Note: This is an HTML facsimile of the actual Java code. To see the code itself in its most current version, you can look at in the directory \Hyperwire\Classes\kinetix\hyperc1\runtime\.

package kinetix.hyperc1.runtime;

**                                                                              **
**  (C) Copyright 1997 by Autodesk, Inc.                                        **
**                                                                              **
**  This program is copyrighted by Autodesk, Inc. and is licensed to you under  **
**  the following conditions.  You may not distribute or publish the source     **
**  code of this program in any form.  You may incorporate this code in object  **
**  form in derivative works provided such derivative works are (i.) are de-    **
**  signed and intended to work solely with Autodesk, Inc. products, and (ii.)  **
**  contain Autodesk's copyright notice "(C) Copyright 1997 by Autodesk, Inc."  **
**                                                                              **
**  THE PROGRAM WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE.                            **
**                                                                              **

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.Vector;

/** Basic system service interface common to all plug-ins 
 * This provides general utility methods and queries for 
 * properties maintained internally by the system for all
 * plug-ins (such as userdata)
public interface BasicRunService
	/** siGetApplet **
	* Returns a reference to the applet
	public HwApplet siGetApplet();

	/** siGetPlugIns **
	* Returns a the collection of plug-ins in this applet
	public Vector siGetPlugIns();

	/** siGetChildPlugIns **
	* Returns a the collection of plug-ins which are immediate children of this
	* plug-in.
	public Vector siGetChildPlugIns();

	/** siGetNumChildPlugIns **
	* Returns a the number of plug-ins which are immediate children of this
	* plug-in.
	public int siGetNumChildPlugIns();

	/** siGetDescendentPlugIns **
	* Returns a the collection of plug-ins which are descendents of this
	* plug-in.  Does not include this plug-in itself.
	public Vector siGetDescendentPlugIns();

	/** siGetSiblingPlugInNamed **
	* Finds a named plug-in instance in the same container as this plug-in instance (i.e., a sibling).
	* Return null is no plug-in of the given name was found.
	public BasicRunPlugIn siGetSiblingPlugInNamed(String name);

	/** siGetCurrentFocus **
	* Returns a reference to the plug-in which currently has
	* input focus, or null if focus is not assigned
	public BasicRunPlugIn siGetCurrentFocus();

	/** siGetEmbeddedData **
	* Returns the user data associated with plug-in at runtime
	public HwObject siGetEmbeddedData();

	/** siGetModuleName **
	* Returns the name of the module.
	public String siGetModuleName();

	/** siGetOwner **
	* Returns the plug-in which owns the caller or null
	public BasicRunPlugIn siGetOwner();

	/** siGetAbsParentRect **
	* Returns the bounding rectangle for the plug-in's parent relative
	* only to the surrounding applet, not to any intermediary
	* visual containers.  Returns the degenerate rectangle
	* Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0) if this message is sent to the root
	* container.
	public Rectangle siGetAbsParentRect();

	/** siPerformInput **
	* Triggers the wire messages associated with the input port aName
	* using arguments args
	public HwObject siPerformInput(String aName)
		throws HwException;
	public HwObject siPerformInput(String aName, HwObject[] args)
		throws HwException;
 	public HwObject siPerformInput(String aName, HwObject arg1)
		throws HwException;
 	public HwObject siPerformInput(String aName, HwObject arg1, HwObject arg2)
 		throws HwException;
 	public HwObject siPerformInput(String aName, HwObject arg1, HwObject arg2, HwObject arg3)
 		throws HwException;

	/** siPerformOutput **
	* Triggers the wire messages associated with the output port aName
	* using arguments args
	public HwObject siPerformOutput(String aName, HwObject[] args)
		throws HwException;
	public HwObject siPerformOutput(String aName)
 		throws HwException;
 	public HwObject siPerformOutput(String aName, HwObject arg1)
		throws HwException;
 	public HwObject siPerformOutput(String aName, HwObject arg1, HwObject arg2)
 		throws HwException;
 	public HwObject siPerformOutput(String aName, HwObject arg1, HwObject arg2, HwObject arg3)
 		throws HwException;

	/** siLogException **
	* Writes an exception to the error output. This should only be called
	* when an exception is not thrown again. Generally this is when the
	* caller is actually at the base of the calling stack which generated
	* the exception, or a system callback
	public void siLogException(Exception e);

	/** siProcessException **
	* Converts a general exception into a Hw basic exception and
	* appends a description of the context in which the exception
	* occurred via the argument errMsg. Callers of siProcessException
	* should generally rethrow the HwException which is returned
	* unless the caller is the at the base of the calling stack which
	* generated the exception. If errMsg is null, no description is appended
	* to the exception
	public HwException siProcessException(Exception e, String errMsg);

	/** siProcessRangeException **
	* Appends a description of the context in which the range exception
	* occurred via the argument errMsg. If errMsg is null, no description 
	* is appended to the exception. The error is either immediately logged if
	* the applet wants to continue from the point where the exception occurred
	* or it is rethrown if the applet wishes to treat out of range conditions
	* as true exceptions 
	public HwException siProcessRangeException(RangeException e, String errMsg)
		throws RangeException;

	/** siGetOutput **
	* Returns the MessageTableEntry for the output port aName.
	* The message table entry can then be evaluated by sending the
	* evaluateWith(HwObject[] args) message to it.  The typical
	* reason for using this technique vs. just calling siPerformOutput(...)
	* is one of performance.  It is possible to cache the MessageTableEntry
	* such that subsequent evaluations are very fast.  This might be useful
	* (for example) in inner-loop type code where the port is evaluated
	* many thousands of times per second.  For example:
	*		private MessageTableEntry mMyFooCacheIV;
	*		private boolean mFooPortHasWires;
	*		public void piEventAppletInit(Applet theApplet) throws HwException
	*			{
	*			mMyFooCacheIV = aRunService.siGetOutput("Foo");
	*			mFooPortHasWires = (mMyFooCacheIV != null) && mMyFooCacheIV.hasWires();
	*					.
	*					.
	*					.
	*			}
	*		private void someFunctionInMyPlugIn()
	*			{
	*			if (mFooPortHasWires)
	*				{
	*				for (int i = 0; i < GIZILLION; i++)
	*					mMyFooCacheIV.evaluate();
	*				}
	*			}
	public MessageTableEntry siGetOutput(String aName);

	/** siPlugInWantsTicks **
	* Controls whether or not the plug-in receives the 
	* piEventRefreshDaemonTick(...) messages.  This method
	* is typically called by the plug-in in the piEventAppletInit()
	* method.  It should not be called in inner-loop code as it
	* is *not* lightweight.  Return value indicates whether or
	* not the call resulted in a state change.
	public boolean siPlugInWantsTicks(boolean wantTick);

	/** siPlugInWantsKeyEvents **
	* Controls whether or not the plug-in receives the 
	* piEventKeyDown(...) and piEventKeyUp(...) messages.  This method
	* is typically called by the plug-in in the piEventAppletInit()
	* method.  It should not be called in inner-loop code as it
	* is *not* lightweight.  Return value indicates whether or
	* not the call resulted in a state change.
	public boolean siPlugInWantsKeyEvents(boolean wantsKeys);

	/** siPropertiesChanged **
	* Informs the system that a copy of a property which was initially
	* authored has changed at run-time. This is used to determine whether
	* the run-time properties may have to be reinitialized at some
	* later point in time to their initially authored values
	public void siPropertiesChanged();

	/** siReset **
	* Explicitly requests the system to reinitialize all properties to 
	* their initially authored values
	public void siReset()
		throws HwException;

	/** siSetCurrentFocus **
	* Informs the system that input focus has been assigned to a
	* plug-in
	public void siSetCurrentFocus(BasicRunPlugIn aPlugIn);

    /** setRadioNodule **
    * Informs the system that this plug-in wants control of the radio state **
	public void siSetRadioNodule();

	/** siGetRefreshDaemon **
	* Returns the RefreshDaemon instance for this applet.
	public RefreshDaemon siGetRefreshDaemon();

	/** siSetCapture **
	* Captures the mouse.  Similar to the Windows SetCapture function.  Sets mouse
	* capture to a given plug-in.  Passing null as the plug-in is equivalent to
	* calling siReleaseCapture.  The return value is the plug-in which previously
	* has mouse capture, or null if none.  A module which has the mouse captured
	* will receive piMouseDown, piMouseUp, piMouseMove and piMouseDrag events
	* directly, bypassing the normal broadcast mechanism.  See also: siReleaseCapture
	* and siGetCapture.
	public BasicRunPlugIn siSetCapture(BasicRunPlugIn aPlugIn);

	/** siReleaseCapture **
	* Releases mouse capture.  Similar to the Windows ReleaseCapture function.  
	* Releases the current mouse capture (if any).  After the call, no plug-in
	* has mouse capture.  The return value is the plug-in which previously
	* has mouse capture, or null if none.  A module which has the mouse captured
	* will receive piMouseDown, piMouseUp, piMouseMove and piMouseDrag events
	* directly, bypassing the normal broadcast mechanism.  See also: siSetCapture
	* and siGetCapture.
	public BasicRunPlugIn siReleaseCapture();

	/** siGetCapture **
	* Queries mouse capture.  Similar to the Windows GetCapture function.  
	* Returns the plug-in which currently has the mouse captured (if any).
	* A module which has the mouse captured
	* will receive piMouseDown, piMouseUp, piMouseMove and piMouseDrag events
	* directly, bypassing the normal broadcast mechanism.  See also: siSetCapture
	* and siReleaseCapture.
	public BasicRunPlugIn siGetCapture();