typedstream StreamTable HashTable Object [20c] typedstream [872c] typedstream HashTable Object HeaderClass %%%%i@@ /usr/include/machine/vm_types.h genericobject_nib groupText groupPanel details filezowner elementWin atomicNumber symbol tableMatrix showElement: showGroup: FirstResponder firstnib checkSpelling: alignSelCenter: unscript: pasteFont: runPageLayout: superscript: copyRuler: copyFont: selectAll: pasteRuler: toggleRuler: showGuessPanel: alignSelLeft: paste: performClose: arrangeInFront: subscript: copy: alignSelRight: delete: orderFrontColorPanel: underline: performMiniaturize: ElementApp Application /usr/include/sys/signal.h appnib theBoss tableWin [24922c] typedstream HashTable Object NXImage .opendir NXBitmapImageRep NXImageRep iissss00 [576c] TP|FV DDDDn DDDDDE DEDDDE^ EIDEUn YDEYE ZijeU EYYDY NibData @@@@s Storage {*@@} [286{*@@}] File's Owner CustomObject ElementApp MainMenu MenuTemplate *@*@ccc Elements Matrix Control Responder @:@iiii MenuCell ButtonCell ActionCell Helvetica Info Panel... Credits Future ff@@#::s submenuAction: Bitmap menuArrow Paste Select All Table WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Table of the Elements Window [22@] TextField TextFieldCell VIIIB VIIIA [180@] Radio [10@] Button1)% Button2+% Button3-% Button12/% Button51% Button63% Button75% Button87% Button99% Button64;% Button65=% Button66?% Button85A% Button92C% Button93E% Button94G% Button11O% Button4Q% Button13S% Button14U% Button15W% Button16Y% Button17[% Button18]% Button67_% Button68a% Button20s% Button21u% Button22w% Button23y% Button24{% Button25}% Button26 Button27 Button70 Button71 Button61 Button63 Button82 Button83 Button84 Button91 Button110 Button111 Button112 Button31 Button Button10 Button19 Button28 Button29 Button30 Button32 Button33 Button34 Button35 Button36 Button37 Button38 Button39 Button40 Button41 Button42 Button43 Button44 Button45 Button46 Button47 Button72 Button73 Button74 Button75 Button98 Field1 Field Field2 Field3 Field4 Field5 Field6 Field8 Field10 Field11 Field12 Field13 Field14 Field15 Field16 Field7" Matrix2 Matrix3 Matrix4 Matrix5 Matrix6 ElementWin Element Details [20@] [16@] FormCell Boiling Point: Melting Point: Density: Oxidation States: Covalent Radius: Atomic Weight: Atomic Radius: Atomic Volume: Ionization Potential: Specific Heat: Thermal Conductivity: Electrical Conductivity: Heat of Fusion: Heat of Vaporization: Electronegativity: Crystal Structure: Field: g/mol states cc/mol Symbol volts joule/k W/cm-K Kj/mol Paulings e6/ -cm Greekish Boiling Point Melting Point Density Oxidation States Covalent Radius Atomic Weight Atomic Radius Atomic Volume Ionization Potential Specific Heat Thermal Conductivity Electrical Conductivity Heat of Fusion Heat of Vaporization Electronegativity Crystal Structure Field17 Field9 Field18 Panel Version 1.0 by ... CopyLeft 1992, Sapient Systems The Elements Helvetica-Bold Shawn Murphy atlantis!exthro!smurp VersionNumber GroupPanel Group Details ScrollView ClipView ciifffcfffs [108c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 \f0\b0\i0\ul0\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\up0\dn0 NXCursor NXibeam Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffs ScrollingText Future Directions [4083c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;\f2\fnil Times-Roman;} \margl40 \margr40 {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \f0\b\i0\ul0\ql\fs48\fi0\li0\gray0\up0\dn0 Elements \b0\fs22 \ \f2\fs28 by Shawn Murphy\ \fs24 atlantis!exthro!smurp\ \f0\fs22 \ \b\fs28 Basic Feature... \b0\fs24 \ Click on an element button to view the Element's Details.\ \b\fs28 Subtle Features... \b0\fs24 \ Click on group labels ( \i eg \i0 VIIIA) to view essays on group characteristics.\ Use the arrow keys to change the currently displayed element.\ \b\fs28 Open Invitation \b0\fs24 \ Care to join in the evolution of a powerful reference and educational tool? You already have the source code for this package on your machine! It is hiding in \b Elements.app/sources.\ \i There are at least three kinds of contribution you can make to this package: \i0 \ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\b0 \b0 \pard Suggest data or features to add.\ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 \b0 \pard Contribute datafiles to be \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 included \pard .\ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 \b0 \pard Write some code.\ Feel free to E-mail me. If you are considering investing an appreciable amount of time in this...please drop me a line...it would be sad if we duplicated effort! \pard\tx1140\tx2300\tx3440\tx4600\tx5760\tx6900\tx8060\tx9200\tx10360\tx11520\fs28\fc0 Desirable \pard \pard\tx1140\tx2300\tx3440\tx4600\tx5760\tx6900\tx8060\tx9200\tx10360\tx11520 D \pard ata \fs24 \ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\b0 \b0 \pard spectra\ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 \b0 \pard date \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 s \pard of discovery\ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 \b0 \pard isotopes\ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 \b0 \pard electronic configurations\ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 \b0 \pard prevalence \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 \ \b0 lore, history, uses\ \b0 geographic distribution \pard\b \ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\b0 \b0 superior \pard essays on group and series properties\ \b\fs28 Fancy Features \b0\fs24 \ \b\i internal \i0 \ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\b0 \b0 \pard have selectable units for the properties \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 \ \b0 sorting elements by their properties \pard \ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 \b0 \pard step \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 t \pard hrough elements by current sort order\ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 \b0 \pard selective display of fields\ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 \b0 \pard searching ability \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 \ \b0 simultaneous viewing of several elements\ \b\i reporting \b0\i0 \ \b0 output datasheets on individual elements\ \b0 output datafiles by property, by group, etc\ \pard\b\i connections \i0 \ \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\b0 \b0 \pard with Mathematica \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 ?\ \b0 with Improv?\ \b0 make \pard \b Elements \b0 \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600 a service BossInstance Credit [421c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f1\fmodern Courier;\f0\fswiss Helvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \pard\tx1140\tx2300\tx3440\tx4600\tx5760\tx6900\tx8060\tx9200\tx10360\tx11520\f1\b0\i0\ul0\qc\fs24\fc0 The group essays are based on the fitth edition of \b Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia. \b0 \ The element data were snarfed from the \b "Interactive Table of the Elements" \b0 hypercard stack. {i*@@@} [27{i*@@@}] hide: terminate: copy: paste: selectAll: showElement:% showGroup: groupPanel details elementWin symbol atomicNumber groupText orderFront: tableWin theBoss tableMatrix makeKeyAndOrderFront: filezowner