typedstream StreamTable HashTable Object [20c] typedstream [3587c] typedstream HashTable Object FirstResponder HeaderClass %%%%i@@ firstnib checkSpelling: alignSelCenter: unscript: pasteFont: runPageLayout: superscript: copyRuler: copyFont: selectAll: pasteRuler: toggleRuler: showGuessPanel: alignSelLeft: paste: performClose: arrangeInFront: subscript: copy: alignSelRight: delete: orderFrontColorPanel: underline: performMiniaturize: ConfigPanel Panel /usr/include/sys/message.h genericobject_nib optionButton autoPrintPopup optionPanel permissionOptionView existingDriverCell remoteNameFormCell alertStrings monitorPathButton retryButton autoPrintButton privateCell accessButton volumeTextField modemNumberField installMatrix deleteUserButton newDriverCell trustUserButton dialingButton storeFaxesButton storeFaxesPopup noteFormCell configForm niLocal restrictUserButton faxUserMatrix speakerButton domainButton unrestrictUserButton serialButton paperSizeButton archiveButton mailFaxesView addUserButton systemUserMatrix serialPopup volumeSlider recordOptionView configOptionView prefsView driverButton installOptionView ringsButton localNameFormCell mailFaxesField driverPopup logButton publicCell modemOptionView niRemote accessInfoField optionPopup setExportPath: unrestrictUser: publicAccess: trustUser: performCancel: selectDriver: restrictUser: deleteUser: setMonitorPath: reinstallDriver: newDriver: addUser: performInstall: privateAccess: setAutoPrintState: resetVolume: ScrollingMatrix ScrollView matrix NIAccess /usr/include/rpc/clnt.h niDomain UserInfoCell SelectionCell /usr/include/dpsclient/event.h stdfont boldfont italicfont NiftyMatrix Matrix InstallApp Application appnib installPanel helpPanel installStrings infoPanel displayHelpPanel: displayInfoPanel: InstallPanel windownib commentView helpStrings mailView emailHeader otherHeader emailField companyField expireField paymentButton stateHeader passwordView returnBox firstnameField zipField stateField cityField versionView helpField faxHeader infoWindow hostHeader paymentBox hostField otherField emailButton passwordField passwordHeader configPanel commentBox phoneNumberField cancelButton lastnameField installButton companyHeader lastnameHeader address1Field address2Field returnButton address1Header removeButton mailAddressField installVersionField removeBrowser address2Header phoneView expireHeader billingField printButton removeView billingHeader currentVersionField voiceHeader faxField faxButton registerButton cityHeader zipHeader firstnameHeader voiceField performRegister: cancelFax: performEmail: cancelMail: sendMail: removeDrivers: cancelRemove: performFax: dialFax: performRemove: performPrint: [33117c] typedstream HashTable Object NibData @@@@s Storage {*@@} [238{*@@}] File's Owner CustomObject InstallApp InstallPanel WindowTemplate ffffy iiii***@s@ NXFax Installer Responder ScrollView ClipView ciifffcfffs [157c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\f0\b0\i0\ul0\fs24 NXCursor NXImage NXibeam Scroller Control _doScroller: @@@ffs Comments Helvetica Button ButtonCell ActionCell Print E-mail to B&W Fax to B&W [31@] TextField TextFieldCell NXFax has already been installed on this machine. Refer to the documentation for additional information or contact: E-mail: nxfax@bandw.com Fax: +1-802-496-5112 Phone: +1-802-496-8500 Last Name: Company: Address1: City: State: Voice #: Fax #: Other: E-mail: Address2: First: NXFax ID: MC/Visa#: Expires: Title Master Card MenuTemplate *@*@ccc OtherViews Matrix @:@iiii MenuCell Personal Check Bank Check Cash On Delivery Purchase Order Prepaid Other ff@@#::s PopUpList@ popUp: Bitmap popup popupH Payment Method: Telephone Electronic mail Postal Service Return Password By: Password: Install Cancel Remove >Press the Dial button to fax this information to B&W Software. 1,802-496-5112 NXBrowser @@::#@ssssi** NXBrowserCell BrowserItem: NXFax drivers on this machine: ?Press the Mail button to mail this information to B&W Software. nxfax@bandw.com Helvetica-Bold Current NXFax: Install NXFax: 1.09b ScrollingText Field2 Voice Phone: Fax Phone: Field9 Field10 Field11 Field12 Field13 Field14 Field15 Field16 Field17 Field19 Field22 Field24 First Name:# Field25& NXFaxID:) Field, Field1/ Field32 Field45 Button1@< Registration HelpStrings NXStringTable /Email the customer information to B&W software.< Registers and activates the NXFax software for unlimited use once you have entered a valid password. Faxes may be sent and received by supported modems connected to this machine. They may originate locally or via network connections. ROOT permissions are required to use this option.< Enter your NXFax password here. If you don't have a password, contact B&W Software. E-mail: nxfax@bandw.com Fax: +1-802-496-5112 Phone: +1-802-496-8500< .How do you want your password returned to you?< 2Customer's electronic mail address, if applicable.< Customer's city.< *First name of customer or primary contact.< 1Don't remove any NXFax drivers from this machine.< 5Don't email the customer information to B&W Software.< Installs the NXFax software. Unregistered copies of NXFax permit you to send single page faxes to any destination. Fax receiving is disabled and mulitple page faxes are terminated after the first page. ROOT permissions are required to use this option.< The current version number identifies the version of NXFax that is already installed on this machine. The install version identifies the version of NXFax that will be installed if you press the Install button.< If you have already paid for this copy of NXFax, select the Prepaid option. Otherwise, select a payment option from the list. Purchase orders and personal checks must be pre-approved. Mail purchase orders and checks to B&W along with a printed copy of this information.< +Customer's fax phone number, if applicable.< Additional address information.< )Last name of customer or primary contact.< 4Remove the selected NXFax drivers from this machine.< You must have root access to install NXFax on this machine. Please run the NXFax Installer as root or contact your System Administrator. If you have questions about this procedure, contact B&W Software at +1-802-496-8500.< The email address used to be used to send customer information to B&W Software. Email requires a connection to Internet, Usenet, or a mail service that can transfer documents to one of these networks. If the default address doesn't work on your machine try bandw.com!nxfax.< 8Don't send the customer information fax to B&W Software.< Removes the NXFax software from your machine. If you have moved the NXFax Monitor from the LocalApps directory, you may have to remove it manually. Fax the Customer Information list to B&W. In order to use this feature, you must have attached one of the modems supported by the NXFax software.< $Print the Customer Information list.< GEnter the credit card expiration date if you are paying by credit card.< "Customer's voice telephone number.< 8Customer's zip code or other postal identification code.< OCustomer's street address, Post Office box, or other local address information.< HThis unique identifer is used as a key to determine your NXFax password.< 4The list of NXFax drivers installed on this machine.< -Fax the customer information to B&W software.< The telephone number to be used for faxing customer information to B&W Software. The number displayed in this field can be edited if necessary.< Cancel NXFax installation.< Send the Customer Information list to B&W via electronic mail. To use this feature you must have a connection to Internet, Usenet, or a mail service that is capable of transferring documents to one of these networks.< 'Comments you would like to send to B&W.< KEnter your MasterCard or Visa Number here if you are paying by credit card.< :Additional information not covered by the previous fields.< 2Customer's state, province or geographical region.< &Customer's company name if applicable.< To install NXFax, press the Install button. NXFax will operate in Demonstration mode until you register a valid password. To obtain a password, use the auto-registration functions below or refer to the Info Panel for additional information. InstallerMenu Installer Info: Info Panel...: Help...: submenuAction: menuArrow Edit: Copy: Paste: Select All: Windows: Miniaturize Window: Close Window: Hide: Quit: InstallStrings DriverTarfile= NXFaxPkg.tar.Z< ExecPath= /usr/lib/NextPrinter/exec_faxes< FaxNumHeader= NXFaxNumber< MonitorName= NXFaxMonitor< FaxSpoolIn= /usr/spool/NeXTFaxes< MonitorDirectory= /LocalApps< DirPanelTitle= Select Directory< FaxResHeader= NXFaxHires< MonitorPath= /LocalApps/NXFaxMonitor< DeveloperEmail= FaxToHeader= NXFaxTo< PasswordPath= /private/etc/nxfax< PasswordFile= /private/etc/nxfax/nxfaxpwd< FaxSpoolOut= /usr/spool/NeXT< DeveloperName= B&W Software< DriverPdfPath= ,/usr/lib/NextPrinter/pdf/NXFax_Fax_Modem.pdf< ExecName= exec_faxes< InfoTitle= NXFax Customer Information< DeveloperPhone= DriverLinkPath= $/usr/lib/NextPrinter/NXFax_Fax_Modem< FaxNotifyHeader= NXFaxNotify< DriverPath= +/usr/lib/NextPrinter/NXFax_Fax_Modem_Driver NIStrings distinctive_prop= distinctive_ring< faxPath= /fax_modems< printsh_val= sharedas_prop= sharedAs< printsd_prop= printaf_val= /usr/adm/lp.acct< printerPath= /printers< faxprotocol_prop= protocol< volume_prop= speaker_volume< printty_prop= sharedto_prop= sharedTo< faxpublic_prop= public< mail_prop= mail_address< note_prop= note< faxarchive_prop= archive_limit< faxautoprint_prop= printer< faxdevice2_val= /dev/ttyd< dial_prop= tone_dial< faxdevice3_val= /dev/cu< userPath= /users< faxloglimit_prop= log_limit< printlf_prop= printignore_prop= _ignore< printif_prop= printlp_val= /dev/null< faxspool_prop= spool_directory< monitor_prop= monitorpath< faxmodem_prop= modem< printaf_prop= printsd_val= faxdaemon_prop= daemon< printrp_prop= printty_val= NXFax Fax Modem< faxuser_prop= users< serialTitle= Serial< faxreceive_prop= receive_filter< faxdaemonport_val= VISUSDAEMON_TTYD< printlp_prop= faxspool_val= remoteName= NXFax_remote< faxprotocol_val= VISUS_1< name_prop= name< faxdevice_prop= device< faxdaemonport_prop= daemon_port< printlo_val= lock< csi_prop= printsh_prop= faxreceive_val= /usr/lib/NextPrinter/mail_faxes< faxdaemon_val= /usr/lib/NextPrinter/FaxDaemon< privateTitle= Not connected< rings_prop= rings_to_answer< faxpaper_prop= printPaper< faxmodem_val= faxremote_prop= printrm_prop= faxpaper_val= Letter< speaker_prop= speaker_dial_only< localName= NXFax< faxlog_prop= log_file< printlf_val= /usr/adm/lpd-errs< rootPath= retry_prop= retries< faxlog3_val= faxlog2_val= /dev/console< printif_val= printlo_prop= Panel )South Hill Road Moretown, VT 05660 Times-Roman =+1-802-496-8500 +1-802-496-5112 (fax) nxfax@bandw.com (email) DirPanel copyright Scott Hess. Times-Italic 8Copyright 1992, B&W Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. v1.01 (Localization by ADAPTATIONS 505-662-9497