typedstream StreamTable HashTable Object [20c] typedstream [819c] typedstream HashTable Object FirstResponder HeaderClass %%%%i@@ firstnib checkSpelling: alignSelCenter: unscript: pasteFont: runPageLayout: superscript: copyRuler: copyFont: selectAll: pasteRuler: toggleRuler: showGuessPanel: alignSelLeft: paste: performClose: arrangeInFront: subscript: copy: alignSelRight: delete: orderFrontColorPanel: underline: performMiniaturize: Generateur GenerateurPrive genericobject_nib monPanneau popUpFonction valXMin tandsNombreDeCouples popUpRejet optionGeneration valXMax popUpMethode optionFenetre calcul: optionGenerationChanged: [5734c] typedstream HashTable Object NibData @@@@s Storage {*@@} [24{*@@}] File's Owner CustomObject GenerateurPrive Panel WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Generation Panel Responder Matrix Control ButtonCell ActionCell Helvetica @:@iiii ff@@#::s Button Send into NXImage NXswitch NXswitchH Only errors (Ei) NXradio NXradioH Couples (Xi,Yi) Radio TextField TextFieldCell with Yi = f (Xi) + Ei a window Generation Mode PopUpVisu ScrollView ClipView ciifffcfffs [108c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 \f0\b0\i0\ul0\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\up0\dn0 NXCursor NXibeam Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffs Item1 PopUpList Window @@ifss**s MenuCell popUpChanged popUp: Bitmap popup Title Noised functions [157c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\f0\b0\i0\ul0\fs24 Error generation methods FormCell Min : Field: Max : Range of X TextAndSlider valSliderChanged: Slider SliderCell mySliderChanged: File size for Ei or (Xi,Yi) {\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 \f0\b0\i0\ul0\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\up0\dn0 Rejection functions Field2 Field Min 64 Form1@0 Max A@ {i*@@@} [12{i*@@@}] monPanneau calcul: valXMin valXMax popUpFonction tandsNombreDeCouples popUpMethode optionFenetre popUpRejet optionGeneration optionGenerationChanged: delegate