Archive-name: college-email/part1 Last-Modified: Mon Apr 13 22:33:27 1992 by Mark Kantrowitz Version: 3.18 This is a summary of how to find email addresses for undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff at various colleges and universities. If your university is not listed, send me a detailed description of how to find email addresses there and I'll add it to this list. Please mail ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS, SUGGESTIONS, and OTHER INFORMATION to me at I will *not* answer requests for help finding a specific address; if the school is not listed in this posting, I probably do not have any information about the site, and certainly do not have the time to answer the mail. An updated version of this list is posted every once in a while to the newsgroups, and news.answers. The version date for this list is located at the top of the file. The list is also available via anonymous ftp from (or any other CMU CS machine) in the directory /afs/ as the files college-email-1.text and college-email-2.text. Note that you must cd to this directory in one fell swoop, as intermediate directories are protected. Of course, if your site is running the Andrew File System, you may access the file directly without using FTP. You can also get the file by anonymous ftp from ( in the file /pub/usenet/, or by sending a mail message to "" with the subject "send usenet/". A copy of this file may be found on the WAIS server at, thanks to Edward Vielmetti (, After a discussion of general facilities for locating email addresses, we present detailed information on locating the email addresses of students, faculty and staff at various universities. Disclaimer: Most universities have restrictions on the uses of directory information. So don't use this info for commercial purposes or whatnot without securing permission from the individual colleges and universities. ;;; ******************************** ;;; General Facilities ************* ;;; ******************************** There are several general facilities for locating an email address. We concentrate on those usable from the internet. o finger Finger is a user information lookup program that lists the login name, full name, office location and phone number (if known), login time, idle time, time mail was last read, and the contents of the .plan and .project files from the home directory of current UNIX users. The information listed varies from site to site, and not all sites allow remote fingering. [Plan files are "sys$login:plan" on VMS systems.] To use finger, simply call finger as follows finger @ replacing with the name of the appropriate machine, and with the name of the person or the person's login ID. For example, % finger [CS.CMU.EDU] [ Forwarding mkant as "" ] [A.GP.CS.CMU.EDU] Login name: mkant In real life: Mark Kantrowitz Directory: /usr2/mkant Shell: /usr/cs/bin/csh Last login Tue Apr 2 15:21 on ttyQ7 from LION.OZ.CS.CMU.EDU No new mail, last read on Thu Apr 11 16:27 Notice how fingering my userid at the generic address forwarded the request to the correct machine. Many universities are set up to do forwarding in this manner, so that mail may be sent to the generic address and is automatically forwarded to the maildrop on the machine where the user receives his or her mail. Fingering using last names or full names may work, depending on the site: % finger [CS.CMU.EDU] [ Forwarding Mark.Kantrowitz as "" ] % finger [CS.CMU.EDU] [ Forwarding kantrowitz as "" ] Some sites with use an underscore (_) instead of a period (.) in the full name (e.g., Mark_Kantrowitz), or require an extra period to specify middle initials (Mark.X.Kantrowitz). If fingering using the last name doesn't work, you can try sampling various possibilities for userids. The following are some possibilities. After the description of each possibility, I give an example in square brackets with either my name (Mark Kantrowitz, no middle initial) or "John C Smith", and a generic acronym for the method (these acronyms will be used in the detailed listings section of this file). - Many UNIX sites limit userids to 8 characters, so try the first 8 characters of the last name. [smith or kantrowi] llllllll - If there are two people with the same last name, the first initial (and possibly the middle initial as well) are appended at the front of the name. [jsmith or jcsmith] flllllll fmllllll - Try appending the initials at the end of the name. [smithj or smithjc] lllllllf llllllfm - Try the initials of the users name. [jcs] fml Unfortunately, you cannot finger to bitnet addresses. o whois/nicname Whois is the DARPA Internet user name directory service. Do whois help nicname -h to get a help message. The whois and nicname programs will check the database maintained by SRI-NIC (Network Information Center at SRI International) for the given names. For example, nicname whois whois -h (e.g., whois -h ) This is only useful for people listed in the database. You can also get some of this information by telneting to and running whois and host there. o Merit Network NetMail database Allows one to find the appropriate bitnet, internet or uucp address for a site given part of the address. telnet At the "Which Host?" prompt, type netmailsites then enter any part of the address you want. o nslook/nslookup and hostq programs Some sites have programs which will give you information about a host given its name or IP address. Some such programs include nslook, nslookup, and hostq. o help/gripe/olc If your site has consultants or facilities staff responsible for helping users/fixing bugs/maintaining software, try sending them mail. Often they will be able to help you. If you don't know how to contact these people, ask someone in your department, or try sending mail to the userid 'help'. o postmaster Most sites have an individual responsible for network and mail operations at the site, usually with the userid of 'postmaster'. So if you're having trouble with mail, first send mail to postmaster at your site, and if that fails, try sending it to postmaster at the destination site. Postmasters are usually very busy people, so try not to bother them much. o /etc/hosts Mail routing on the internet use to use a large file called /etc/hosts to validate host names. This file contained information regarding the known hosts on the network. Many sites have switched to using the BIND name server for this purpose, so the file /etc/hosts may be horribly out of date. On the other hand, some sites may use /etc/hosts as a backup when the name server isn't running. Usually sites will create the /etc/hosts file from the host data base maintained at SRI-NIC; unfortunately, the SRI-NIC database is incomplete. In any event, if you don't know the name of a machine at the university your friend is at, you can try greping through /etc/hosts for the university name or acronym to possibly come up with a likely for the site. o LISTSERV If the person is subscribed to a mailing list through a LISTSERV server, sending mail to the server with the line WHOIS may catch the person. For example, This is an unlikely option. It also does not work with all listserv implementations. ;;; ******************************** ;;; Miscellaneous Notes ************ ;;; ******************************** Addresses overseas tend to have their components reversed. For example, will work fine if you happen to be in UK domain, but not in the US or the rest of the world. Use instead. ;;; ******************************** ;;; Email Database ***************** ;;; ******************************** Arizona State University: Academic Machines: Grad, Undergrad -- also asuacvax.bitnet -- finger works -- also asuacad.bitnet -- finger doesn't work Usually all computer whizkids have accounts on either of these machines. USERNAMES are typically a followed by g for grad assistants/associates u for undergrads, z and s for other grads followed by first letters of first, middle and last names thus making up a 5 letter userid for all academic machines. Engineering machines: Grad, Undergrad -- Unix -- can finger first/last names or userids -- Unix -- same as above -- VMS -- Only userid fingering works. Usually csc and eee undergrads who use comps get accts on enuxha and almost all grads have accts on enuxha which is the most popular machine due to USENET. Auburn University: (Auburn, AL) Engineering: Other departments: Try fingering at,, or Ball State University: University Computing Services: username@bsuvax1.bitnet Some faculty and grad students have accounts on this machine. CS: Barnard: See Columbia. Bates College (Lewiston, Maine): Students and Faculty: userids are of the form flllllll. Numbers are added to the end of the userid in case of name conflicts. Baylor College of Medicine: The central mail server is and finger will get you any faculty or staff user that makes use of the central mail facility. finger will get you any student that makes use of the student email facility. whois -h gets you the on-line phone/address book. This is directly tied to the BCM personnel database, so the information is as accurate as possible. Questions about these facilities should be directed to Birmingham-Southern College (Birmingham, AL): bsc835! where userid are of the form flllllll. Postmaster is bsc835! Boston Univ.: Main campus system: (buacca.bitnet) Everyone can get accounts on this machine, but not everyone does. Call the person and ask (they may never log on even if they have an account). Student Directory 617-353-3700, Faculty 617-353-2000. Usernames are ssspppc where sss = school (or major if College of Liberal Arts) (SMG - School of Management, POL - poli sci, etc.) ppp = 3 characters of semi-random garbage c = the letter 'c', indicating a Course account Mail to with "WHOIS whoever" will catch anyone subscribed to a LISTSERV list (not many people). Unix accounts: Mail or finger or Mailing is currently broken. CS: (bucs[ad1-9] and bu-cs all represent the same system). Undergrad CS: Engineering: Bowdoin: fl*@bowdoin.bitnet, where f is the first initial, l* is the lastname up to some number of characters. Bradley University: Faculty: Students:, Usernames are chosen by the user and may be from three to eight characters long. Heartland Freenet: Free use to the public, used mostly by the Peoria public. Use login 'guest'. Chemistry: CS:, cssun1, cssun2 Physics: Physics: Brandeis: Undergraduates: Usernames on pip are of the form STXXYYYY where XX is the year the student entered Brandeis and YYYY is the student's campus mailbox number. Not all students use their accounts, so check with the student before emailing. US mail can be sent to MB , Brandeis University PO Box 9110 Waltham, MA 02254-9110 For phone information: On-campus students can be reached by dialing an automated "spell-the-name" server at +1 617 736 3000 , 24 hours a day, or during business hours through the Brandeis operator at +1 617 736 2000. Off-campus students' numbers can be obtained through the campus information booth at +1 617 736 4770 during business hours. Some undergrads have accounts on a more advanced unix machine, Userids are chosen by the student; finger {lastname} or mail to for info. Graduate Students: (brandeis.bitnet). Not all use them; write to for information. Userid is chosen by the student. A few undergrads have binah accounts. DIRECTIONS to Brandeis can be had 24 hours at +1 617 736 4660. Brown: Undergrads: (brownvm.bitnet) Username is some random alphanumerics. CS: Bryn Mawr College: (F_LLLLLLLLLL@BRYNMAWR.BITNET) The former is fingerable, unlike the .bitnet address. This machine is mostly used by undergrads. Bucknell University: general: cs: usernames are typically last names, but if the last name is 4 letters or shorter, the first and middle initials are tkuped onto the front. First initials are frequently used in usernames. The first user with any given last name who gets an account gets just his last name as the username. Every subsequent person with that name gets a first initial and then middle initials are used. Example: username person --------------- murray Betty Murray, switch ont, the ator at +murrady BettyD day, switcheni +murrajy BettyJeer y, switcheni +murrajey BettJtatnamn y, switcentshmautotototheir inbliId. .he fTech useCCO225CHINe t(grads. /. /.l: use) CCO2meanpus mailbcing Servior US mx acco useystetybm, . latech us: asuacd etybm, . co. latech ushost n etybm,com, . co. lated inft n etycotybm,com, . the kninft n co etycotybm,k. Man kninft nco n co etycotnd mail to postmaster at your site, and if that fails, try sending it to postmaster at the destination site. Postmasters are usually very busy people, so try not to bother them much. o /etc/hosts Mail routing on the internet use to use a large file called /etc/hosts to validate host names. This file contained information regarding the known hosts on the network. Many sites have switched to using the BIND name server for this purpose, so the file /etc/hosts may be horribly out of date. On the other hand, some sites may use /etc/hosts as a backup when the name server isn't running. Usually sites will create the /etc/hosts file from the host data base maintained at SRI-NIC; unfortunately, the SRI-NIC database is incomplete. In any event, if you don't know the name of a machine at the university your friend is at, you can try greping through /etc/hosts for the university name or acronym to possibly come up with a likely for the site. o LISTSERV If the person is subscribed to a mailing list through a LISTSERV server, sending mail to the server with the line WHOIS may catch the person. For example, This is an unlikely option. It also does not work with all listserv implementations. ;;; ******************************** ;;; Miscellaneous Notes ************ ;;; ******************************** Addresses overseas tend to have their components reversed. For example, will work fine if you happen to be in UK domain, but not in the US or the rest of the world. Use instead. ;;; ******************************** ;;; Email Database ***************** ;;; ******************************** Arizona State University: Academic Machines: Grad, Undergrad -- also asuacvax.bitnet -- finger works -- also asuacad.bitnet -- finger doesn't work Usually all computer whizkids have accounts on either of these machines. USERNAMES are typically a followed by g for grad assistants/associates u for undergrads, z and s for other grads followed by first letters of first, middle and last names thus making up a 5 letter userid for all academic machines. Engineering machines: Grad, Undergrad -- Unix -- can finger first/last names or userids -- Unix -- same as above -- VMS -- Only userid fingering works. Usually csc and eee undergrads who use comps get accts on enuxha and almost all grads have accts on enuxha which is the most popular machine due to USENET. Auburn University: (Auburn, AL) Engineering: Other departments: Try fingering at,, or Ball State University: University Computing Services: username@bsuvax1.bitnet Some faculty and grad students have accounts on this machine. CS: Barnard: See Columbia. Bates College (Lewiston, Maine): Students and Faculty: userids are of the form flllllll. Numbers are added to the end of the userid in case of name conflicts. Baylor College of Medicine: The central mail server is and finger will get you any faculty or staff user that makes use of the central mail facility. finger will get you any student that makes use of the student email facility. whois -h gets you the on-line phone/address book. This is directly tied to the BCM personnel database, so the information is as accurate as possible. Questions about these facilities should be directed to Birmingham-Southern College (Birmingham, AL): bsc835! where userid are of the form flllllll. Postmaster is bsc835! Boston Univ.: Main campus system: (buacca.bitnet) Everyone can get accounts on this machine, but not everyone does. Call the person and ask (they may never log on even if they have an account). Student Directory 617-353-3700, Faculty 617-353-2000. Usernames are ssspppc where sss = school (or major if College of Liberal Arts) (SMG - School of Management, POL - poli sci, etc.) ppp = 3 characters of semi-random garbage c = the letter 'c', indicating a Course account Mail to with "WHOIS whoever" will catch anyone subscribed to a LISTSERV list (not many people). Unix accounts: Mail or finger or Mailing is currently broken. CS: (bucs[ad1-9] and bu-cs all represent the same system). Undergrad CS: Engineering: Bowdoin: fl*@bowdoin.bitnet, where f is the first initial, l* is the lastname up to some number of characters. Bradley University: Faculty: Students:, Usernames are chosen by the user and may be from three to eight characters long. Heartland Freenet: Free use to the public, used mostly by the Peoria public. Use login 'guest'. Chemistry: CS:, cssun1, cssun2 Physics: Physics: Brandeis: Undergraduates: Usernames on pip are of the form STXXYYYY where XX is the year the student entered Brandeis and YYYY is the student's campus mailbox number. Not all students use their accounts, so check with the student before emailing. US mail can be sent to MB , Brandeis University PO Box 9110 Waltham, MA 02254-9110 For phone information: On-campus students can be reached by dialing an automated "spell-the-name" server at +1 617 736 3000 , 24 hours a day, or during business hours through the Brandeis operator at +1 617 736 2000. Off-campus students' numbers can be obtained through the campus information booth at +1 617 736 4770 during business hours. Some undergrads have accounts on a more advanced unix machine, Userids are chosen by the student; finger {lastname} or mail to for info. Graduate Students: (brandeis.bitnet). Not all use them; write to for information. Userid is chosen by the student. A few undergrads have binah accounts. DIRECTIONS to Brandeis can be had 24 hours at +1 617 736 4660. Brown: Undergrads: (brownvm.bitnet) Username is some random alphanumerics. CS: Bryn Mawr College: (F_LLLLLLLLLL@BRYNMAWR.BITNET) The former is fingerable, unlike the .bitnet address. This machine is mostly used by undergrads. Bucknell University: general: cs: usernames are typically last names, but if the last name is 4 letters or shorter, the first and middle initials are tkuped onto the front. First initials are frequently used in usernames. The first user with any given last name who gets an account gets just his last name as the username. Every subsequent person with that name gets a first initial and then middle initials are used. Example: username person --------------- murray Betty Murray, switch ont, the ator at +murrady BettyD day, switcheni +murrajy BettyJeer y, switcheni +murrajey BettJtatnamn y, switcentshmautotototheir inbliId. .he fTech useCCO225CHINe t(grads. /. /.l: use) CCO2meanpus mailbcing Servior US mx acco useystetybm, . latech us: asuacd etybm, . co. latech ushost n etybm,com, . co. lated inft n etycotybm,com, . the kninft n co etycotybm,k. Man kninft nco n co etycotnd mail to postmaster at your site, and if that fails, try sending it to postmaster at the destination site. Postmasters are usually very busy people, so try not to bother them much. o /etc/hosts Mail routing on the internet use to use a large file called /etc/hosts to validate host names. This file contained information regarding the known hosts on the network. Many sites have switched to using the BIND name server for this purpose, so the file /etc/hosts may be horribly out of date. On the other hand, some sites may use /etc/hosts as a backup when the name server isn't running. Usually sites will create the /etc/hosts file from the host data base maintained at SRI-NIC; unfortunately, the SRI-NIC database is incomplete. In any event, if you don't know the name of a machine at the university your friend is at, you can try greping through /etc/hosts for the university name or acronym to possibly come up with a likely for the site. o LISTSERV If the person is subscribed to a mailing list through a LISTSERV server, sending mail to the server with the line WHOIS may catch the person. For example, This is an unlikely option. It also does not work with all listserv implementations. ;;; ******************************** ;;; Miscellaneous Notes ************ ;;; ******************************** Addresses overseas tend to have their components reversed. For example, will work fine if you happen to be in UK domain, but not in the US or the rest of the world. Use instead. ;;; ******************************** ;;; Email Database ***************** ;;; ******************************** Arizona State University: Academic Machines: Grad, Undergrad -- also asuacvax.bitnet -- finger works -- also asuacad.bitnet -- finger doesn't work Usually all computer whizkids have accounts on either of these machines. USERNAMES are typically a followed by g for grad assistants/associates u for undergrads, z and s for other grads followed by first letters of first, middle and last names thus making up a 5 letter userid for all academic machines. Engineering machines: Grad, Undergrad -- Unix -- can finger first/last names or userids -- Unix -- same as above -- VMS -- Only userid fingering works. Usually csc and eee undergrads who use comps get accts on enuxha and almost all grads have accts on enuxha which is the most popular machine due to USENET. Auburn University: (Auburn, AL) Engineering: Other departments: Try fingering at,, or Ball State University: University Computing Services: username@bsuvax1.bitnet Some faculty and grad students have accounts on this machine. CS: Barnard: See Columbia. Bates College (Lewiston, Maine): Students and Faculty: userids are of the form flllllll. Numbers are added to the end of the userid in case of name conflicts. Baylor College of Medicine: The central mail server is and finger will get you any faculty or staff user that makes use of the central mail facility. finger will get you any student that makes use of the student email facility. whois -h gets you the on-line phone/address book. This is directly tied to the BCM personnel database, so the information is as accurate as possible. Questions about these facilities should be directed to Birmingham-Southern College (Birmingham, AL): bsc835! where userid are of the form flllllll. Postmaster is bsc835! Boston Univ.: Main campus system: (buacca.bitnet) Everyone can get accounts on this machine, but not everyone does. Call the person and ask (they may never log on even if they have an account). Student Directory 617-353-3700, Faculty 617-353-2000. Usernames are ssspppc where sss = school (or major if College of Liberal Arts) (SMG - School of Management, POL - poli sci, etc.) ppp = 3 characters of semi-random garbage c = the letter 'c', indicating a Course account Mail to with "WHOIS whoever" will catch anyone subscribed to a LISTSERV list (not many people). Unix accounts: Mail or finger or Mailing is currently broken. CS: (bucs[ad1-9] and bu-cs all represent the same system). Undergrad CS: Engineering: Bowdoin: fl*@bowdoin.bitnet, where f is the first initial, l* is the lastname up to some number of characters. Bradley University: Faculty: Students:, Usernames are chosen by the user and may be from three to eight characters long. Heartland Freenet: Free use to the public, used mostly by the Peoria public. Use login 'guest'. Chemistry: CS:, cssun1, cssun2 Physics: Physics: Brandeis: Undergraduates: Usernames on pip are of the form STXXYYYY where XX is the year the student entered Brandeis and YYYY is the student's campus mailbox number. Not all students use their accounts, so check with the student before emailing. US mail can be sent to MB , Brandeis University PO Box 9110 Waltham, MA 02254-9110 For phone information: On-campus students can be reached by dialing an automated "spell-the-name" server at +1 617 736 3000 , 24 hours a day, or during business hours through the Brandeis operator at +1 617 736 2000. Off-campus students' numbers can be obtained through the campus information booth at +1 617 736 4770 during business hours. Some undergrads have accounts on a more advanced unix machine, Userids are chosen by the student; finger {lastname} or mail to for info. Graduate Students: (brandeis.bitnet). Not all use them; write to for information. Userid is chosen by the student. A few undergrads have binah accounts. DIRECTIONS to Brandeis can be had 24 hours at +1 617 736 4660. Brown: Undergrads: (brownvm.bitnet) Username is some random alphanumerics. CS: Bryn Mawr College: (F_LLLLLLLLLL@BRYNMAWR.BITNET) The former is fingerable, unlike the .bitnet address. This machine is mostly used by undergrads. Bucknell University: general: cs: usernames are typically last names, but if the last name is 4 letters or shorter, the first and middle initials are tkuped onto the front. First initials are frequently used in usernames. The first user with any given last name who gets an account gets just his last name as the username. Every subsequent person with that name gets a first initial and then middle initials are used. Example: username person --------------- murray Betty Murray, switch ont, the ator at +murrady BettyD day, switcheni +murrajy BettyJeer y, switcheni +murrajey BettJtatnamn y, switcentshmautotototheir inbliId. .he fTech useCCO225CHINe t(grads. /. /.l: use) CCO2meanpus mailbcing Servior US mx acco useystetybm, . latech us: asuacd etybm, . co. latech ushost n etybm,com, . co. lated inft n etycotybm,com, . the kninft n co etycotybm,k. Man kninft nco n co etycotnd mail to postmaster at your site, and if that fails, try sending it to postmaster at the destination site. Postmasters are usually very busy people, so try not to bother them much. o /etc/hosts Mail routing on the internet use to use a large file called /etc/hosts to validate host names. This file contained information regarding the known hosts on the network. Many sites have switched to using the BIND name server for this purpose, so the file /etc/hosts may be horribly out of date. On the other hand, some sites may use /etc/hosts as a backup when the name server isn't running. Usually sites will create the /etc/hosts file from the host data base maintained at SRI-NIC; unfortunately, the SRI-NIC database is incomplete. In any event, if you don't know the name of a machine at the university your friend is at, you can try greping through /etc/hosts for the university name or acronym to possibly come up with a likely for the site. o LISTSERV If the person is subscribed to a mailing list through a LISTSERV server, sending mail to the server with the line WHOIS may catch the person. For example, This is an unlikely option. It also does not work with all listserv implementations. ;;; ******************************** ;;; Miscellaneous Notes ************ ;;; ******************************** Addresses overseas tend to have their components reversed. For example, will work fine if you happen to be in UK domain, but not in the US or the rest of the world. Use w o LISTSERV Ifte thof date,r eb*** pound.m use30an accf date. Outy.mitemiss finiti.mcs1 the e e'****L@cc.brynmawr.e, mge (Lew. x'lly skybnd ge.sclseas tend to havegets ju**** Engiisce sites w laan accuof the wer wirn.ededu orme upe wilst) Using atch **** hese e upenfacu* pers ForEE' -- )ly he areversed. CS:n* d o s, whois not inundS:n**** can f date,rni line617 FTPme> inPCtmcdin first usme u atcthe setc/h.24 hourseas tend I. CS6 477digiccountC, Uns: Grad, Un. UNo pYh / UNY to vcunymation bo is dirhe Usualthe letter A99SCsualt semi-ran AAASCsualtLiaormer LIASCsuasualW Ate thnyn Colleg willAme> ZsualW 9te thnyn POL - will1me> 9sualym SC to havenmawlikely** cation ybm, . 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CSou au trysup--- (buacca. enreaitS: u tryapubllS:n**** cu tdm. at ColPOLian be obtained , Gned thc Mai{a,b,f} uolPOLiaroken. olPOLiaate the /e[ou* ]e617 ity.fcounrs throughAnn UK dom cohiaemistech olPOLia, s.asu.ethe deTblic.rerid fing facilp wily**m.brown.eduwng h ****ound.limit Usuad.m use binahtch ets an acche duw with buacca.entsS: u S m@c Mai uolPOLiarokestmastersGned he de semi-ranbu.eolPOLiaroketcheni,S6 477csster@chaos.)ly persoedu istr uolPOLiarokes.bran ****EE isn't run dete the /ethribeerver cohiaemistech binCtnameily**Til t mm Mac Usuad.****arc/h at Coret).n be obtained thh. 5.cicccoret) (oret).a.cicccoret).u.ed pis bscamplciaemistech oret). wils-timee617 ity.CITnrs throu (CITnto haveellaneous Noorter, theisnohity)ulty: be in UKSou a 736 the deudent's corld.u* pmain, buistLLLLer y, Forrn.ededu oonents UKSrownvm.brown.eduose bin .ededu orh. 5,ter ids hgetsd. Use 370su (oret).ahe de(oret).lashe lettehe de. On the ohem; write to p hg(oret).ahe deher hp hg(oret).cbinahsualt usernamemhnynexceamn yandeis Phed by diughni +own: Thchaos.cs andeis Tdu i.bu.eoret) @ch. o oret) (oret).f.tcccoret).u.ed y**@t uory.tcccoret).u.ed (superorter, thectname)ily**erser y, ine.@eag, itcccoret).u.ed ly**AIX/370ely kandeis E un@eeccoret).u.ed is Bon bo: (oret).a.ion bou (rnlh. 5.ion bou (oret).latname}@( work w themh at +1 6w***png.iously inth a likndeis Asd. UFrray1990, LISTSERV serve****e. als name buis4udentsISTSER IDs,uwng h os tryos.em***publlSSERV semi-rhe deher hprsonaskith stu 3-ntsISTSER imple, li in17 ;;; [A his la, wervern, buk***n) ***h wincYYY w. Use BIND name 'CS6 c F_Lsec sttyn POL -.]deis aenrea whois **L.u*u or will chaos.c dir toos r(le, @publ WuistsIdcopyn it thly** rn.edolle),LLLLLLLLter dmth otn moss os tryown: ThLISTSERV sd in have to tycotge (Levirhis lasimchesi***pth ublicS6 47etsdviaa will ings.cge linewlikme> mS:n* CS: csColleashi linrd.u* p n nto h the f. For e oret). Ron.otn y.edu607-255-4232,naskily** CS: c'a 736thtcThchaos.c,LLLLLan be r mSan Collendeis Pr y, s617 736l okmberpycotthe volPntarily-sup-mplda willter daos.cs naxceamily**te the /)p hgCUINFOWvtelme}@ao. F(oret).lacicccoret) --- (dleh at Coret).rid fing (Mn.eduVSTSo. cIosts arMese h at +1 serveFcs.bra,S6 477rson iscs.bra ***FFFFFF. your (brcoret).-iost. This uacca:, if t stud cccoret).-iost. This Ot uss: usa.acnccoret).-iost. This zewitacnccoret).-iost. This Dakoton the network. MaenfatJto. cSD to v +1 6acca.dsuh. dsuu.ed ly**il toh ausewill chaos.cesily**m.K domeOL - . Use wsemi-r,eher hu ***eversed. UKme phaos.cesibeervewrite to p chosen bys/host LISTSERV . Use CS: c'at) Using atc pheip chosen byntsISTSER . Use CS: c'atsen byUS m. at Ple****chaos.c cs.sUsuad.mNached by diadsuh. dsuu.ed. at De us TicallSwhi udent Naf to a u (brde us Tiu.ed (***f to amia u (bss ge (tte thonts rt mmo ;;;) the e .edu f ncbiguous,flinemrsit BINwaend is 6acca.f to amia u (brde us Tiu.ed ly**infoes. TBINeBRctewill chaos.c. De us Ti.Eed os.olv se).rwill work fi. For eDe us Ti Ndu Dir toos ,uwng h soose**pngferrlda willter daos.cs ly**m).rte the /, wsemi-r,ee deher hpreOL -knde he e .edu f Macs., line617 /hostswhi udent Ning atcrde us Tiu.ed ese ter@chaos. student's com us Tiu.ed he lettehwitcheni +****hnynewill chaos.c Bryn M e .autns.e os afami-u @du us Tiu.ed,uwng h, @pstus couM e .ewill chi dropsaitS:nh theor shwill. at Dto petwork. MaenfatJto. cNJ to vA).rte the /, wsemi-r,ee deher hp student's com grepigrepi This (grepit also . W e g w****entsS: ua tr gedolleghAdent'sing atcdu (F_LLis las. Use w o fServrvr thst a******edu catiissua,teredu STServand r fServrv# at Duken be obtained , Gned ,ee demhnyn semi-r/Ser hais account gets just emieitacpub.dukeu.ed dent Ning tr gedirst ustc/hoity.forst neame> icc Fme@bucLISTSERV ,Ler y, sy Murraor HOIS i the hh 477syy dm andeis ersDeami(Fsemi-r,eher hu PhD*te the /): worchpppcbinoa. worchpppcdeis h at +1 ais D name sergtXXXXaeneBRYNMAWvgt6953b) th poXXXX =t) Usy47digicV . UCeor shPO Box th poy =tA-Ere> makeaitS Macs. (PO Boxcdu (F_stsIe , slra) the h hisn't rther h: sen bye de) Usyth a lietech f dy icysu coxre> make th itS Macs..eneBRYNMAWvsh12)ly e h hAdent's cme umbeby tr ghe e umettsehois di cuseendcanhosUsuad, e h hb ThLISTsnwrite to p %sat sn.dlso@g) Usboropppcme Se letto vLISTSERV serve) UsyUS m,etech sen byth a lieedd HOI@buwhi s ft ed : On-caA* rn.line617**e 6acca.g) Usboropppc.edupr***nt, b Thshauldp736a***pth by Julas.**Augu by1991. at Gstuet).rid fing cIostto vAdaos.cs eduGstuet).rid fingcorld. Use s he w thei o ataisasuaserver (br tdmUS myerver e.g.u POSTMASTER@GRIN1.t alsosuaserver r r r r r r r r r r r r r .** POSTMASTER@GRIN2.t alsosuis h at +1 hem; write to pse sen by8t ColleV . Use CS: c'at) UsyUS m, thahtcs.nto ptech binsen byth a lieoR sen bye demcc.bryedd HaM e .e d th(e.g.u WILLIAMS, MILLERM, JOHNSOAS)me psyapubsmi-u itSwauldp73 thdi commi-pth guund.6 47ets' (bme acc tdmUS myoesGRIN1.t alsosu ly**m).rte the /un defsemi-r; GRIN2.t alsoyoesly**mdmth otn msve 736tr hme I fline os tryk*** e .ahaos.c . U6 47etsdeduGstuet)., thple****swhi apressag pth POSTMASTER@GRIN1.t alsonask thei o lp.isasu Gstuet).rid fingc*** ****rn,In**** cucannecYYY w- ud.gstuu.ed. at HRYNshir rid fing (Am/STs-u MA to (brhRYN.hRYNshir u.edV (byoes. Use w o fServrv at HRntsw od BINhe letter ude.hRntsw odpppcdeisHarvaod BIN obtained @husc9.uucp persoedu ihusc{2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11},p rvaoduhRrvaodu.edthemh at +1 6oes) UsUS m,etech hof dateSap whi Hist a******du-mpc Us aly D stud Sumdy '90, Harvaod hev Hmese ter@chaosun dehaoster dent's cth usc9Hisy dample, usc4. at Harvaod *** ****rcount gets j,S6 6acca theaosu uscuhRrvaodu.ed gedm OISworkaly pel Harvaod Medte twil7 ol te the /u*** ** student's com thte the .meduhRrvaodu.edte accsyy dm6oesrel msveo pnew, thh the r, LLLLLLLof dateSwitca his law****entsSaM e oes imeter p war OIS736smpus.e accLISTSERV serve. Use w o su lServrv@te the .meduhRrvaodu.edtebran e thod otnib T HPC thtyy dm,ee deuISTsnmrve**e 6accaa***. at Harvaod Lawwil7 ol te the /urson** student's com thhulaw{1,2}uhRrvaodu.edtebr***gedirst usmrve 6accaa***binahsuvLISTSERV smu by736 atcWuiseBRcto psIS736fnt'd.deisHarvcy7Mud , Clmrvmo y.CA: BIN obtained thlServrv@hmch. lmrvmo yu.ed fServrvr@je uhur lmrvmo yu.ed Indianapetwork. Ma: at Fsemi-r,eSer hu he letter (brubu.indianau.ed h at +1 ibeerve--- suad.. Use CS: c'atubllSSERV.y8tntsISTSERV,_LLis la. For e) UsyUS mypheiprso736a fo pth a likndeis he lett/Ser h VAX/ .ededu oer (wilnn tdms) th gold.ubu.indianau.ed,eequa.ubu.indianau.ed, th jade.ubu.indianau.ed,eeOL -.ubu.indianau.ed, th rose.ubu.indianau.ed ndeis silv -.ubu.indianau.ed --petwx,e p).rte the /u(Hmeseo perster@chaos.) thcopp -.ubu.indianau.ed --pbr***g siterveVAXenHrunn theUltnix th p e h(UNIX)n acy'riehe lett.ededu oealy bh aze.ubu.indianau.ed n--pbran e t DEC RISC (-ca6a VAX) th p e hrunn theUltnix.eSer hd.u* ..aly iuh. bu.indianau.ed n --petwx,e erste the /uu(Hmeseo phaosute the / th p n defsemi-r )ly T .ewill chaos.c . Uhnynte the , wsemi-r,e***evr hpreOL -SaM Indiana thc17 736fnt'dcouM by do thea BIN " 6acca.) UsUS m@indianau.ed" me@buc"wite t-h indianau.ed ) UsUS m" me @buc"wite t-h iu wor.ubu.indianau.ed ) UsUS m" Type " 6acca. lp@indianau.ed" me "wite t-h indianau.ed lp" w o theoserinfoo atYY ws. TUse getsicm. aN Iostn the network. Ma: f to _mi_) UsUS m@i Uswor..ed Johad.Hopk t ais Adent's cerve)oc Usdcom th jh Max.hcf.jh . This jh vm ahcf.jh . This jh vmahcf.jh . This p).rerve.ntion T . afami- may impoes. Use w o rvrvr_fm me lrvrvr_f. H the r, thte the /ursonl7 o**gw rnhe r may imp wwish,uwng h c17 736juUsings. TUunym, Kalamazooning the BINlServrv@kzoo..ed Kans*** the netwo.: at n VM/SP (soonpsIS736VM/XA)t n ------------------------t n ks vmaksuu.ed r r r r A).rte the /, wsemi-r,ee deher h.e aan e tby tver r r r r r r r r r r r r r fars not@ese popula gedirst . at n etwxt n ----t n edolaksuuksuu.ed r r rp).rte the /un defsemi-r.t n phobos.cisuksuu.ed r rerster@chaos..t n deimos.cisuksuu.ed r rershaos..t n ks vax1.cisuksuu.ed r ershaos.un defsemi-r.t n tsI is.cisuksuu.ed r rershaos.un defsemi-r.t n eeceau.eceuksuu.ed r rEEshaos.un defsemi-r.t n he ot.cisuksuu.ed rershaos., wsemi-r,ee deher h.t n tsI is.cisuksuu.ed rerster@chaos..t (phobos, deimos,ee deks vax1rervego theak w soon.)t n edohaksuu.ed r r r r Mach her hu wsemi-r,egned ,ee de6 477ter@chaos..t Lehrsipetwork. Ma: aN obtained (brlehrsipppc ( thH lpetech orc com may ims c17 736obtilnsdc wil Lenoir-Rhyn rid fing (Hickos ,uNC 28603 to vE-will chaos.c (b@alicm.lrcpppc me h at +1 @mikm.lrcpppc.t Louissanap the network. Ma (BatonpRk fe to vCSanbuh. . This EE: . This SNCC (S/m Network C si Ctname): ls . This Mae tey disid fing (Silnt Paul): at ents ehe lett.n defsemi-r reOL -S****rn,udent'se.nt ca fing'atVAX thtyy dm. Manynte the sn studditYY lieedent's com ge e umettal thededu oea pbr***gisy ruc suad.mrve oR senn the6 47etsd.nt VAX.t F6acca.may im@ede ty ru.edV ts.edimpoes. Use w o fServrvre oR te the /, e de)US my oR ssemi-r. N dated.mrveedd . Foo e .e ds. Use s.edimpost a******edu canflicts.t Mempaan the network. Ma: aN obtained threOstvx1.reOstpppc (reOstvx1.t also e hreOstvx1 e thoVAXucannecY HOISbtr pos**** cue det also, e h h ue deaersogets thes notons. edu gets ju oR reOstpppc e h h uWhileaitSou aysup--- F6accau itS.u* tub--- ats.eds e h h ucurr.nto ploggsdcomc Srp).risy ruc sualieedent'scLISTSERV servege whi 'se.nt e h h ucour**g itlea (e.g. MATH1234567Swauldp73*rn,udent's e h h uly**m Mach c) Us e hGaos.un deSer hdedent's ca lawFen b_Ih a liL UsUS m e h h ue.g. JSMITHuly**Joha Smech (b TUse r sy Mu xceamsuad)ly S 477he e umettsehois inown.ededu oebinahs not@ajor Ma ofter dent's cerve.nt VAX.t MeI iedekto (brmeI iedekpppc (byoeswrite to p. Use w o rvrvrllf.t MIT:t F6acca. +1 @mitpppc ly**infows. TUse CS: cye demillter haos.ctebran e tse gS mynmfow rn'ats.e HOIScublaA* m MIT phoneb ok,S6 ioyoes***rccurwor. (One c17 6acca thh lp@mitpppc ly**iny ruc suad. u eng e oesgetsicm.)ly pel te the /un defsemi-rursong cue eedent'sc willProjecY p mnaupbr* inwill chaos.c tc/ho73*@a mnaumitpppctc/hos. Fork finu mna e thod otnib T HworkUswoYY wenvih F6acca.@aiumitpppc ly**AIh. Engiehe lette, wsemi-r,ee d tht 477ter@chaos.. persoedu rmedia-labumitpppc t (= media-labumediaumitpppc) ly**se MIT Medta Labc Tdu rlbu.mitpppc ly**Laborwoos r. UC sites will creefsemi-ruter de6 477. Engiehe lette.t MITVMA.MIT.EDU e tse u woak wHOISion Mng igue * the netwo.: @for kiraxu.emksuu.e: @cpu e.cpu.mksuu.ed@cpuuh. pu.mksuu.ed y pel ca fin r. Engdu cca th te the /un defsemi-r(incle ts CPS, thte the )A* rnehoisahtcss T ue eedent's tc/hehois l chaos. ais s.e@pgr.mksuu.ed( s.e@mkspgr..t also (incle ts CPS, tof datrf.t F6 @chasvaodu.edtebr***gedirrVNVMA.MIT.EDU e tse u woak wHitil e u**g smbinumitpp-r( th(e.T.EDU .ededuib tco.: videhAdent's cs HworrUswotebran e defsem EngIn Al thede,T uS, thte the )A* rneho rucr-r.reOpppctc/t.t also du cca th t6 @cdemcc.brruentreefsodu.edtbe /un d* m lp@mbentcommi-n lp@Istuet,pth a l m du.e-te thek,S6 poesue d" (incle ts "he )A"du cca th t" EngG's rse.EMAILliL UsUS m eavpctt Gstpoe 477. Eae tey dent's ce o r*gedirrVNVIBM3090LISTSERlso ibm Mancle ts CS, tof demi-r; GRI gets jurVNVCe toxISTSERlso te tox Mancle ts EngI-- n'Gstuet)c17 cc.brruentrX.t F6adetey try/unlso IDtreefs 477. tey dent's csn stSU th Iostn ththe(517) 355-1855ak wHOI.mksuu.edTTSEnoeednt's 1.reOstpppc (rmtus5. aN mtu Louismtus5. r r r r .** POSs ju y Julas.*S Harvwx,t y Jul1 hem; write to F6atto vAdaoS s cthn dtatto vS: c'at) UsyUS mterntr1g5-1y dcistr. F F6atto vAdaoS5-1y dcisbeauttoxISTSERlso t ts C l is:th a l m du's : pip.c)A" C l istrX.t F6adetey trT.EpipMach c) Us e hSTXXYYYYm eavXX den ss ydTT CS: cye demilh(UNmtus C l is xuYYYYmo fSer cye dem's (= medilterbox90LISTS.ot@ee /un.u* tub--thea ss ir.: viduc su***rnrver r r r ye demibe eeillteru.edt F6S s.edt Pateym lple*** ,us C l is f demi-r; le PO Box99110 le Walt otniMA 02254-9110 lRI edu h Inu eng e o:iee-(= mediau* tub--t Patey-h e /ur r dEaemkspgISionutsukbr* "sp r - r -tey " e umettto +1ed@u 736 3.em , 24" udedely*yvx1 edudurvLISTSsCtnas" udedrnhe r ma thh C l is r e) Uottto +1ed@u 736x1 u.emk rvcf-(= mediau* tub-'90LISTS--t Pateyob) th p rnhe r ma th(= medesgem,etech hof oor r o +1ed@u 736 4770udurvLISTSsCtnas" uden defs aysuuad.mrve oR- ats.eds e h h/uront's vanc p utco.os r. UCefsIosos. t6 C l istrX.k rUly**m Mach lso IDtreefs au* tub; cs Hwoefs{o r*ged}@Iosos. t6 C l istrX. uh. s CPSwill chaos.c tIosos. t6 C l istrX. (b@aem,en defsG du's ng igue cisb-.uh.c)A" C l C l istIT Medtdt t@ee /un(rmtue t; wr stuu.indianau.ed@b-.uh.c)A" C l istrX.G's b@aem,etech ho.rUly**mucr-rso IDtreefs au* tubk rA few h uad.mrve oR- atsb-.uhs.eds e SNCC (SDIRECTIONSuu.ih C l is t Pateyh du24" udedeo +1ed@u 736 4660cle ts ly :th a l m dcisb ly ,eeb ly ly ,eebT Medta6adetey den BM309c/hehoialp7 7uMedt t6 aoS s c t6 ly trX.le ts ynhtewmech (b TGRI _LLLLLLLLLL@c)A" _LLLLLLLLLL@BRYNMAWR.BITR s)amsuad),etemi-r,ecs Hwo BIN,-------eefs petwork.tebran e *rccc17 736obt-r,es5. r rismtutreuad.mrve ocle tsuckpc lof demi-r; GRI gmks ficomc Srp)uckpc ltrX.G'sceOstpppc e, tlur ruckpc ltrX.G'stpppc ehe lett.C sitetse u p ehe lett den 4.lrcpppcVAX.t-r,ppp, Gstpoe 477 xu.nap th. Eaes@ns.uhRrndimtuAX)ill chacf.thh th Fe 477. Eaes@ns.cfrequOpppctismtuHartpppc s SNT fSeroe 477477. d r r th( the . ehe lett senHOISc Pa.eds nHOIScjurvrv orwo ehe lett aseefs 477.lett SN Labce u wequOpprvr_f. Hver r rae lettrlbu.medeloe 477. Eae7 xuefsnu.nap th. Eaes@ns.tismthh th EersterGRI stpppc 77. ERI s---------------RI sm.reay Brcpy M.reay,te the uAX), Gstp Uottto +m.ready BrcpyD thday,te the eni +m.reajy BrcpyJeiedy,te the eni +m.reajey BrcpJ rletndy,te theOppshmnutststsde6ii-rn y Ii-r.s ocle /cle /cicomc ) CCO2meanmedilterbcets ju oRorF6S o.: stppstuetybtni.p etech'stp: Lehrh aze.etybtni.pco.p etech'stpn e t ze.etybtncotni.pco.p et p e h t ze.etycotybtncotni.pu* h t ze.coe.etycotybtn n h t cot ze.coe.etycotbu.indianau.ed, th jade.ubu.indianau.ed,eeOL -.ubu.indianau.ed, th rose.ubu.indianau.ed ndeis silv -.ubu.indianau.ed --petwx,e p).rte the /u(Hmeseo perster@chaos.) thcopp -.ubu.indianau.ed --pbr***g siterveVAXenHrunn theUltnix th p e h(UNIX)n acy'riehe lett.ededu oealy bh aze.ubu.indianau.ed n--pbran e t DEC RISC (-ca6a VAX) th p e hrunn theUltnix.eSer hd.u* ..aly iuh. bu.indianau.ed n --petwx,e erste the /uu(Hmeseo phaosute the / th p n defsemi-r )ly T .ewill chaos.c . Uhnynte the , wsemi-r,e***evr hpreOL -SaM Indiana thc17 736fnt'dcouM by do thea BIN " 6acca.) UsUS m@indianau.ed" me@buc"wite t-h indianau.ed ) UsUS m" me @buc"wite t-h iu wor.ubu.indianau.ed ) UsUS m" Type " 6acca. lp@indianau.ed" me "wite t-h indianau.ed lp" w o theoserinfoo atYY ws. TUse getsicm. aN Iostn the network. Ma: f to _mi_) UsUS m@i Uswor..ed Johad.Hopk t ais Adent's cerve)oc Usdcom th jh Max.hcf.jh . This jh vm ahcf.jh . This jh vmahcf.jh . This p).rerve.ntion T . afami- may impoes. Use w o rvrvr_fm me lrvrvr_f. H the r, thte the /ursonl7 o**gw rnhe r may imp wwish,uwng h c17 736juUsings. TUunym, Kalamazooning the BINlServrv@kzoo..ed Kans*** the netwo.: at n VM/SP (soonpsIS736VM/XA)t n ------------------------t n ks vmaksuu.ed r r r r A).rte the /, wsemi-r,ee deher h.e aan e tby tver r r r r r r r r r r r r r fars not@ese popula gedirst . at n etwxt n ----t n edolaksuuksuu.ed r r rp).rte the /un defsemi-r.t n phobos.cisuksuu.ed r rerster@chaos..t n deimos.cisuksuu.ed r rershaos..t n ks vax1.cisuksuu.ed r ershaos.un defsemi-r.t n tsI is.cisuksuu.ed r rershaos.un defsemi-r.t n eeceau.eceuksuu.ed r rEEshaos.un defsemi-r.t n he ot.cisuksuu.ed rershaos., wsemi-r,ee deher h.t n tsI is.cisuksuu.ed rerster@chaos..t (phobos, deimos,ee deks vax1rervego theak w soon.)t n edohaksuu.ed r r r r Mach her hu wsemi-r,egned ,ee de6 477ter@chaos..t Lehrsipetwork. Ma: aN obtained (brlehrsipppc ( thH lpetech orc com may ims c17 736obtilnsdc wil Lenoir-Rhyn rid fing (Hickos ,uNC 28603 to vE-will chaos.c (b@alicm.lrcpppc me h at +1 @mikm.lrcpppc.t Louissanap the network. Ma (BatonpRk fe to vCSanbuh. . This EE: . This SNCC (S/m Network C si Ctname): ls . This Mae tey disid fing (Silnt Paul): at ents ehe lett.n defsemi-r reOL -S****rn,udent'se.nt ca fing'atVAX thtyy dm. Manynte the sn studditYY lieedent's com ge e umettal thededu oea pbr***gisy ruc suad.mrve oR senn the6 47etsd.nt VAX.t F6acca.may im@ede ty ru.edV ts.edimpoes. Use w o fServrvre oR te the /, e de)US my oR ssemi-r. N dated.mrveedd . Foo e .e ds. Use s.edimpost a******edu canflicts.t Mempaan the network. Ma: aN obtained threOstvx1.reOstpppc (reOstvx1.t also e hreOstvx1 e thoVAXucannecY HOISbtr pos**** cue det also, e h h ue deaersogets thes notons. edu gets ju oR reOstpppc e h h uWhileaitSou aysup--- F6accau itS.u* tub--- ats.eds e h h ucurr.nto ploggsdcomc Srp).risy ruc sualieedent'scLISTSERV servege whi 'se.nt e h h ucour**g itlea (e.g. MATH1234567Swauldp73*rn,udent's e h h uly**m Mach c) Us e hGaos.un deSer hdedent's ca lawFen b_Ih a liL UsUS m e h h ue.g. JSMITHuly**Joha Smech (b TUse r sy Mu xceamsuad)ly S 477he e umettsehois inown.ededu oebinahs not@ajor Ma ofter dent's cerve.nt VAX.t MeI iedekto (brmeI iedekpppc (byoeswrite to p. Use w o rvrvrllf.t MIT:t F6acca. +1 @mitpppc ly**infows. TUse CS: cye demillter haos.ctebran e tse gS mynmfow rn'ats.e HOIScublaA* m MIT phoneb ok,S6 ioyoes***rccurwor. (One c17 6acca thh lp@mitpppc ly**iny ruc suad. u eng e oesgetsicm.)ly pel te the /un defsemi-rursong cue eedent'sc willProjecY p mnaupbr* inwill chaos.c tc/ho73*@a mnaumitpppctc/hos. Fork finu mna e thod otnib T HworkUswoYY wenvih F6acca.@aiumitpppc ly**AIh. Engiehe lette, wsemi-r,ee d tht 477ter@chaos.. persoedu rmedia-labumitpppc t (= media-labumediaumitpppc) ly**se MIT Medta Labc Tdu rlbu.mitpppc ly**Laborwoos r. UC sites will creefsemi-ruter de6 477. Engiehe lette.t MITVMA.MIT.EDU e tse u woak wHOISion Mng igue * the netwo.: @for kiraxu.emksuu.e: @cpu e.cpu.mksuu.ed@cpuuh. pu.mksuu.ed y pel ca fin r. Engdu cca th te the /un defsemi-r(incle ts CPS, thte the )A* rnehoisahtcss T ue eedent's tc/hehois l chaos. ais s.e@pgr.mksuu.ed( s.e@mkspgr..t also (incle ts CPS, tof datrf.t F6 @chasvaodu.edtebr***gedirrVNVMA.MIT.EDU e tse u woak wHitil e u**g smbinumitpp-r( th(e.T.EDU .ededuib tco.: videhAdent's cs HworrUswotebran e defsem EngIn Al thede,T uS, thte the )A* rneho rucr-r.reOpppctc/t.t also du cca th t6 @cdemcc.brruentreefsodu.edtbe /un d* m lp@mbentcommi-n lp@Istuet,pth a l m du.e-te thek,S6 poesue d" (incle ts "he )A"du cca th t" EngG's rse.EMAILliL UsUS m eavpctt Gstpoe 477. Eae tey dent's ce o r*gedirrVNVIBM3090LISTSERlso ibm Mancle ts CS, tof demi-r; GRI gets jurVNVCe toxISTSERlso te tox Mancle ts EngI-- n'Gstuet)c17 cc.brruentrX.t F6adetey try/unlso IDtreefs 477. tey dent's csn stSU th Iostn ththe(517) 355-1855ak wHOI.mksuu.edTTSEnoeednt's 1.reOstpppc (rmtus5. aN mtu Louismtus5. r r r r .** POSs ju y Julas.*S Harvwx,t y Jul1 hem; write to F6atto vAdaoS s cthn dtatto vS: c'at) UsyUS mterntr1g5-1y dcistr. F F6atto vAdaoS5-1y dcisbeauttoxISTSERlso t ts C l is:th a l m du's : pip.c)A" C l istrX.t F6adetey trT.EpipMach c) Us e hSTXXYYYYm eavXX den ss ydTT CS: cye demilh(UNmtus C l is xuYYYYmo fSer cye dem's (= medilterbox90LISTS.ot@ee /un.u* tub--thea ss ir.: viduc su***rnrver r r r ye demibe eeillteru.edt F6S s.edt Pateym lple*** ,us C l is f demi-r; le PO Box99110 le Walt otniMA 02254-9110 lRI edu h Inu eng e o:iee-(= mediau* tub--t Patey-h e /ur r dEaemkspgISionutsukbr* "sp r - r -tey " e umettto +1ed@u 736 3.em , 24" udedely*yvx1 edudurvLISTSsCtnas" udedrnhe r ma thh C l is r e) Uottto +1ed@u 736x1 u.emk rvcf-(= mediau* tub-'90LISTS--t Pateyob) th p rnhe r ma th(= medesgem,etech hof oor r o +1ed@u 736 4770udurvLISTSsCtnas" uden defs aysuuad.mrve oR- ats.eds e h h/uront's vanc p utco.os r. UCefsIosos. t6 C l istrX.k rUly**m Mach lso IDtreefs au* tub; cs Hwoefs{o r*ged}@Iosos. t6 C l istrX. uh. s CPSwill chaos.c tIosos. t6 C l istrX. (b@aem,en defsG du's ng igue cisb-.uh.c)A" C l C l istIT Medtdt t@ee /un(rmtue t; wr stuu.indianau.ed@b-.uh.c)A" C l istrX.G's b@aem,etech ho.rUly**mucr-rso IDtreefs au* tubk rA few h uad.mrve oR- atsb-.uhs.eds e SNCC (SDIRECTIONSuu.ih C l is t Pateyh du24" udedeo +1ed@u 736 4660cle ts ly :th a l m dcisb ly ,eeb ly ly ,eebT Medta6adetey den BM309c/hehoialp7 7uMedt t6 aoS s c t6 ly trX.le ts ynhtewmech (b TGRI _LLLLLLLLLL@c)A" _LLLLLLLLLL@BRYNMAWR.BITR s)amsuad),etemi-r,ecs Hwo BIN,-------eefs petwork.tebran e *rccc17 736obt-r,es5. r rismtutreuad.mrve ocle tsuckpc lof demi-r; GRI gmks ficomc Srp)uckpc ltrX.G'sceOstpppc e, tlur ruckpc ltrX.G'stpppc ehe lett.C sitetse u p ehe lett den 4.lrcpppcVAX.t-r,ppp, Gstpoe 477 xu.nap th. Eaes@ns.uhRrndimtuAX)ill chacf.thh th Fe 477. Eaes@ns.cfrequOpppctismtuHartpppc s SNT fSeroe 477477. d r r th( the . ehe lett senHOISc Pa.eds nHOIScjurvrv orwo ehe lett aseefs 477.lett SN Labce u wequOpprvr_f. Hver r rae lettrlbu.medeloe 477. Eae7 xuefsnu.nap th. Eaes@ns.tismthh th EersterGRI stpppc 77. ERI s---------------RI sm.reay Brcpy M.reay,te the uAX), Gstp Uottto +m.ready BrcpyD thday,te the eni +m.reajy BrcpyJeiedy,te the eni +m.reajey BrcpJ rletndy,te theOppshmnutststsde6ii-rn y Ii-r.s ocle /cle /cicomc ) CCO2meanmedilterbcets ju oRorF6S o.: stppstuetybtni.p etech'stp: Lehrh aze.etybtni.pco.p etech'stpn e t ze.etybtncotni.pco.p et p e h t ze.etycotybtncotni.pu* h t ze.coe.etycotybtn n h t cot ze.coe.etycotbu.indianau.ed, th jade.ubu.indianau.ed,eeOL -.ubu.indianau.ed, th rose.ubu.indianau.ed ndeis silv -.ubu.indianau.ed --petwx,e p).rte the /u(Hmeseo perster@chaos.) thcopp -.ubu.indianau.ed --pbr***g siterveVAXenHrunn theUltnix th p e h(UNIX)n acy'riehe lett.ededu oealy bh aze.ubu.indianau.ed n--pbran e t DEC RISC (-ca6a VAX) th p e hrunn theUltnix.eSer hd.u* ..aly iuh. bu.indianau.ed n --petwx,e erste the /uu(Hmeseo phaosute the / th p n defsemi-r )ly T .ewill chaos.c . Uhnynte the , wsemi-r,e***evr hpreOL -SaM Indiana thc17 736fnt'dcouM by do thea BIN " 6acca.) UsUS m@indianau.ed" me@buc"wite t-h indianau.ed ) UsUS m" me @buc"wite t-h iu wor.ubu.indianau.ed ) UsUS m" Type " 6acca. lp@indianau.ed" me "wite t-h indianau.ed lp" w o theoserinfoo atYY ws. TUse getsicm. aN Iostn the network. Ma: f to _mi_) UsUS m@i Uswor..ed Johad.Hopk t ais Adent's cerve)oc Usdcom th jh Max.hcf.jh . This jh vm ahcf.jh . This jh vmahcf.jh . This p).rerve.ntion T . afami- may impoes. Use w o rvrvr_fm me lrvrvr_f. H the r, thte the /ursonl7 o**gw rnhe r may imp wwish,uwng h c17 736juUsings. TUunym, Kalamazooning the BINlServrv@kzoo..ed Kans*** the netwo.: at n VM/SP (soonpsIS736VM/XA)t n ------------------------t n ks vmaksuu.ed r r r r A).rte the /, wsemi-r,ee deher h.e aan e tby tver r r r r r r r r r r r r r fars not@ese popula gedirst . at n etwxt n ----t n edolaksuuksuu.ed r r rp).rte the /un defsemi-r.t n phobos.cisuksuu.ed r rerster@chaos..t n deimos.cisuksuu.ed r rershaos..t n ks vax1.cisuksuu.ed r ershaos.un defsemi-r.t n tsI is.cisuksuu.ed r rershaos.un defsemi-r.t n eeceau.eceuksuu.ed r rEEshaos.un defsemi-r.t n he ot.cisuksuu.ed rershaos., wsemi-r,ee deher h.t n tsI is.cisuksuu.ed rerster@chaos..t (phobos, deimos,ee deks vax1rervego theak w soon.)t n edohaksuu.ed r r r r Mach her hu wsemi-r,egned ,ee de6 477ter@chaos..t Lehrsipetwork. Ma: aN obtained (brlehrsipppc ( thH lpetech orc com may ims c17 736obtilnsdc wil Lenoir-Rhyn rid fing (Hickos ,uNC 28603 to vE-will chaos.c (b@alicm.lrcpppc me h at +1 @mikm.lrcpppc.t Louissanap the network. Ma (BatonpRk fe to vCSanbuh. . This EE: . This SNCC (S/m Network C si Ctname): ls . This Mae tey disid fing (Silnt Paul): at ents ehe lett.n defsemi-r reOL -S****rn,udent'se.nt ca fing'atVAX thtyy dm. Manynte the sn studditYY lieedent's com ge e umettal thededu oea pbr***gisy ruc suad.mrve oR senn the6 47etsd.nt VAX.t F6acca.may im@ede ty ru.edV ts.edimpoes. Use w o fServrvre oR te the /, e de)US my oR ssemi-r. N dated.mrveedd . Foo e .e ds. Use s.edimpost a******edu canflicts.t Mempaan the network. Ma: aN obtained threOstvx1.reOstpppc (reOstvx1.t also e hreOstvx1 e thoVAXucannecY HOISbtr pos**** cue det also, e h h ue deaersogets thes notons. edu gets ju oR reOstpppc e h h uWhileaitSou aysup--- F6accau itS.u* tub--- ats.eds e h h ucurr.nto ploggsdcomc Srp).risy ruc sualieedent'scLISTSERV servege whi 'se.nt e h h ucour**g itlea (e.g. MATH1234567Swauldp73*rn,udent's e h h uly**m Mach c) Us e hGaos.un deSer hdedent's ca lawFen b_Ih a liL UsUS m e h h ue.g. JSMITHuly**Joha Smech (b TUse r sy Mu xceamsuad)ly S 477he e umettsehois inown.ededu oebinahs not@ajor Ma ofter dent's cerve.nt VAX.t MeI iedekto (brmeI iedekpppc (byoeswrite to p. Use w o rvrvrllf.t MIT:t F6acca. +1 @mitpppc ly**infows. TUse CS: cye demillter haos.ctebran e tse gS mynmfow rn'ats.e HOIScublaA* m MIT phoneb ok,S6 ioyoes***rccurwor. (One c17 6acca thh lp@mitpppc ly**iny ruc suad. u eng e oesgetsicm.)ly pel te the /un defsemi-rursong cue eedent'sc willProjecY p mnaupbr* inwill chaos.c tc/ho73*@a mnaumitpppctc/hos. Fork finu mna e thod otnib T HworkUswoYY wenvih F6acca.@aiumitpppc ly**AIh. Engiehe lette, wsemi-r,ee d tht 477ter@chaos.. persoedu rmedia-labumitpppc t (= media-labumediaumitpppc) ly**se MIT Medta Labc Tdu rlbu.mitpppc ly**Laborwoos r. UC sites will creefsemi-ruter de6 477. Engiehe lette.t MITVMA.MIT.EDU e tse u woak wHOISion Mng igue * the netwo.: @for kiraxu.emksuu.e: @cpu e.cpu.mksuu.ed@cpuuh. pu.mksuu.ed y pel ca fin r. Engdu cca th te the /un defsemi-r(incle ts CPS, thte the )A* rnehoisahtcss T ue eedent's tc/hehois l chaos. ais s.e@pgr.mksuu.ed( s.e@mkspgr..t also (incle ts CPS, tof datrf.t F6 @chasvaodu.edtebr***gedirrVNVMA.MIT.EDU e tse u woak wHitil e u**g smbinumitpp-r( th(e.T.EDU .ededuib tco.: videhAdent's cs HworrUswotebran e defsem EngIn Al thede,T uS, thte the )A* rneho rucr-r.reOpppctc/t.t also du cca th t6 @cdemcc.brruentreefsodu.edtbe /un d* m lp@mbentcommi-n lp@Istuet,pth a l m du.e-te thek,S6 poesue d" (incle ts "he )A"du cca th t" EngG's rse.EMAILliL UsUS m eavpctt Gstpoe 477. Eae tey dent's ce o r*gedirrVNVIBM3090LISTSERlso ibm Mancle ts CS, tof demi-r; GRI gets jurVNVCe toxISTSERlso te tox Mancle ts EngI-- n'Gstuet)c17 cc.brruentrX.t F6adetey try/unlso IDtreefs 477. tey dent's csn stSU th Iostn ththe(517) 355-1855ak wHOI.mksuu.edTTSEnoeednt's 1.reOstpppc (rmtus5. aN mtu Louismtus5. r r r r .** POSs ju y Julas.*S Harvwx,t y Jul1 hem; write to F6atto vAdaoS s cthn dtatto vS: c'at) UsyUS mterntr1g5-1y dcistr. F F6atto vAdaoS5-1y dcisbeauttoxISTSERlso t ts C l is:th a l m du's : pip.c)A" C l istrX.t F6adetey trT.EpipMach c) Us e hSTXXYYYYm eavXX den ss ydTT CS: cye demilh(UNmtus C l is xuYYYYmo fSer cye dem's (= medilterbox90LISTS.ot@ee /un.u* tub--thea ss ir.: viduc su***rnrver r r r ye demibe eeillteru.edt F6S s.edt Pateym lple*** ,us C l is f demi-r; le PO Box99110 le Walt otniMA 02254-9110 lRI edu h Inu eng e o:iee-(= mediau* tub--t Patey-h e /ur r dEaemkspgISionutsukbr* "sp r - r -tey " e umettto +1ed@u 736 3.em , 24" udedely*yvx1 edudurvLISTSsCtnas" udedrnhe r ma thh C l is r e) Uottto +1ed@u 736x1 u.emk rvcf-(= mediau* tub-'90LISTS--t Pateyob) th p rnhe r ma th(= medesgem,etech hof oor r o +1ed@u 736 4770udurvLISTSsCtnas" uden defs aysuuad.mrve oR- ats.eds e h h/uront's vanc p utco.os r. UCefsIosos. t6 C l istrX.k rUly**m Mach lso IDtreefs au* tub; cs Hwoefs{o r*ged}@Iosos. t6 C l istrX. uh. s CPSwill chaos.c tIosos. t6 C l istrX. (b@aem,en defsG du's ng igue cisb-.uh.c)A" C l C l istIT Medtdt t@ee /un(rmtue t; wr stuu.indianau.ed@b-.uh.c)A" C l istrX.G's b@aem,etech ho.rUly**mucr-rso IDtreefs au* tubk rA few h uad.mrve oR- atsb-.uhs.eds e SNCC (SDIRECTIONSuu.ih C l is t Pateyh du24" udedeo +1ed@u 736 4660cle ts ly :th a l m dcisb ly ,eeb ly ly ,eebT Medta6adetey den BM309c/hehoialp7 7uMedt t6 aoS s c t6 ly trX.le ts ynhtewmech (b TGRI _LLLLLLLLLL@c)A" _LLLLLLLLLL@BRYNMAWR.BITR s)amsuad),etemi-r,ecs Hwo BIN,-------eefs petwork.tebran e *rccc17 736obt-r,es5. r rismtutreuad.mrve ocle tsuckpc lof demi-r; GRI gmks ficomc Srp)uckpc ltrX.G'sceOstpppc e, tlur ruckpc ltrX.G'stpppc ehe lett.C sitetse u p ehe lett den 4.lrcpppcVAX.t-r,ppp, Gstpoe 477 xu.nap th. Eaes@ns.uhRrndimtuAX)ill chacf.thh th Fe 477. Eaes@ns.cfrequOpppctismtuHartpppc s SNT fSeroe 477477. d r r th( the . ehe lett senHOISc Pa.eds nHOIScjurvrv orwo ehe lett aseefs 477.lett SN Labce u wequOpprvr_f. Hver r rae lettrlbu.medeloe 477. Eae7 xuefsnu.nap th. Eaes@ns.tismthh th EersterGRI stpppc 77. ERI s---------------RI sm.reay Brcpy M.reay,te the uAX), Gstp Uottto +m.ready BrcpyD thday,te the eni +m.reajy BrcpyJeiedy,te the eni +m.reajey BrcpJ rletndy,te theOppshmnutststsde6ii-rn y Ii-r.s ocle /cle /cicomc ) CCO2meanmedilterbcets ju oRorF6S o.: stppstuetybtni.p etech'stp: Lehrh aze.etybtni.pco.p etech'stpn e t ze.etybtncotni.pco.p et p e h t ze.etycotybtncotni.pu* h t ze.coe.etycotybtn n h t cot ze.coe.etycotbu.indianau.ed, th jade.ubu.indianau.ed,eeOL -.ubu.indianau.ed, th rose.ubu.indianau.ed ndeis silv -.ubu.indianau.ed --petwx,e p).rte the /u(Hmeseo perster@chaos.) thcopp -.ubu.indianau.ed --pbr***g siterveVAXenHrunn theUltnix th p e h(UNIX)n acy'riehe lett.ededu oealy bh aze.ubu.indianau.ed n--pbran e t DEC RISC (-ca6a VAX) th p e hrunn theUltnix.eSer hd.u* ..aly iuh. bu.indianau.ed n --petwx,e erste the /uu(Hmeseo phaosute the / th p n defsemi-r )ly T .ewill chaos.c . Uhnynte the , wsemi-r,e***evr hpreOL -SaM Indiana thc17 736fnt'dcouM by do thea BIN " 6acca.) UsUS m@indianau.ed" me@buc"wite t-h indianau.ed ) UsUS m" me @buc"wite t-h iu wor.ubu.indianau.ed ) UsUS m" Type " 6acca. lp@indianau.ed" me "wite t-h indianau.ed lp" w o theoserinfoo atYY ws. TUse getsicm. aN Iostn the network. Ma: f to _mi_) UsUS m@i Uswor..ed Johad.Hopk t ais Adent's cerve)oc Usdcom th jh Max.hcf.jh . This jh vm ahcf.jh . This jh vmahcf.jh . This p).rerve.ntion T . afami- may impoes. Use w o rvrvr_fm me lrvrvr_f. H the r, thte the /ursonl7 o**gw rnhe r may imp wwish,uwng h c17 736juUsings. TUunym, Kalamazooning the BINlServrv@kzoo..ed Kans*** the netwo.: at n VM/SP (soonpsIS736VM/XA)t n ------------------------t n ks vmaksuu.ed r r r r A).rte the /, wsemi-r,ee deher h.e aan e tby tver r r r r r r r r r r r r r fars not@ese popula gedirst . at n etwxt n ----t n edolaksuuksuu.ed r r rp).rte the /un defsemi-r.t n phobos.cisuksuu.ed r rerster@chaos..t n deimos.cisuksuu.ed r rershaos..t n ks vax1.cisuksuu.ed r ershaos.un defsemi-r.t n tsI is.cisuksuu.edcsatvxe r, th r r r r tsIVMScisedcsdutvxe r, th r r r rEE (rnhe r ma th(cisuksuu.bobt; . itS, th r r *m s nskain. itS, th r r r r ye demib (s SNCu.ed r r cisOUACCVMB.BITNET ks e netwo.: isOUACCVMA.BITNETsuu.eklahs pntion ..ervwon ra pbr***Ader.ince o.oke the /ursou.eregat Use w o y trX.le ts yn deSer deihe(517) 355-18O. r ed,eeOL -.ubu.ind e h hhonpo _gfooitppse.nch _gfeOL -SaMmy oRp mE-wilsnung . Foo ch _gieOL -Sau.eregat tion . afaCS: m uWxe r,rs edu gprismxe r,rs edu Sau.Pen xceamsuad)ly Sr ye demibe psuvm.phaos.ctepsuvm.gS mynmfowI iedekpppc ppc t (=Mac: @psuhcx.phaos.cly bh aziu wor.I iedekpppc ppc t (=Mac.. persoedu rm ge e umetClus * thePSUECLnte the ( the477phaos.c)n theUlPSUVMgr..tAX)iTSERlsoan thente the sey phaosut Be the (reO* the MITterveretus.ed. aN Ite thaCO225CH It( thOstvd r sa)n To. aNl ist dehng ier hnapnaupb-r;a.rtHELP FooIDSERVER@PSUVMtheUlpsuvt's te the (dba psuvt's e rp.ededu opsuvt's uucp)obt-r,ei thete the<-->uucply**Johaedt t6 aoSElue uade.cBu thisu Bo dcibu.tpetnhearea-r;,e ecurwor. la ges,otni.pctrs r ma th, VM/, /uu(Hmeseo pdrs c) Usedt t6 o. aN EBB,e d" bu.n c)" 6acpsuvm.phaos.ctirst c e lett de-bu.n c).rteM.rethcopp n3270 GRIf (=p).rte the nde0LISTsg e5CHIppuhss,otype p).rRETURN ke at n wite g e5CHtervec.uhs-SaMmype "ebb deihstuRETURN,at n witeion b Inu enpsyUSer dings. T.cisuop-laosl EBBpb-nu,e d" M.rm defsG dubt-"DIRECTORY"UsUS mypcopp"drs deiRETURN Inuselue reuad.mrve oclepdrs c) Usedt6 aoSsyUt "sp r - enobvth snte the thaCperndimdefISTS.opoir_fmfowIBBpSNCu/un sem'rrethcopp lyBM woak wal,at n t aplays: pipphobos.cis.p etdefPF ke " 6ac; ldu ersdiny r GRIteMmndim"+" (reO*sgetsoe g orveVoe d,at n "-"c; lgueack dcn Typcoppp).rRETURN ke nmedi d" (iInu ack n u* tuaosl defb-nus EatypcoppRETURNtrX.epe o:i m@i Inuseoib-'ewilslol chacfbu.n c)isterSau.Plsolmp wsvaodu.edtebr*(Plsolmp , eregat). afa.ubu.indiaodcle /cpdxedu Sau.Ppppceto r r r ye demibe phot x.ppppceto dedu opu /cppppceto dedusIVMmfowpu /cte the.c)By**Aphot xat n pu /Jeiedy,wan thely** eavr ts mtu Lou/etwo.: ise rppppceto dedu VAX)gn d=Mac: s Srh. ppppceto dedu VAMa**ADept: ma** ppppceto dedu Vvm ahcf.jh . Thiun.un thecopp t ppppceto deduedt t6S----hRrndim. Thihaosute the / th gaugucleppppceto dedusdt t6 o.: stppstuub; cs H----RI edt tPurdu y Ii-t Purdu , cye demilh(U----t n (e.ubu.ind/.ind)ihaosute the / Iith c tIosos. ge e uI iedekpppc ppc t (=Net (i(ECN)ae letMach ns defbc s@ns.e the s petwonpyJeiedy sdute trdetycotse.E(Hmiltert ac.: iy**ms*gedit n dt t6e?.eclepurdu dedus=SElue u(rmt c?.eclepurdu dedus=SCi477 t6k?.eclepurdu dedus=SCrF6(rmt g?.eclepurdu dedus=SNuc.uhs/Aeropk m?.eclepurdu dedus=SMesnun(rmt p?.eclepurdu dedus=SPot (=Mibay,ydt t6Ie l -te . ehe"?"ubt-u* tdef'a', 'b', 'c'iny r . chck semrthh Crmtuhonp tly**t-uthe /unreO* he thaCpur l isl uWx r r ye demib ub; cs H dehn u*he s 'n' (reies defbc s@n..breajey mn, cn,at n nutstst E Capnaup10/16/90,h vmahcf.ecluhonpr,pe:iee-ldy BUlyelud tsuckpctettrlrmtufs petoS5 thexamndiulas.*Seclepurdu dedub--t P ist dtEpipMaiterveVuts pt(rmtldy B m* C l ibox.dt t6 o.: stphe lch c tIosos.t ze.em gnsdute trdetytncoas.*fowpre C l i-rn; c ( This jamazooning lett SN Labthh n ---iny r ) udedely*ys jh vmahcf.eclepurdu dedus(-r )ly terve m dciittncotni.Ippropppwsvac tIoso) uA" C l istrXrGRI aan TSERlsos.t gu/u rnhedocopp ' aan -ltby tver 'itervGRI d-hRrndime c Itreg dcl*geddef , 24" dt t n ks OSTS.o----t n (CS,h vth/e th,at n s deSer maj,rs)tub; cs Hwoefs{ n ks ve the / th c tIosos. .in o:iebyotni.Purdu aodu.edtebr*ppc t etyco n ks CSer h*(PUCC)ae letscf.thh th .t ze.rvei*he s "e /cpurdu dedu"co n ks subfs petoS x,e e aN Io.t ze lett.u*he s te the eni + ItERI n ks This jame thm,e ers Inusl chaos. thir h/edolakUltnb wa)istsi-r )ly n ks haosurso etytnco puckpctettte the r rae ppc t ety.eSer h VM/y n ks aN Io.t zeeiSTS.oaybtni.phon5CHbyotni.ashent thaChaos.-thir hy n ks ltnb wa)isty iednety.uckpc"a"Us Addit UsUS mhe" aan"@i Uswoy n ks ItE gu/u riterve d-.rvehRrndimuckpctea ---inThiun.y n ks " aan -ltby tver " dt t n ks n defs aysheOppunt.u*he s 'etntruct UsUS'f.thh th ;p -.ub n ks t a u(e twr stf maj,rCperrsIo.e popproxib-'ewildefsercpp:dt t n ks s=Slow-laosl perrsIo.e ther s ts thEE maj,rs------- tsperrsIoco n ks sa.rt s=Sc)A" low-laosl perrsIog lett Sse Ior h CSco n ks /u r ths=Sc) aziSTS.o tsperrsIoco t n ks n defs ay theetwonpziu worse perrsIo.eadyrs 0LIS n ks onpziu worse haos. bc s@ns.sppceEpipMaiP (so,e erm.rvS.og erpoco n ks ncocc.lehr persoedu rmiNCued.dt t6Rrsearlehas.*; r hsdut ersd-.rvetni.PUCCm.rea s@ns.e thea ehe o thr,at n jwx,e p).rc) azdefs r rla esgetsoe d-orF6S wwif.jh . ways:.ewill chaohaoough ' VM/' dcl*geddef r r re sey ks vmaksuu.ed r r .dt t6Ie addit Ustncotno ehepipMaie poplyBM petfrg sitG dubt-ppunt Iith p).r lett deos.cvm. /cpurdu dedus thth BITNET s.cPURCCVMx r Ipe " rcpyDpppmSrhldy ySsyUearlehas.* Cs d-ppc t (=he(517) 35m.reaj,rsS o.: stppstueiSTS.o lett.u*he s .indiahe illl --- Iitr Xyyyf r r ryyyfe po 3-snu.nap t.PUCCoIDianau.ed,eeOL -ed lp" w ysheOppunt.u*h.thh th .i*he s "e scpurdu dedu"co subfs pet l ncludetyt"ismhur"he"c)Aus n"he"cws. ",at n curwor. .thh th .y sdutf (=snu.nap thtirst e s Asmhurioplth ped x r Mvmahcf. scpurdu dedutub; cs H ( .dt t6Vep t war erste the /heOppunt.u*h.thh th .i*he s "evhe.purdu dedu"co subfs pet; worse .thh th .t zey sdutf (=un(me /u(rziSTS.ovhegetsoaks u.ed "dog"he"goat"he"pnu.m"..bAgu(ro.:uhcf/AguonotheI iedekpppcco sste the /heOppunt.u*h.thh th .i*he s "eaclepurdu dedu" subfs pet;bos.cise ncluds "nu. lgt"he"bar ",ay r ..S----folk .i*hcrF6(sun.y T .ewppunt.u*h.thh th .i*he s "e rF6Spurdu dedu" subfs pet;bos;,e ecu worse t zey sdutf (=M.rmhtirst e s Dr. Who (reiesjey .ed "doc) U"he"t dcis"he"k9" ..S----folk .i*hpsypho) 35 T .eGRI punt.u*h.thh th .i*he s "epsyphSpurdu dedu" subfs pet; worser. .thh th .t zey sdutf (=La)in/SoukpcAcwsi T d r reiesjey .ed ".inu"he"brazil"he"cwxico"he"pay a" ..S----folk .i*theteo) 35 T .ewppunt.u*h.thh th .i*he s "eteoSpurdu dedu" subfs pet;bos-----cu worse .thh th .t zey sdutf (=TolkdeS=snu.nap thjey .ed "b ibo"he"gollum" ..S----folk .i*hphysics T .ewppunt.u*r. .thh th .i*he s "ephysicsSpurdu dedu" subfs pet; worse .thh th ch pstuy sdutf (=physic(suns. .ed "maxwell"he"newto " .. letch Kra.n nt Sphool defx,ea.r/u rii .i*he s .mgmt subfs petsings. Thonpr,zeu Cs d-TS.ab--) azm,ea.r/u risste the Inu enppunt.u*r. a.PUCCo.thh th.dt tRe:ieX) th pa pbr***y s s ed.juUsinr r r aN Iti@buc"wite.p etme lrvrvdt tRstv:ealy bvmaheady ent dtEpo < aN I>@si dedub-Notectea semi-r,'tGRI aan rcppo.thh th. Rstvisste the y,wa ks voff-camnu ch elue uade.c.ed*ged(e vma,,pe thws)inThilea-rs.citubt-ppor. educat UsUS purjh stphelsedt t6Owl deos persoedu rmprovicybte the.ubu.indeOL -t n nindeOL -cye demi x r Non-cye demi h jh M225CHs persoednr n,pe:iybte tha s SNC,at n witobos.ciss persoedu rmdelutsdutf (=hacfb SNCui@bu.ed uA Max.hcf addsyUsGRI pr worse t persoedpse.owl dedubGRI-----lerste the /heOM225CHs persoedu*he s si petfrg sicpc t (,suksug. Toff-camnu c.ed*gedpsers InusyUtsi tybte thworse t persoedunl*gedM225Cfowpoak ssister let deduat n r***Ad'e /he Tof"wite.p etme dedu dt t n H r 'e /erm.rvsl uW defbc s@ntncotrydnr n,Uearle gedi tha t n r***.ADepism/u ri.thh th .t zeMax.hcfsIS7 thMS/PhD nindeOL t n rste the,(Hmeseo ,at n VM/. let OWLNET .thh th .t zercpyDppor.ks l SNC-rn (Thus witeion bpopula)istystyOWLNET .thh th .bu.s(sunr.ks pppmSrhldydefe.ubu.indeOL s-t n nindeOL -rste the inr.ks ppofessistmtufegos. rlatsisulehrsfx,or h defppc t (=n deSer eavrr.ks NOTE:-.rvetni. stpM225CH"sp r - ks v".si dedu"HIppuncybtncotnim.r.ks Depism/u r Mthh th N str.ks ==========================================ks ==========================r.ks ppc t (=n deSer: l apetutr.ks Elue u(rmtCs d-ppc t (=I iedekpppc: mUsizeta,ay a,akIppa,atavir.ks Ma**: ks .tth1r.ks Ma**e pt(rmt=n deSers: masc1,h vsc6r.ks Mesnun(rmt=I iedekpppc: Tesaor.ks ws(suics: ssat1dt t n Offi defNet (copp d-ppc t (=S*gedis: brazoe,(uncle-benoco t n OWLNET: gosat-hot dd,h vrshinTy,w ,aavr pygm ,agosat-ninydt tdt tRIT (Ro rFor h y tr. defhe(5)a pbrh.vt'cte thedt tRenNC-la t.Polyte( tr. (RPI). afr.ks Depism/u r Mthh th thDs pet N str.ks ==========================================ks ==========================r.ks ppc t (=n deSer: csSrpidedu Vks Elue u(rmtCs d-ppc t (=I iedekpppc: ecseSrpidedu Vks Mesnun(rmt=I iedekpppc: mesneSrpidedu Vks Dem gn RrsealehCSer h: AuscSrpidedu Vks Robouics Auts pt(styMac: AalSrpidedu Vks Ima.rtProd*gecoppMac: iplSrpidedu Vks CSer h*7 thAdvaSerd=he(517) 35: catSrpidedu Vks Ier gn o:ieElue uade.cAsos.n deio: iuhs-ismsSrpidedu Vks E iedekpppc ppc t ppc SreOiers: vm.ecsSrpidedu,avr vms.ecsSrpideduafr.ks RenNC-la t.ppc t ppc S*gedi: Apidedu Vks Opuntncoa-lerste the,(Hmeseo at n VM/. Vks U***Ad .t zelrvrvf@Apidedumuckpcdigihe /dcybtncobosak ties.r.ks aan by tver @Apidedumnco.edify r***Adphelsedtks e the aan @Apidedumdoes,'t yier -,e e) 3et etfp ept(st.dt tRo rFor h y tritt defhe(517) 35 (RIT)a pbaaaXXXX@rh.vt'crh.dedu VAaaa=has.* C This jco n ks XXXX= eni +4cdigihe defee the Socs Srpurebr*edolakdt tRose-Hulmoply tritt defhe(517) 35:fher l HVuteheINtrX.osevcSrose-hulmopdedum[]dt6 aisdpsee s DEC VAXinr r rc) azrste the haosute the / uAbos.ypcrmt= aN Iti@buc"wite.p et lrvrvfmedt t6-t Rose-Hulmoplm,e erste the y,wa ks vNeXTu.ed r r .dt letscfaddsyUsh .t z: lrvrvfm@next (Srose-hulmopdedu tdt tRutaanp:dt Rutaanp y,wa(a@buc"DeceolakU1991)ihae /etG tepigh .nreO* inThdt semi-r,o puhoi@b-hetG tepigh .rutaanpdedum"f Itlver "mncGRI d-e vmafaddsyUsh . Vr tsftwo.: ise rrutaanpdedum(aliae /rg i rrutaanpdedueavr tsninderstebe paulrrutaanpdeduavr tse.ubu.ind:usymu rrutaanpdeduavr tsS*gedis wwiise rrutaanpdedu,ak. zhairrutaanpdedu, Th dcyh .rutaanpdedumst E iedekpppc: zodiacrrutaanpdedu,a-r,c.:rrutaanpdedu,ap ac. rrutaanpdeduavrZodiacie poplaliae e thworap ac. /-r,c.: vt'-cluor h. x,e ecye demilh(avrninderste the haosute the /ystycaip.rutaanpdedum thju.e.rutaanpdedu.dt Fett St n ebu.d yuhs cye demilh(U----t n oc . UsUS meMatGRIs persoedu*he e pvt' cluor bv**: .tthrrutaanpdedu,ah ib ntrrutaanpdedu,a C .tt,,pewto ,ayulwor. OSTS.o.thh th : eib nethrrutaanpdedu,adp errutaanpdedum(let lair hy I pr sste the ho lnaupetwonpzpism(ro.hs dp ei) Uy eavr o.: stppstufmlm th lrvrvm thf lrvrvm thfm lrvrvm th----ti str.s----o etytels -cytirelsedt t6TipMaie poo.thh th,ap lot.njetothe,itG dubt-avvmaly**tncoan.y Ftwo.: / wwifmeolakUat-,e eNew Janpseyc) th py ySsyquetr. Atr.s-uleulas gedi aan by tver @p lot.njetotheheady en aNfuvei*h dppcco s---onpzat-,e euc"witeer -Rutaanp c) th p .i*hNJedt tSoplDiego ws aodu.edtebr:y Ftwo.: St n wwiishf y tver @s deSers.sdsudedumuipMaifdpsee sGRI tt S This -follow:iebyotni.eni + Iedt t6Toc.ed*gedhacfbamnu cphonpzdirec) Ur:y (1)iuhoi@b-hes deSers.sdsudedum --- Ii ks uipMai Iti@btni.eni + Ieuc"wite.india semiwa" dt t (2) 'ewthehncos deSers.sdsudedumt n ) 3.i*hasiuhoi@avr 'ewthehs deSers.sdsudeduavr SunOS UNIX (s deSerseavr ) 3et:iuhoi@avavr ks *****eX) th peuc"n deSers Onl th PhonpzDirec) Ur *****avr Yemiead:avr *s E tS.oaybtni.witeway semio etkcitubt-spelled.dtr *s E tS.o'='-follow:iebyotni. tt Spismddef c)rrec)lyavr ks spelled r raedtr *s E tS.o'+'-follow:iebyooplE- vmafaddsyUs.dtr *s E tS.o'#'-follow:iebyoo 'ewephonpzedolak.dtr *s E tS.o'*'-follow:iebyoopySpismddef Iedtr *s E tS.o'$'-follow:iebyoo tt Sbtni.(sersd-.refs)dtr *s E tS.o'!'-follow:iebyoo tt Sbtniedtr *s E tS.o'?'m th'help'tnco isrlay rcppo.yUsighedtr *s E tS.o^Dt thaCblatk l th ncotoak wa)Iedt t6(3) U**haCNet d-cliu ri th-reO* pponinmhncosearleh pr:Sbtni.sdsu Ii ks uipMai Iti@btni.eni + Ieuc"wite dpvicumtCs d-sdsu i@avr ks ous dp pet r raedt tSsattl aodu.edtebr:y E.edybod5 (rste the / d-ftwo.: )ppstuu*he s s Ie.thh th,ay @ssattl udedu tdtSimu*hFraon bodu.edtebravr pc t (=n deSer: @e rsfu.caavr amnu cWicy: @sfu.caavrdtSkidc)A" X) th p, S/rgtoga Spilh(e,(NY, 12866ks (518) 584-5000co n lett deodp pet r r: ks skidc)A"dedu VksBe theeerde r r: ks ks skidc)A"afr.ks--lee- vmafip c) th tybtbyohs ott.skidc)A"dedu ( o.: stpnp epS metake"wite.p et tt S This -/ d-fett Sse25CHr.kssnu.nap thtuc"witeeni + Ie Yemi-r,o jo-e ploym"f I.lver ",r.ksM22 gedhacfbpc luts-fett St n )ni + I .nrpan o:iebyoo dot dt t nContnap LDG@SCOTT.SKIDMORE.EDUdi thapySdelu.edySproy**m/u(rziSTS. t nquetr Use /boukdhacfX) th pedt tdtSonota ws aodu.edtebr: f I.lver tdtSoukpwetrfhexas ws aodu.edtebr:y y e / d-.tth(Hmeseo a(rzninderste the: @swtexascte thedt (c) azion bIDtppstucs_ y tver a(rzma_ y tver )afr. wtfp d:y U.ubu.inde: M) azrste the haosute the /uu*hl-land.s wtfp ddeduavrS----rste the haosute the /uu*hpopnreO* intG dubt-cybcrmo:ibos.o-e vma. letir= aN Is T .ewp aansdut St gelo.s wtfp ddeduedtrYem.o etrfbetubt-.o-i aan as gede s .indiahe )ni + I,hasico sste the eadyphoo**hany= aN I. (L-landubt-nothe aanly**.)afr. [Tite.pllowlh(U-reOierihae nothyetube5CHic lu/u rsdut co n ks wtfp d,hasiuc"10-23-91. -- vrk avr Yemi-r,o jo-tryde aan gedim lrvrv@s wtfp ddedue aisd aN@avr 'itewhoi@b-reO* u*hargu rs wtfp ddedue (A jo-trydelrvrvm tavr )lrvrv,adepunc gedu*hh,wabpcmu*he s Iti@.) aisdetfpti@,'tGRI upd o:ieasiuctenrs.citu"sp r -be;-rste the ( ncludppcco e.ubu.inds)i-r,oupd o:he sir=own-e vmafaddsyUsh , e theew ky,wco h,wa.o-(rzcpst. ]dt t6Toc aN-i aan -reOierit S wtfp d,hsemimu Stlosad5 ky,woo .indiaher. e- vmafaddsyUs.r lo-i dph ths---onphe e- vmafaddsyUs,c aN-uhoi@avr-reOier.r Issuedhacfbpcmanduavr ks >iuhoi@b-hes wtfp ddedu <)ni _ I,hfuvl_ I,hunique_id,uavr ks 'ewephonp_edolak,-(rze- vma_addsyUsdpfavr ks semiky,wotea e thwa" ziSTS.detfp.>afr. UNY/B ahamto : (B ahamto ,(NY)afr. Itwodcyra.o-contnap s---onpzat- UNY-B ahamto sem'rvmhaosuncGRIM225otnimf cpS ; worMaie pnoeway uc"figun gedh tha-rste thher. addsyUsdM225CHe sir= I,hasihacfmIpp gede pra.dp (ryquenis r. i*he s odcyrapeo luHIppsIS7 thte the /)edt t6U.ubu.inde: bXNNNNN@HOSTNAME.cccte ahamto dedumuipMaiXubt-aavr )eir hadepunc gedu*hwea suhs e smeMotHe sir=te the :avr 91/92:uA 92/93: B(?); NNNNNppstura.dp digihe,halc) aavr alwaysersism(geduckpc0; HOSTNAMEubt-eiSTS.dte avt'aavr (VMS)inte avt'u (odux)inte asuse (SunOS)inte avmbavr (IBM),-(rzte atjwa(IBM).r Older r***Adtppstuuc"witavr .p etvyNNNN@te avt'a, vuNNNN@te avt'u,at navr bgNNNN@te avmbedt t6 lettFor dse.ubu.indsihenbtncohaosute the /uu*hte avt'a,bos.csug.sukssupetwbv**/ tsl SNC-rducrvmhaosute the /uu*boste asuse.r dt t6-n e- vmafdirec) UrS7 ths---(Hmeseo at n VM/ubt-avvmaly**;bos.ewthehncote avmbecccte ahamto dedubosDIAL VTAMy ELIXIRavr hoo**hfrp /u u dt t UNY/Buffalo:avrGinds, U.ubu.inde: aN I@ubvms.ccctuffalodedum[i aan nothpogecy**]dt6 U***Ad .uc"wite.p etVNNNXXXXmuipMaiNNNppstutni. tt dt6 3cdigihe defonphe socs srpurebr*edolak,at n XXXXm/he T 4halpnunum**A e reptFoenisgede s tFor.uc"witesocs T srpurebr*edolakaedtrGax.hcf.ppc t ppc CSer h*(rste the): aN I@acsudtuffalodedudt t6ubvmsie pooVAX,at n c) azrste the hadute the /uworMaedtrRecen)ly,hh,weO* inc)A" peo luHI zeMat ppc te the /uu*hacsu,bos.c aodux s*gedi. dt t6E iedekpppc Sste the: aN I@cyedtuffalodedudt EE Sste the: aN I@bsatrix.cyedtuffalodedudt tsDept: aN I@e rtuffalodedum( aN I@susybcscte theeavrr.6Tip= aN Is e thworaacsu,ucsm(a n pogecy* ecye) sr*m/uncotte.p e:ibosbyo----o etytIppoxiept(gede s .pllowlh(Urulwe: avr k1)iIf by tver ie p<=8ssnu.nap t,edtr 1.1)iifcitudoes nothtlosad5 exi St poo aN I,aavr de sno aN I=by tver e (eg.erm-r.)dtr 1.2) els -avr d aN Iti@b tt S This -+ by tver i(eg.ejrm-r.)dtr 2)iIf by tver ie ptoo long,at n oo.iddleS This -exi s,edtr e sno aN I i C This ji(eg.ejcs)dtr 3)iIf by tver ie ptoo long e thnoe.iddleS This -exi s,edtr e sno aN I i Ctni. tt S5ssnu.htuc"witeeni + I,at -,at navr e snowite his e (eg.eJ Is Si-r.enNu*hwp r -beerm-r.-j)edt t6Tip e / d-acsuodp pete snu.cfmImafaliae eilh , jo-mImafncoao aN Ir. rtuffalodedum thtesudtuffalodeduducrvmarr225oakdhacf aN r. i*he s s Ie.t iboxedt jo-ge 3.(Ge 3raphy),-arleh(Arle tecture)at n c:ibos(Mybcrede)odp peteedt t t UNY/Sto y Brook:y U.ubu.indu o:e: f lrvrvl@ccvm.susysbdedum(sbccvm.te theeavrr ks f lrvrvl@cc vma.susysbdedum(sbcc vma.te theeavrr (-reO* s cs gc.te theat n ccnova.te theeavrr f lrvrvl@ic.susysbdedum(sreO* s t zelibsreO1,avr cssreO1, cssreO2,ayesreO1;i-r,'the aan)edt tsFolksise rsusysbdedum(csie poplaliae ncot s h) azrbcs)dtrYemi-r,o jo- aN-hacfbamnu c"tG te pigh ",iuhoi@b-hesusysbdedum..edt thwryde aan gedakdf lrv@susysbdedu t t aN-odu..:co n +ppc n d Ginds/Ftwo.: isr h) a: Vks s sx,e eppc n d .indu o:e / d-ftwo.: ohaosute the /uu*hrcpp Vks s s.thh th;dhacf aN I pair hnie p" y tver"petw Vks s s.) az . es dt t n +Ftwo.: Spogecyilebr:y ks s sh) a: SUAIScte thedt ks aN-Academicn lfp ept(stsS*gedie aisdisduipMaihacfmIjorebrav ks uc"fmeseo at n VM/uhaosute the / uTipMaie ,hh,weO* in.edyav ks lebtl aalong witee th uc"ver gedconvenisose.rTryd" y tver -+ av ks tt S This -uc"fitt Sbtni"hasihacfpogecy**= aN I.dt t n +OSTS.orste the / d-ftwo.: :y ks s sh) a: rodopdac@.syrdeduks (Sun4/490/UNIX)co n ks s s.) Cluor h/UNIX)co n ks s ssusrisedac@.syrdeduk(VAX 8820/VMS)co n ks s a(IBM 3090/CMS) n usrisedac@.syrdedukpsturunebyotni.SUedtrAcademicnppc t ppc CSer h*t n e.ubu.indsiusupS mehaosute the /dt n usrise (tG dubt-aoVAX VMS cluor h).rB)thsh) atppstuu*boste theatsssuvmkt n usriseddt t n uTip pair hnie th aN Is bt-as .pllows e thpS tuc"witss h) as dt ks tt - This -+ .iddle- This -+ as muletuc"witeeni + I asdt ks pogecy**aedt t n +WG te-Pigh :m"f aan n I@syrdedu"pucrvmsearlehe s onl thdt ks rmoa) 3.tG te pigh e thp tFgior h dseon btea hae ais/TS. t n n nilfp ept(stspublic. Mutli luHeptcitsSproduers mo.:i luHh t t dt ks "f aan @syrdedu"pe thc)A" detvmas dt t n +PhonpzBook:uTip aN-Phonpzbookiuctenti st hae aN Is t n n nilcituasiuell.zDialipc (315) 443-1870fip camnu cilfp ept(st, t n n nifdhacf aN id-exi s i*he s phonpbook,de s .io luHworMaiucrv t n n nbrihappyotodM225cituout dt t n +conso.:@rodopdac@.syrdeduks--iIf hacf aN I exi s,et n tea dt ks pindia does,'thm dphao gede ha.ubdph t, rcppo aN id-ucrv t n n ncitckcintode befp eha.uet n rep meviae.t iedt t6) 3el Sb.syrdeduki e th.ttheept(cpS ) 3elmt n ) 3ic t6pponinmr ged.inds/ftwo.: edt t t wismhc)A":y ks s sks--leSste the/Ftwo.: / wwiisFLLLLLLN@cc.swismhc)A"dedu,duipMaavr F i Ctni. aN '@b tt S This ,et n LLLLLL i Ctni. tt Ssixavr )eir hhtuc"witir=eni + Ie A '1' (ode)obt-appuncbdpi*hc) aavr . es, thduplcrmo: Ctni.edolak i C Tcru/u rsd dt ks lo-i lu, je d-.tmafncopogtmni akaeYemi-r,o jo-avr . aan .io luHbyotniir=eni + Iedt t n u nCS:s oupS m, by tver @e rswismhc)A"deduafr. [Tite.pllowlh(Ui Ctni.oldcilfpintG dutr rvmholdsS7 ths---(.io lu:y s--leSste the: xxxYY@swat.swismhc)A"dedu,duipMa xxxUi Ctni T sste thheC This j, YYCtni.suhs uc".indu o(stedtr Itw . e uc"duplcrmo: ,ayxtra "x" dcbdpbetwe5Cavr 'ite This jit n suhs.iIf hacMaiu.cftriplcrmo: ,ae smavr keepuu*hadc gedx'saeYemi-r,o jo- aNavr .mnu .swismhc)A"dedum(swismhcr.te thee.iIf hacmehaosavr noe.iddleS I,hu e "_"peti aaduuc"wite.iddleS This edtr lo-i lu, je d-.tmafncopogtmni akay sFtwo.: St n VM/uhaosu aN Is asihacir=eni + I/uu*bos .mnu .swismhc)A"dedu.]dt thexas A&Maodu.edtebr:y y --lerste the -r,ohaosutnute the uu*haoVAX cluor h,at hutsponax.ou@avr-rr.uc"UNIXzbox: ,a thp VM/CMSs.thh th. Proyay* elyUsdtea*bos30%.uc"witesste th bod5 (40Kerste the)etakes adva" igh.uc"wii/ uTipbosfp ept.uc"wite aN Is bt-FML####duipMa im ppstutni. This jit n ####r. is"witeeni +fem.odigihe deftni.SSN.r Ifha-rste thihae noe.iddler. i*his -e sno'0' (Zspo)obt- aNd. uTip e dp pet e p"tamudedu"pt n teer. .thh thdco r -bee,e edefse25hcf.phoiers like"venu ,arigel, jucma,avrsigma, etcedtr Gax.hcf.oduxisr tamuas tamudedu,aea pex tamudedu,avr r tam us tamudedudtr Gax.hcf.VAX/VMSisrzeus tamudedu,avenu tamudedu,aavr r jucma tamudedu,asigma tamudedu,avr r rigel tamudedudt ks Gax.hcf.VM/CMS: 'amvm1 tamudedudtavrFinc gedaddsyUsh :avr Tryde aan ged y tver @nam us tamudedua th y tver @namudeduedtr (tamudedua aN@ ph,de s CSO N IsreO* )dt t6Tip pc t S.orcienc" depismm thheCdp pet e p"c tamudedu". uTipco ss o(tr ct-cyptubt-"ss o tamudedu". uTipf aN I fp ept.un"witssr. .thh thsobt- aupS mefffffffvm t f lrvrvl. uS----oldcte the /ueadyhaosavrfitt Sbtnisa th y t+ I/uu*l edt6Tip .tth depismm thheCdp pet e p.tth tamudeduedt bh tha-m rv(stsiSTS.ddepismm thcf..thh thsouckpcvaryppcco I/ue l i*he s .p et"xxx tamudedu".dt thri*hi eppllegh.(Hismfp d CT):avrSste the: VAX1.TRINCOLL.EDU (trincc.vt'.te theeavrThsie pooVMSs.thh th, e thitu"upportsde aan.dt thuftsdodu.edtebr:y tuftsdedu,aeuftsdte thedt EntriI/ueFginn( i*he s nyxtopogtppcco(cpllegh-e vma-2.tyxt)edt t;;; *EOF*dt lu:902 nyws.answedt:1678 Nywsgroupe: soc.cpllegh, lu,nyws.answedt Ptthistgec!unl tfp.unldedu!moe.ksudksudedu!zaphod.mps.ohio-ss oededu!mips!darwlhrsura.the!te l!rocits S.!ca" iloupe.srv.c cmudedu!crabIppse.srv.c cmudedu!mka" Frp : mka" +@c cmudedu (Mark Ka" rowltzeavSubjectisFAQ:eppllegh.E.tmafAddsyUsh 2/2 [Monthlyopogtppc]dtMyUsigh-ID: afD oe: Su ,(07 June92 04:18:44 GMT Expiree: Tuh, 21 Jule92 04:18:34 GMT Organiz o(st: Sphoo tuc"Cpc t S.oScienc", CarnFgie Mellu*boNntp-Pogtppc-H) a: cmudeduavSupindedee: afFpllowup-To:opogtS. tRep m-To:omka" @c cmudedu Apppoved: nyws-answedt-ryquest@MIT.Edu L ths: 1079dt tArle ve- Iisepllegh-e vma/pism2 Ly t-Modified: Mon Apr 13 22:33:27 1992 byoMark Ka" rowltz Vedtest: 3.18dt thaisdisdwitesecondphalf.uc"witesucmar edefh,wfncoi dpemImafaddsyUsh e th .ubu.indu o:pt n .indu o:prste the,"fmeseo at n VM/upt.variou@aveplleghs*t n e.u.edtebiI/aedt t;;; ******************************** t;;; E.tmafD oabIsIisU-Z ************ t;;; ******************************** t odu..edefAaiborg: @iI/ t odu..edefAkrst:avrr.6AcademicnMthh ths:sFtwo.: , Gind, U.ubu.inddtr vt'1.cccuakrstdedu (vt', jo-. aan works)dtr vm1 cccuakrstdedu (vms, jo-. aan does,'thwork) dtr vm1ie po jo-knownSt pokrstvm.te thedtrM) azrste the / d-ftwo.: ohaosute the /uu*heiSTS.duc"witss .thh thsedt6UaN Is are- aupS mer1S7 thftwo.: , r2S7 th.indu o:co sste the,"t n r3 e th .ubu.inde,"fpllowbdpby. tt ,e.iddle,avrt n )at S This /ae(Ic"witesste th does,'thhaosute.iddler. i*his -itubt-om-rrsd ) N gedconflcratppstusyUolvbdpbyavrtdc gedaodigih ncot s e d-uc"wite aN id-(e.g., 1, 2,a..e 9)edt t6e thexam lu:hm I i Cr2sk9@vt'1.cccuakrstdedu..edt t6E iedekpppc Mthh ths:sGind, .ubu.indavr . le01.ecgfcuakrstdedu (e.ux, e thnoee aan ge)avr . le02.ecgfcuakrstdedu (e.ux, e thnoee aan ge)avrUaN idheCnp epS meeFginduckpctni. tt Stwo leir hhtuc"wit t6pindiaheCmIjor-(el = electr(cpS,e.e = mesnun(cpS)"fpllowbdpby t64odigihe to-mIke"6odigih aN id. U.ubu.indtppstuM225t edheCofbosfp e bsxxxxaedt t Mtth Depismm th .thh ths:sFtwo.: , Gind, U.ubu.inddtr vonneumopdc uakrstdedu (e.ux / d-f aan gedworks)dtrO*l .tth rste the o.orste the enrplleu i*h thrsh ucf h dsby t6.tth depthhaosute the / u. aan worksduckpc tt , y tver e o. t6uaN idheaedt t uaN idheS7 th.inde / d-ftwo.: opstubyotniir=eni + Isedt6e.ubu.indsit n cenisute the /ueFginduckpc us"fpllowbdpby.thret t6digihe mIk ged6 leir h aN id. dt t Mesnun(cpS E iedekpppc Mthh ths:sGind,ftwo.: r.6Ae e.ind eniedekpppc sste th -r,ohaosutnute the . dtrFinaan does,'thworkS7 thwitss .thh thsedt6 ss rsh th.mesn uakrstdedudt6 sunsh th.mesn uakrstdedu dtr moonsh th.mesn uakrstdedu avrUaN idheCpstufitt Sbtnis. t odu..edefA Sba pupt.Hhe /v rve:y y Dp pet: uahdedu avr asn.the (asnuahdasn.the)avrr.6Sphoo tuc"E iedekpppc: xxx..x@ebs330.eb.uahdedudt tsdepth: xxx..x@uahcs2dc uahdedudt Mtth dept: xxx.x@sus3..tth uahdedudt Gind ssd/Researleh: xxx.x@asnuahdasn.thedt ks odu..edefArizona:y y U.ubu.indu o:eCpstunot rot ppel M225t pc t S.ote the / u Ifhandt6e.ubu.indihae tnute the ,-itubt-al.) az ertvm*l a-rppcle-su/ugtS.uu*edt n hacfbluor h ccit.arizonadedu e thp specific cenis. uTipf aN I pp V i*he s .p eat:y y Lxxxxyyy r.6L=ufitt Sleir h defeni + Ir.6xxxx = eni +fem.odigihe defsste th ID.edolak ( aupS meSSN)avryyy = eni +fem.odigihe def thrshesequenc" edolakdt t6Tiip cluor h e po jo-knownSt p"violei"pt n "skyblu", depenc ged n who-avryemi ilk to. uTip e ctupS menodes i*he s laraan cluor hedt t6Ccit.arizonadedu sreO*sf l rcs e who-do,'thhaosutniir=ownS pc t S.s,avrtG dubt-al.) aze25hyoth. Ifhyem'.cflook ged7 ths---onpzwhoheCpndt6e.ubu.ind, je d-pol te .tmafncopogtmni ak@ccit.arizonadedu. YemiMUST knowutniir=fitt St n )at Sbtnis,de s eplleghotniy'.cfin,"t n uiptTS. t tniy'.cfae.ind th .ubu.ind. uTipy. orwisn tea meUsigh ncot s t a at---.ote the / ucfic", tG ducpSl Ctni. aN ,"t n asksdifdihheCok to t M225ch thtniir= aN I. uS-= a gede s phonpubt-beir hedt t6M,e efmeseo at n VM/ jo- n ccit.arizonadedu. Ifhs---onpztellsavryemi n "cosy" th"icosy,"pe tgethit;hyem -r,'thje d-.tmafnc t tnim (alrcsug.s niyi-r,oje d-.tmafncoyem)edt t6U.ubu.indtpi*hCpc t S.oScienc" n . lu*dc arizonadedu; ask root. t6U.ubu.indtpi*hE iedekpppc n a cluor h defSu s; askco syor m@evt'2.engr.arizonadedu.dt t6Gind sste the / d-Ftwo.: Stre- aupS meM225t te the /uu*htniir t6depismm th/eplleghosyor ms. uTr .tth arizonadedu; t6physic arizonadedu; mi arizonadedu; c arizonadedu, etcedt t6I*he s Sphoo tuc"B a geUs,hyem -r,ftry Fitt i*his Ly tver (i.e.,avrRReagan) @mi arizonadeduouckpcv5hy good sucerss. t Arizona.EDU isdwitecamnu c.tmafg o:way, e thu*l rcs e who-ask ghedtraliash unfArizona.EDU. Yemico r -try )at - I@Arizona.EDU ifhyemco suspectde s .india yem wa" a aN@ EMAIL a lot. Howbv5h,avrpogtmni ak@Arizona.EDU isdr,fun aupS mehelpfule.india,"t n yxtru/ulyavrpol te .tmafs th ncohimueadysyUo.:pi*htnutnswed. t odu..edefAtla" i: @auc.UUCP t odu.edtebrtuc"Calgar avr@cpsccucalgar .ca t6e th l ftwo.: , VM/, .inde,"h .ubu.inde t6-tuct5t )at Sbtni,a thfitt Sbtni,a th This /ae th y t+ I t6e llowbdpby. This /ae t odu..edefCalie tnia/Berkeley: M,e ediff h th te the /uu*hm,e e.thh thse y U.ubu.indu o:eCi*hGax.hcf: ocf.berkeleydedudt Ftwo.: , VM/, t n .indu o:prste thei-r,o jo-gethte the /uu*dt cf.berkeleydeduedt t6U.ubu.ind CS/EE, 1 t+Yuhs Gindisepr .berkeleydedu (haisdisdfo. t6u.ubu.ind je.uore / d-s tuore / d-fitt Ssuhs .indu o:co sste the. M) aziSTS.d.indu o:prste theihaosutniir=ownavrtorkst o(ste. F thfsyUhm5t t d-sophoc)A" ,a npzmut Slook e thp t aenisute the e th cf public ceuor he U.ubu.indtpnowuhaosutc t pay e thpe the /uu*hepr , jo-.ewan .io luHw rvmbe= a gedit.)dtrFir t+Yuhs Gindu o:p tsrste the:-try epr .berkeleydedu o. t6xcs us berkeleydedue t tipodes.berkeleydedudtdt tsFtwo.: , Gind ,aS VM/ises.berkeleydedu (aliash mImafaddsyUs)dt tsGind Sste the: Good syor ms ncotr Stre-(all .es.berkeleydedudtr th.berkeleydedu) spr te,uharmon , jequoia, larle,avr royor ct,opogtgA" ,at n . aan.dtr tax.t. cti.berkeleydedu jo-hae s---p tsgind sste the u*hdtr it. M,e e.thh ths i*he s depismm thCpstunowavr, e thnoth l pst.dtrEEsFtwo.: : esvt', ic,i-rd,a thp torkst o(stdtdt Jan aHw rvmbe=goppc uway s-ia,"taHw rvmucbarpa. M,e ecs.indtpw rvdt haosumImafaliash unfes.berkeleydedu, tG duw rvmbv5ntupS me"upportavrfi aan. uSyor ms ncotr S7 th.ind sste the /re-(all .berkeleydedu):avrspr te,uharmon , jequoia, yew, larle, royor ct,opogtgA" ,at n . aan.dtrS-ia,"witss w rvmbe=moved i*ncot s es.berkeleydedu subdp pet enor nddtrdefberkeleydedu subdp pet (ie,hyem'd-f aan @spr t6Tiip w rvmhIpp5t s-ia,"e thhae,'thhapp5ted yetedt t6N IsS7 thwitf bhosute the /utre- aupS m, e thnoth ways,avr pcbin o(ste-uc"wite aN heCrepS tt ,e.iddleSt n )at Sbtnisavrt n/ th This /aeHowbv5h,u. aan w rvmsearlehwite"repS btni"avrfieldctp we l psdwitete the e I.dt t6TipMaiu.cfm,e ecenisute the /u(tG duall sste the get).uTip n web.berkeleydedu,bard.berkeleydedu, t n t6xcs us berkeleydedue hdtrzooem, e ddm, frann , / d-s ymem.otoo, excepthtniy'.cfbeppcco retired. Dan be,ha pzon,dcongo, / d-volga"t n a cluor h defss rsco ( In af S.ors rs)"uppoded ncobsutniCreplacem the. avrteb"t n e ddmfh,ln cenises tea fsyUhm5t t d-sophoc)A" tuct5t tIke.avrs ymem.o/ d-frann ct5t uded 7 thcenises 7 thb a geUsCmIjoreaedt t Cenisute the e aN I/utre-typ(cpS mecnnn-mxx thennn-mxx, tGpMa t 'c' th'e' denotI/u ts thEE, nnn isdwitecthrsheedolak,e. isdwitavrs co(st.edolak (noth ways uded), / d-xx tre-two leir hh.dt t6St o(sr ctecenisute the / che s .p e s#xxxx, tGpMa # pp V hacfblnisuedolak / d-xxxx ie s---pstpppc chalphabeiic char ct hh.dt Tip e ue the /ul225chnfg ndalf berkeleydedue St o(sr ct t aeuor h cpc t S.sCpstun In af S.oTolki5t har ct hh.dt t qal.berkeleydedu is uded 7 thcthrsh et "pr ct(cpS pc t S.oude"avr(taug.tubyotni t thropology depismm th).u Ae the e IsCpstavr193xxx, tGpMa xxx ie e s lat Sbtni-uc"wite aN edt t6M,kpc(Gindu o:p/ d-Ftwo.: ): .tth berkeleydedu t6St o Depismm th: st o.berkeleydedudtrPhysic Gind p/ d-U.ubu.indt:ophysic berkeleydedudtrMesn. E Profs & Gind : eulN eberkeleydedu, typho.berkeleydedudtrPublic Ceuor h (s---p .ubu.inde): ocf.berkeleydedudt Sphoo tuc"Educao(st: s-e.berkeleydedudt OSTS.d.thh ths ncotr :mucbvt' berkeleydedu edt t garnFo.berkeleydedu / d-violei.berkeleydedu /rsutniC.) a t likely place e thp pay-e t-u e ue the e S---pdepismm ths t6.ti*npet te the /uu*htniss .thh thsS7 thftwo.: , rcsug.,avrsohtniss .thh thsS/rsutniCplace ncotr S7 thfmeseo atcfiliarsdavrtith depismm ths tea haosunoerepS pc t ged7acilibiI/a Al.) az,e npz n .mnu c-r,opay e thpt te the uu*htniss .thh ths.dt t6Soni-uc"witecenisute the / jo- n congo.hGax.hcflyavrtdcsyUsh S7 thwitffitt Ssu/ugtS.ucenises u.c:dt ts60A - c60a-__@dan bedt ts3 - c3-1a__@a pzons thc3-1b__@congodt t6pogtmni ak@nFotles---.berkeleydedu sho r -btectnsid h dsae t lat t ahoic" tGpnflook ged7romhs---onpzelectron(cpS mae t odu..edefCalie tnia/Davi : avr@ucdavi dedu -- worksdifhyem knowutniir=te the e Iavr aN id/ che s .p e fmllllla @clhosr.ucdavi dedu -- worksde thpt npzi*he s tsdepismm thavr whoie -h ucdavi dedu < I> t odu..edefCalie tnia/Irv th:dt tsU.ubu.indt:obonnie. ct.ucidedudt tsGind /S VM//Ftwo.: : ct.ucidedudt EE: or(st.ucidedu avrUaN id- aupS meFLLLLLLL (8 har .tx);hs---ti IsCFFFFFFFL.dt Ftwo.: aN id/ aupS metniir=eni + Isedt6Tr f aan gedf I-l I@ucidedudt odu..edefCalie tnia/Los A aales (UCLA):dt t: @ct.ucladeduo@oahu.ct.ucladedudt ks MATH: @.tth ucladedu, @son(a..tth ucladedu, @oak..tth ucladeduavr (.indu o:prste the, VM/, fmeseo )dtrEEs.indtp& fmeseo : ee.ucladeduo(nFoworkSdefRT p/ d-SUNsavr runnigede.ux. Ethh .thh th-hae e s btni-uc"a fmmemsavr eniedekp:, jo, etc)avr UaN I/uvar ;otr S7btni,a y tver ,..a AGSM: @agsm.ucladeduo @uclagsmavr (A.ubudia Gindu o:pSphoo tuc"M,eighm th)avr All defsste ths , VM/e / d-ftwo.: ohaosutniir= aN ID.avr UaN ID:eFLLLLLLL (.tx 8 har ct hh) t CenisuAe the t:opic.ucladeduo(PIC = pro.inm i*h tc t ge)avr Tip e gethclear dse25hy quisman. Ae the e IsCpstf aupS mavr witecthrsheedolak"fpllowbdpby.thret leir hh hodenubyotni sste th.avr Ifhyem-f aan @laguna.pic.ucladedu,hyem gethc)A"sdenpelsdavr info, suchctp wGpnfwite aN =eni +loggbdpon,detcedt E iedekpppc: seat.ucladeduo haisdisda sreO*r e thp nFoworkSfo. t6 witesphoo tuc"eniedekpppc t n applibdpscienc"eaeAe eeniedekpppc t6 .indu o:prste thc-r,ogethtt te the uu*hit, / d-m,e e .ubu.inde t6 haosute the /uu*hit 7 thcenises. haisd.thh th-hae acerssutc t USENETa Anybod : oac.ucladeduoeAe IBM 3090.u At npzi*hUCLAc-r,ogethtt t op5t te eisute the e nfwiis ncoje d-.tma,detceu Ae the t IsC nfwiis .thh th-/rsuterrib mecrypiic (suchctp IZZYR33)ae t odu..edefCalie tnia/Sa" i Cruz: t6U.ubu.indt:mucscb.ucsccedudt OSTS.dhodt etaeudemucsc{c-e,o}.ucsccedu,mucscvm.ucsccedu,metceu Allhtniss hodt (excepth7 thucscb) n bitnethtshwitffitt t partf che sir=dp pet I.dt A nFw hodt,i-rts.ucsccedu,mhae be5t tdd dsae tniC.ImafaddsyUs t6e thUCSCheC.edteons efAtGpna. UaN c-r,obe-f aanbdpby. aN I,avrfitt Sbtni,a theni + Ie U.ubu.indt, .inde,"ftwo.: , t n t6s---pstVM/ueadyhaosute the /uu*h-rts. t odu..edefCalie tnia/Sa" Diego (UCSD):dt TniCprimar .tmafg o:way is ucsddedue haisd.thh th- jo-hae p t smart-f aan pro.inm, tG duw rvmlook up IsCtea spe.u similar V hcot s npzyem-f aaned. Jut S"f aan I@ucsddedu"edt t6M) az aN I/utre-t s This f che s .itt Sbtni"fpllowbdpby.thIavr)at Sbtni,atrun-rted nco8 har ct hh, iIe "jfowlN @ucsddedu", e t V haisdisdnoth ways witecass (becau e .) luHdo,'thlikehtniir t6 IsCtrun-rted)edt t6M,hh th-sdcc13 houses te:prste thc.india fte the /uuhc.syU th, e t V .tmafncoucsddeduuw rvmrep du(al.) a)se25hy npz n sdcc13.ucsddeduedt t6Ifde s .india isda .indu o:prste th,"ftwo.: meolak,eorpstVM/ V .eolakotr :mteb h (s-cs fscienc"e),dcogsci (guyUs), ee n t6(l au(sr ct),dcrl (s---pde25lopm th fpsyphology .io lu)edt t6M,n , m,e eoSTS.d.thh ths houseecthrsh,"ftwo.: , VM/, t n syU arleavrte the /. Yemthbugthbut is ncolook e s btni-up uhcucsddeduedt todu..edefCG ago:dt TniCodu.edtebrtuc"CG agopnowu(fpS 91) runs te:pph .tmaco syor m, jo-je dppc .tmafncof This - y tver @ucG agodeduuw rvavrtorkdifhtniy'osu th h dsaerepS .tmabox i*ncot sir=ph thrmae t6I*hcass uc"btni-ctnflict, /ddsaddhisia f This /hbuy nd.thIavr.itt . QuyUo(ste-sho r -btedirected ncoadvi or@midway.ucG agodedu.y U.ubu.indu o:e: midway.ucG agodeduu(fp eer metank.ucG agodedu)avr(midway.ucG agodeduusreO*ssae t .tmafs eO*r e th.thh ths t6 Id quids.ucG agodeduut n yllis.ucG agodedu) dt tsGind :fg rgoyle.ucG agodedu t6M,kp: zaphod.ucG agodedu t6Educao(st: paid (a.ucG agodedu t6Chem(srr :mpico.ucG agodedu t6A jo-Tr :muchep.ucG agodedu t todu..edefColoindo/Bo r kp: V hinmp.coloindocedu,mcoloindoceduedt6Telnethncodirectpr .coloindocedu,m a ged aN I "directpr ". t6Tiip leiszyem-acerssut s nl th-phonebook/e.ImafaddsyUs bookedt todu..edefConn co(cut: V uctnndedu t6 aN id@n(cky.uctnndedu t6 tsU.ubu.indt:oug1.eni1.uctnndedu t6 tsGind p/ d-Ftwo.: : cse1.cte.uctnndedu t6 tsRyU arlep/ d-Gind :fsparc0.brc.uctnndedu t todu..edefDaytia (Ohio):dt Sphoo tuc"E iedekpppc: te cc.enir.udaytiadedu t6 PS: tecps3.cps.udaytiadedu t6Gax.hcf: teavxb.oca.udaytiadedu t todu..edefFloiidac(Ga thsv rvh,"FL):dt F aan y tver @wasp.eni.ufldedue Connpetsh tc leit l(sr ngs t6e luHi*he s pllegetuc"E iedekpppc, / d-s---pl(sr ngs t6e luHi*hoSTS.ddepismm thsedt todu..edefIllinoie,"CGnmp.: dt t: .tmafnco y tver @ct.uiucdedu o. f y tver @ct.uiucdeduco sho r -tork. t6C.mnu : .tmafncof- y tver @uiucdedu / d-fitt I-ly tver @uiucdedu t6 aupS meworks.dtrSste thcAe the t:ouxa.cto.uiucdedu E25hy fsyUhmr,ogetshtt t te the e nfwiis .thh th. UaN I/ aupS metnie aN he V haret This /,"fpllowbdpby.f225crandp char ct hh.dt CS/Gind SstesRyU arle: ..ct.uiucdedu (Enc)A"sMo.:i.tx) t Ceniset:oux1.cto.uiucdedu,mhe drux.ece.uiucdeduco (Purely enorrucisia . 1Ssu/ugtS.ute the /uu*htnis .thh th.)dt Ftwo.: :iu.cfm) aly u*hux1.cto.uiucdeduavr whoie -h uiucdedu < Is>dt t6It is udupS mepogsib e ncoje d-.tmafncof- y tver @uiucdedu o. t6fitt I-ly tver @uiucdedu. Ifde a ftmas,hyem w rvmgetht V .essigh tG dutyllszyem-whmetniee.Imafco r -nothbtes th.avdt FromhBITNET,hit is pogsib e ncogethinformao(stf bhuaz,e prste thcbmavrexect gedwitectmm/ d-'TELL PHSERVE AT UIUCVMD-fitt Iavr)at I RETURN ALL.'dt todu..edefIllinoie/CG ago: ( aN id/u che s .p e Uxxxxx) t todu..edefIowa:co E iedekpe -uu*htni Appllo pppc t - @ aet.uiowadeduco - Fitt SIThi fMiddleSIThis fLat SN I co OSTS.s - @weeg.uiowadedu co t todu..edefKansas:dtrSste thcAe the t6M) az aN ID'/utre-t sir=eni + Isu(fitt S6 leir hh)edt tUNLV:dtrSste thcAe the t:oh drock.nevadadeduavruns-helios.nevadadedu is uded by.s---pstte the, e tueadybedt cha iedg