Note: This is an HTML facsimile of the actual Java code. To see the code itself in its most current version, you can look at in the directory \Hyperwire\Classes\kinetix\hyperc1\runtime\.

package kinetix.hyperc1.runtime;

**                                                                              **
**  (C) Copyright 1997 by Autodesk, Inc.                                        **
**                                                                              **
**  This program is copyrighted by Autodesk, Inc. and is licensed to you under  **
**  the following conditions.  You may not distribute or publish the source     **
**  code of this program in any form.  You may incorporate this code in object  **
**  form in derivative works provided such derivative works are (i.) are de-    **
**  signed and intended to work solely with Autodesk, Inc. products, and (ii.)  **
**  contain Autodesk's copyright notice "(C) Copyright 1997 by Autodesk, Inc."  **
**                                                                              **
**  THE PROGRAM WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE.                            **
**                                                                              **

import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Event;
import java.awt.Point;

**                                                                            **
**  Class: HwVisualUserPlugIn                                                 **
**  Purpose:                                                                  **
**  Base class for user added visual plugins.                                 **
**                                                                            **

public class HwVisualUserPlugIn extends HwVisualPlugIn
	public boolean piIsVisual()
		return true;

 	/** piEventAboutToShow **
	* Called by the system just before the plug-in is transitioned
	* to the "visible" state.  This occurs when the entire containment chain
	* from the module up to the applet becomes visible.  Note that the
	* notion of "visible" here is purely logical -- the module
	* may not actually be visible due to occlusion, clipping, etc.
	* "why" is an enumerative which describes what is causing the
	* state change.
	*		why = BasicRunPlugIn.E_THIS
	*			This plug-in is being turned on.
	*		why = BasicRunPlugIn.E_ANCESTOR
	*			This plug-in is becoming visible because one its ancestors
	*			which was previously off is being turned on, completing the
	*			visibility requirements for this plug-in.
	*		why = BasicRunPlugIn.E_ROOT
	*			Special case of BasicRunPlugIn.E_ANCESTOR for the root
	*			(usually the applet or window)
	public void piEventAboutToShow(int why)
			throws HwException

	/** piEventAboutToHide **
	* Called by the system just before the plug-in is transitioned
	* to the "not visible" state.  This can occur when the module
	* itself is made not visible or when a visual parent container
	* of the module is made not visible.  Note that the
	* notion of "visible" here is purely logical -- the module
	* may not actually be visible due to occlusion, clipping, etc.
	* "why" is an enumerative which describes what is causing the
	* state change.
	*		why = BasicRunPlugIn.E_THIS
	*			This plug-in is being turned off.
	*		why = BasicRunPlugIn.E_ANCESTOR
	*			This plug-in is becoming not visible because one its ancestors
	*			which was previously on is being turned off, breaking the
	*			visibility requirements for this plug-in.
	*		why = BasicRunPlugIn.E_ROOT
	*			Special case of BasicRunPlugIn.E_ANCESTOR for the root
	*			(usually the applet or window)
	public void piEventAboutToHide(int why) 
			throws HwException

	/** piEventDragTranslate **
	* Called by the system when the user has moved the mouse with
	* the mouse initially down with the intent of dragging the plug-in.
	* This method is called before the bounding rectangle of the plug-in
	* is translated by the system. The plug-in should update its internal 
	* state accordingly, but not its appearance.
	* The implementation should return a rectangle bounding the area
	* whose appearance has changed (a rectangle with either a zero width
	* or height is legal, but is interpreted as "no change in appearance").
	* Wire messages (if any) initiated by the event will be sent automatically
	* by the system.
	public Rectangle piEventDragTranslate(int xOffset, int yOffset)
		return null;

	/** piContainsPoint **
	* Return true if aPoint is within the clickable region of 
	* the plug-in. This should take into account things like
	* image transparency and non-rectangular extents
 	public boolean piContainsPoint(Point aPoint)
		return (piGetVisualRunService().siGetAbsRect().inside(aPoint.x, aPoint.y));

	/** piDraw **
	* Called by the system to draw the plug-in in the graphics
	* context aGraphic with clipping rectangle, aClipRect. The
	* plug-in should use the VisualRunService to get the current
	* absolute bounding rectangle for the plug-in
	public void piDraw(Graphics aGraphic, Rectangle aClipRect)
			throws HwException
		Rectangle drawRect = piGetVisualRunService().siGetAbsRect();

	/** piGetAbsRectComplete **
	* Returns the bounding rectangle for the plug-in relative
	* only to the surrounding applet, not to any intermediary
	* visual containers. The rectangle is adjusted as
	* appropriate to accommodate selection highlights. The implementation
	* should call siGetAbsRect() to obtain the unadorned bounding
	* rectangle for the plug-in relative to the applet.
	public Rectangle piGetAbsRectComplete()
		// Return the absolute screen rect adjusted for any ornamentation
		// such as selection highlights
		return (piGetVisualRunService().siGetAbsRect());

	/** piGetVisualRunService **
	* Called by the plug-in to access the visual system services.
	* The plug-in should return (VisualRunService) piGetRunService()
	* which casts the BasicRunService reference to a VisualRunService
	public VisualRunService piGetVisualRunService()
		return((VisualRunService) piGetRunService());

	/** piMouseEntered **
	* Called by the system the first time the user has moved the mouse with
	* the mouse up within the plug-in's bounding rectangle.
	* The plug-in should update its appearance and internal state 
	* accordingly. Wire messages initiated by the event will be sent 
	* automatically by the system.
	public void piMouseEntered(Event evt, int x, int y)
			throws HwException

	/** piMouseLeft **
	* Called by the system when the user has moved the mouse with
	* the mouse up from inside the plug-in's bounding rectangle
	* to outside the rectangle.
	* The plug-in should update its appearance and internal state 
	* accordingly. Wire messages initiated by the event will be sent 
	* automatically by the system.
	public void piMouseLeft(Event evt, int x, int y)
			throws HwException

	/** piSetAbsRect **
	* Called by the system to inform the plug-in that its bounding rectangle
	* relative to the applet has changed. The bounding rectangle
	* itself is maintained by the system. This method is primarily for
	* plug-ins which do not rely on piDraw to display themselves
	public void piSetAbsRect(Rectangle aRect)
			throws HwException

	/** piIsOccluding **
	* Called by the system to determine whether the plug-in complete obscures
	* the background within its bounding rectangle.  If the plug-in does not
    * completely fill the rectangle or has transparent pixels it should return
    * false.  A value of true enables the system to optimize drawing to save time.
	public boolean piIsOccluding()
		return false;
