Agile HTML Editor Information: README.TXT ========================================= Copyright (C) Compware 1996-1997 Last updated: 18 December 1997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ About Agile HTML Editor ----------------------- Agile HTML Editor opens up new and easier ways of working with HTML. It understands all the HTML elements and attributes so you don't have to. Agile is regularly updated with support for the latest HTML standards and browsers. This version includes support for all tags and attributes in: - HTML 4.0, HTML 3.2 and HTML 2.0 - Netscape Navigator 4.0, 3.0 and 2.0 (including Communicator 4.0) - Internet Explorer 4.0, 3.0 and 2.0. Right click on any HTML tag to see and edit the attributes relevant to the HTML standard you have chosen to use. Full help is provided for attribute meanings and values, right where you need it, when editing the tag and attribute values. Agile also has official HTML references built into it and supplied in HTML format. You have instant access to full details of any tag or attribute. The official W3C HTML 3.2 specification and Microsoft's Internet Explorer 3 HTML Reference are included in full, both fully indexed and cross referenced. There are many more features which will make things easy for you. Here are some of the main ones: Editing Tags and Attributes * syntax multi-colouring (as you type) shows page structure and errors * right-click editing of tag attributes, many with just two clicks * attributes and values are automatically inserted or modified for you * HTML colour palettes and customisable colour menu HTML Reference * includes the official W3C HTML 3.2 Specification in full * includes Microsoft's Internet Explorer 3 HTML Reference in full * help on any tag just by pressing F5, using the supplied references * status bar hints help you configure attributes * quick access to on-line HTML references from the Help menu Customisable Templates * customisable HTML templates for your standard document types * customisable HTML snippets for frequently used snippets of HTML Time Saving Features * Ctrl-U inserts a URL directly into any tag without any typing * auto-sizing of tags for GIF/JPEG images * quick opening of HTML URLs with right-click menu * quick access to help using F1 Audience Targetting * mix n match targetting of HTML: Netscape 2/3/4, IE 2/3/4 and HTML 2/3.2/4 * menus, syntax colouring, automatically reconfigure for your target HTML * fast efficient previewing with Netscape 1/2/3/4 and IE 2/3/4 Full Featured Editor * unlimited file size * unlimited multi-level undo/redo * drag and drop file opening * drag and drop text editing * search and replace Platforms * supports Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51 and above For more about why Agile is so special, take a look at the Highlights section of Agile Help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTENTS -------- This file describes PLATFORMS... ..system requirements for running Agile; INSTALLING AGILE... ..and uninstalling it; CONTACT POINTS... ..for Compware, including on-line resources; PURCHASING SOFTWARE... ..prices and payment methods; EVALUATION... ..obtaining an evaluation key; ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FILES ..included with Agile; COMPWARE... ..who we are and what we do; Note that the information in this and the other files described may not be up to date due to the fact that the software is freely distributable within the terms and conditions described in LICENSE.TXT. The latest information, including licensing terms, key availability and all other information is available on-line (see CONTACT POINTS below). IMPORTANT NOTE If you wish to store, copy, distribute or use the Agile HTML Editor sofware, you must first read and agree to the terms and conditions described in the LICENSE.TXT file. If you fail to read and agree to these terms, you will be in breach of the copyright vested in this software and liable for any consequenses arising out of such a breach breach of copyright. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLATFORMS --------- Agile runs under Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51 and above. DISK SPACE Agile will take up to 5MB of disk space when installed, depending on how many of the required system files are already present on your system. Approximately 7MB of space will be required during the installation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLING AGILE ---------------- Agile installs into "C:\Program Files\Agile", or an alternative directory which you may specify. It may also install some additional files into your Windows directories if they are not already present. During installation, Agile records details of all files and other changes made to your system, such as registy entries, and provides an uninstall program so that the entire installation can be removed easily. Installing Agile is simple, but the precise details depend on the form in which you have obtained it. Agile can be obtained on disk, in partially compressed form, or downloaded in a compressed .ZIP archive file. ZIP ARCHIVE If you download the software you will receive it in a .ZIP archive file which must be extracted before you can install Agile. You must extract the software from the archive into a temporary directory, using a program such as PKUNZIP (for DOS) or WinZip (for Windows). It is beyond the scope of this document to explain how to use these (or other archive extraction programs), so please refer to the documentation for the particular archive extraction program you have available. Having extracted the files into a temporary directory, you can now run "setup.exe". Now see "AFTER INSTALLATION" below. AFTER INSTALLATION The installation program creates items on the Start Menu for starting Agile and accessing help and readme files. UNINSTALLING AGILE To remove an installation of Agile: 1) Open Control Panel from the Start Menu using the "Settings" sub menu. 2) Choose "Add/Remove Software" which will open a properties dialog. 3) Choose "Agile HTML Editor" within the dialog. IMPORTANT Before you forget, please make a backup copy of the Agile installation files. If you don't, you are bound to need it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTACT POINTS -------------- Information 1: Latest Product Information and Prices 2: To Download Software 3: On-line Screen Shots Information Contact Point 1,2,3 WWW 1 Email 1 Compware, 256 Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1LQ, UK. (Mail only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PURCHASING SOFTWARE ------------------- If you wish to purchase our software you can do so using a range of methods. Payment can be made by credit cards, US check or UK cheque and even First Virtual electronic cash. See our web site for details or to purchase immediately. Details of payment methods and prices are also provided in ORDER.TXT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EVALUATION ---------- Evaluation copies are available free on-line (see CONTACT POINTS) or on disk from Compware for a small charge. Details and order form can be found in ORDER.TXT. The file LICENSE.TXT explains the terms and conditions under which you are permitted to evaluate Agile. If you adhere to the terms and conditions described, you are permitted to evaluate Agile for the period specified, and after that, must either stop using Agile; or register to obtain a full license. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FILES ---------------------------- WHATSNEW.TXT - lists changes to this and previous versions of the software ORDER.TXT - describes how to purchase Agile, including payment details LICENSE.TXT - gives the terms and conditions for any use of the software ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPWARE -------- We are a small business based in Cambridge UK, dedicated to producing software which works hard so that you don't have to. You will find that a lot of attention is paid to the user interface and the finer details of how you want to operate in our software. This is because every product has been produced for our own use, and so has had vocal feedback from users since its conception. We also want to hear what you think. Compware started in 1982, selling peripherals and software, and realised immediately that the only way to succeed in business is to identify what people will find useful and concentrate all your efforts on maintaining that position. From very early on, we started producing our own software, so that we were able to design the products for users needs rather than just pick the best from a not always so wonderful bunch. TELETEXT In addition to the on-line world of the Web, we also specialise in software which makes the most of the Teletext broadcasting system. If you use Teletext and don't think that it works as well as it could, you need look no further than our web pages (see CONTACT POINTS below). Take a look at the TvText Teletext Viewer for the best Windows Teletext sofware available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Compware hereby acknowledges trademarks owned by third parties which have been used in this or any other file supplied with this software.