Index of Hyperwire MDK Methods

This index lists all MDK plug-in and run service methods alphabetically. It contains two tables. The first shows the basic and visual plug-in methods; the second shows the basic and visual run service methods. Method names in the plug-in classes all begin with the characters pi for plug-in. Method names in the run service interfaces all begin with the characters si for service interface.

Each method's prototype is shown, as a quick reference to the method's return type and parameters.

Basic and Visual Plug-In Methods
Method Name Prototype
piContainsPoint public boolean piContainsPoint(Point aPoint);
piDraw public void piDraw(Graphics aGraphic, Rectangle aClipRect)
throws HwException;
piEventAboutToHide public void piEventAboutToHide(int why)
throws HwException;
piEventAboutToShow public void piEventAboutToShow(int why)
throws HwException;
piEventAppletDestroy public void piEventAppletDestroy(Applet theApplet)
throws HwException;
piEventAppletInit public void piEventAppletInit(Applet theApplet)
throws HwException;
piEventAppletStart public void piEventAppletStart(Applet theApplet)
throws HwException;
piEventAppletStop public void piEventAppletStop(Applet theApplet)
throws HwException;
piEventDragTranslate public Rectangle piEventDragTranslate(int xOffset, int yOffset)
throws HwException;
piEventKeyDown public boolean piEventKeyDown(Event evt, int key)
throws HwException;
piEventKeyUp public boolean piEventKeyUp(Event evt, int key)
throws HwException;
piEventParentMovedBy public void piEventParentMovedBy(VisualRunPlugIn aParent, int xOffset, int yOffset)
throws HwException;
piEventRefreshDaemonTick public void piEventRefreshDaemonTick(long timeNow, RefreshDaemon worldMover)
throws HwException;
piGetAbsRectComplete public Rectangle piGetAbsRectComplete();
piGetRunService public BasicRunService piGetRunService();
piGetVisualRunService public VisualRunService piGetVisualRunService();
piInit public void piInit(BasicRunService aRunService);
piIsContainer public boolean piIsContainer();
piIsOccluding public boolean piIsOccluding();
piIsVisual public boolean piIsVisual();
piMouseDown public boolean piMouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y)
throws HwException;
piMouseDrag public boolean piMouseDrag(Event evt, int x, int y)
throws HwException;
piMouseEntered public boolean piMouseEntered(Event evt, int x, int y)
throws HwException;
piMouseLeft public boolean piMouseLeft(Event evt, int x, int y)
throws HwException;
piMouseMove public boolean piMouseMove(Event evt, int x, int y)
throws HwException;
piMouseUp public boolean piMouseUp(Event evt, int x, int y)
throws HwException;
piPerformUserPort public HwObject piPerformUserPort(String portName, HwObject args[])
throws HwException;
piPrepareImage public void piPrepareImage(MediaTracker theTracker, int priority)
throws HwException;
piPrepareMedia public void piPrepareMedia(MediaTracker theTracker, int priority)
throws HwException;
piRestoreInitialRunState public void piRestoreInitialRunState()
throws HwException;
piSetAbsRect public void piSetAbsRect(Rectangle aRect)
throws HwException;
piSetRadioState public boolean piSetRadioState(boolean state)
throws HwException;
Basic and Visual Run Service Methods
siGenerateClickedEvent public void siGenerateClickedEvent(Event evt, int x, int y)
throws HwException;
siGenerateMouseDownEvent public void siGenerateMouseDownEvent(Event evt, int x, int y)
throws HwException;
siGetAbsParentRect public Rectangle siGetAbsParentRect();
siGetAbsRect public Rectangle siGetAbsRect();
siGetApplet public OpusApplet siGetApplet();
siGetCapture public BasicRunPlugIn siGetCapture();
siGetChildPlugIns public Vector siGetChildPlugIns();
siGetCurrentFocus public BasicRunPlugIn siGetCurrentFocus();
siGetDescendentPlugIns public Vector siGetDescendentPlugIns();
siGetEmbeddedData public HwObject siGetEmbeddedData();
siGetImageObserver public ImageObserver siGetImageObserver();
siGetIsClickable public boolean siGetIsClickable();
siGetIsMoveable public boolean siGetIsMoveable();
siGetIsSelectable public boolean siGetIsSelectable();
siGetIsVisible public boolean siGetIsVisible();
siGetLastPosition public Point siGetLastPosition();
siGetModuleName public String siGetModuleName();
siGetNumChildPlugIns public Vector siGetNumChildPlugIns();
siGetOutput public MessageTableEntry siGetOutput(String aName);
siGetOwner public BasicRunPlugIn siGetOwner();
siGetPlugIns public Vector siGetPlugIns();
siGetPosition public Point siGetPosition();
siGetRefreshDaemon public RefreshDaemon siGetRefreshDaemon();
siGetRelativeRect public Rectangle siGetRelativeRect();
siGetScreenRect public Rectangle siGetScreenRect();
siGetSiblingPlugInNamed public BasicRunPlugIn siGetSiblingPlugInNamed(String name);
siLogException public void siLogException(Exception e);
siPaintRect public void siPaintRect(Rectangle aRect);

public void siPaintRect();

siPerformInput public HwObject siPerformInput(String aName)
throws HwException;

public HwObject siPerformInput(String aName, HwObject[] args)
throws HwException;

public HwObject siPerformInput(String aName, HwObject arg1)
throws HwException;

public HwObject siPerformInput(String aName, HwObject arg1, HwObject arg2)
throws HwException;

public HwObject siPerformInput(String aName, HwObject arg1, HwObject arg2, HwObject arg3)
throws HwException;

siPerformOutput public HwObject siPerformOutput(String aName, HwObject[] args)
throws HwException;

public HwObject siPerformOutput(String aName)
throws HwException;

public HwObject siPerformOutput(String aName, HwObject arg1)
throws HwException;

public HwObject siPerformOutput(String aName, HwObject arg1, HwObject arg2)
throws HwException;

public HwObject siPerformOutput(String aName, HwObject arg1, HwObject arg2, HwObject arg3)
throws HwException;

siPlugInWantsKeyEvents public boolean siPlugInWantsKeyEvents(boolean wantsKeys);
siPlugInWantsTicks public boolean siPlugInWantsTicks(boolean wantTick);
siProcessException public HwException siProcessException(Exception e, String errMsg);
siProcessRangeException public HwException siProcessRangeException(RangeException e, String errMsg)
throws RangeException;
siPropertiesChanged public void siPropertiesChanged();
siReleaseCapture public BasicRunPlugIn siReleaseCapture();
siReset public void siReset()
throws HwException;
siSetAbsRect public void siSetAbsRect(Rectangle aRect);
siSetCapture public BasicRunPlugIn siSetCapture(BasicRunPlugIn aPlugIn);
siSetCurrentFocus public void siSetCurrentFocus(BasicRunPlugIn aPlugIn);
siSetIsClickable public void siSetIsClickable(boolean aValue);
siSetIsSelectable public void siSetIsSelectable(boolean aValue);
siSetIsVisible public void siSetIsVisible(boolean aValue);
siSetPosition public void siSetPosition(Point aPos)
throws HwException;
siSetRadioNodule public void siSetRadioNodule();

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