The 'g' macro start's it all after first reading inn the helpfile. " It works like this: Yank the differenct sections into different " buffers. Map various controll-keys to display various sections. " " After assiging to different buffers, we source the file vi.ende to " get rid of the various temporary mappings. " " set remap redraw map g 190GW30GA50GE70GD90GF110GR130GU150GX170GOq1G " " Temporary mappings. " map W "h23yy map A "m18yy map E "e19yy map D "d11yy map F "f17yy map R "r10yy map U "u9yy map X "x14yy map O "o12yy " " " Controll key mappings. " map  mhH"hP map  mhH"mP map  mhH"eP map  mhH"dP map  mhH"fP map  mhH"rP map  mhH"uP map  mhH"xP map  mhH"oP " " " To end it all. " You may change the path without mailing the author. " map q :source /usr/local/lib/vi.ende " " " Write current file and load the helpfile. " " You may have to change the path to the helpfile. " You are allowed to do so without mailing the author. " w! e! /usr/local/lib/vi.help " . # Put a buffer bellow line p # # Put a buffer above line P # can be any of the characters # Replace characters r # in the Moving around sectionn. ^M # Overite the rest of line R # # Substitue characters s # # Substitue the rest of line S # See also: Moving around ^M # # ################ers # Yank lines yy # in the Moving around section. ^M # Yank current line Y # # Mark cursor possition m # # Fins marked cursom possition ' # See also: Moving around. ^M # # ############################################################################### --> 129 ############################################################################### # VI ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM Undoing changes. # # Undo latest change u # Undo all changes on a line U # Restart editing current file :e! # Quit vi without writing :q! # ############################################################################### --> 149 ############################################################################### # VI ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM Some ex commands. # # Quit vi unless change :q # Next file :n # Quit vi without saving :q! # Rewind filelist :rew # Write file :w # Rewind filelist w/o saving :rew! # Write to file :w # # Overwrite file :w # Switch to ex Q # Write and quit :wq # Switch to vi :vi # Stronger write and quit :wq! # # Same as :wq and wq! :x :x! # # Edit alternate file :e # # # ############################files . #. #..arouaroua "re yon a. #