typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject TextField Control Responder ScrollView ClipView ciifffcfffs [261c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fnil Times-Roman;\f1\fswiss Helvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\f0\b0\i0\ulnone\fs28\fc0\cf0 Could not find the general help file or the directory of the help files. NXCursor NXImage NXibeam Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffs NXBrowser @@::#@ssssi** Matrix NXBrowserCell Helvetica Help Topics Button ButtonCell ActionCell TextFieldCell Welcome to the User Interface example! Choose a topic from the browser for area-specific help. You can get context-sensitive help by holding down the Control key while clicking on any of the controls, menu items, windows, and more in this application! WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Panel HelpPanel ScrollingText Field2 File's Owner CustomView IBOutletConnector IBConnector helpBrowser helpScrollView IBControlConnector browserHit: delegate helpPanel