Note: This is an HTML facsimile of the actual Java code. To see the code itself in its most current version, you can look at in the directory \Hyperwire\Classes\kinetix\hyperc1\runtime\.

package kinetix.hyperc1.runtime;

**                                                                              **
**  (C) Copyright 1997 by Autodesk, Inc.                                        **
**                                                                              **
**  This program is copyrighted by Autodesk, Inc. and is licensed to you under  **
**  the following conditions.  You may not distribute or publish the source     **
**  code of this program in any form.  You may incorporate this code in object  **
**  form in derivative works provided such derivative works are (i.) are de-    **
**  signed and intended to work solely with Autodesk, Inc. products, and (ii.)  **
**  contain Autodesk's copyright notice "(C) Copyright 1997 by Autodesk, Inc."  **
**                                                                              **
**  THE PROGRAM WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE.                            **
**                                                                              **

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Event;

**                                                                            **
**  Class: HwBasicUserPlugIn                                                  **
**  Purpose:                                                                  **
**  Base class for user added plugins.                                        **
**                                                                            **

public class HwBasicUserPlugIn extends HwBasicPlugIn
	/** piEventAppletInit **
	 * Called by the system when the applet
	 * containing the plug-in is initialized (sent
	 * init() message).
	public void piEventAppletInit(Applet theApplet) 
			throws HwException

	/** piEventAppletDestroy **
	 * Called by the system when the applet
	 * is about to be destroyed. The plug-in should release
	 * any resources which need to be released
     * Do not depend on this method always being called,
     * especially if the title is being run as an applet.
     * When Applet viewers and browsers terminate,
     * applets often receive little warning.
     * piEventAppletDestroy() will always be called before
     * piTerminate().  However, the applet may be killed before,
     * during, or after piEventAppletDestroy() is called, or
     * before, during, or after piTerminate() is called.
     * See also piTerminate().
	public void piEventAppletDestroy(Applet theApplet) 
			throws HwException

	/** piEventAppletStart **
	 * Called by the system when the applet
	 * containing the plug-in is becomes visible.
	public void piEventAppletStart(Applet theApplet) 
			throws HwException

	/** piEventAppletStop **
	 * Called by the system when the applet
	 * containing the plug-in is no longer visible.
	public void piEventAppletStop(Applet theApplet) 
			throws HwException

	/** piGetRunService **
	 * Called by the plug-in to get access to the system
	 * services. The plug-in should return the run service
	 * received in the piInit( method
	public BasicRunService piGetRunService()
		return super.piGetRunService();

	/**	piInit **
	 * Called by the system just after the plug-in is created
	 * The implementation should:
	 * (1) Save the run service in an instance variable
	 * (2) Create the necessary data structures to save the static
	 * authored properties unique to the plug-in and the 
	 * corresponding dynamic copy of the properties for run-time
	 * (3) piInit(ialize the static properties of the plug-in
	 * from the piInit(ialProperties parameter
	public void piInit(BasicRunService aRunService)
		 	throws HwException

	/** piTerminate **
	 * Called by the system when the title is terminating.
	 * The plug-in should release
	 * any resources which need to be released.
     * Do not depend on this method always being called,
     * especially if the title is being run as an applet.
     * When Applet viewers and browsers terminate,
     * applets often receive little warning.
     * piEventAppletDestroy() will always be called before
     * piTerminate().  However, the applet may be killed before,
     * during, or after piEventAppletDestroy() is called, or
     * before, during, or after piTerminate() is called.
     * Note: This method was implemented to circumvent a problem
     * with piEventAppletDestroy().  piEventAppletDestroy()
     * may be called without the applet truly being destroyed.
     * The menu item Applet->Restart in Sun's Appletviewer will
     * send a stop() and destroy(), and then send an init() and
     * start() to the same applet.  piTerminate() will only be
     * called when the applet is actually terminating.
     * See also piEventAppletDestroy().
	/*** piTerminate ***/
	public void piTerminate(Applet theApplet) 
		throws HwException

	/** piIsContainer **
	 * Return true if the plug-in is a container, false otherwise
	public boolean piIsContainer()
		return false;

	/** piIsVisual **
	 * Return true if the plug-in is visual, falst otherwise
	public boolean piIsVisual()
		return false;

	/** piEventParentMovedBy **
	* Called by the system when the immediate parent of the 
	* plug-in has been moved. The plug-in should update its 
	* appearance and internal state accordingly. This method is
	* called before the bounding rectangle of the plug-in has
	* been translated by the system. It is primarily for plug-ins
	* which do not rely on piDraw to draw themselves
	public void piEventParentMovedBy(VisualRunPlugIn aParent, int xOffset, int yOffset)
			throws HwException

	/** piRestoreInitialRunState **
	 * Called by the system when it is necessary to re-piInit(ialize
	 * transient run-time properties unique to the plug-in which
	 * are not also stored as static authored properties
	public void piRestoreInitialRunState()
			throws HwException

	/** piEventRefreshDaemonTick **
	 * Now is the when we dance.  Called by the system when a
	 * refresh daemon tick occurs.
	 * timeNow is the tick time, in milliseconds.
	public void piEventRefreshDaemonTick(long timeNow, RefreshDaemon worldMover) 
			throws HwException

	/** piPerformUserPort **
	 * Called by the system when a user-added port on this module is
	 * triggered.  The first argument is the name of the triggered port
	public HwObject piPerformUserPort(String portName, HwObject args[]) 
		throws HwException
		return HwLObject.from(null);

	/** piEventKeyDown **
	 * Called by the system when a key down event occurs.
	 * Returning true will consume the key down event.
	public boolean piEventKeyDown(Event evt, int key)
			throws HwException
		return false;
	/** piEventKeyUp **
	 * Called by the system when a key up event occurs.
	 * Returning true will consume the key up event.
	public boolean piEventKeyUp(Event evt, int key)
			throws HwException
		return false;

    /** piPrepareMedia **
	* Called by the system in preparation for asking the plug-in to draw in
	* the case where the system wishes to defer all drawing until all 
	* necessary images are loaded and ready to draw.
	* The implementation should call piGetRunService().siGetApplet().getImage(...)
	* to initiate the asynchronous load of any images required to draw itself.
	* If the images do not need to be scaled, the implementation should call
	* theTracker.addImage(theImage, priority). If the image needs to be scaled,
	* the implementation should call theTracker.addImage(theImage, priority,
	* width, height)
	public void piPrepareMedia(HwMediaTracker theTracker, int priority)
        piPrepareImage(theTracker, priority);

	/** piPrepareImage **
    * retained for backward compatibility.
	public void piPrepareImage(HwMediaTracker theTracker, int priority)

    /** piSetRadioState **
    * Called when a module in the same container calls siSetRadioNodule().
    * If the parameter is true, this plug-in is the one that made the call
    * to siSetRadioNodule().  All other plug-ins in the same container
    * will receive a parameter of false.  What the plug-ins choose to do
    * with this information is completely up to them.
    * Generally, plug-ins use it to maintain an "active radio state".  When
    * one of the plug-ins wants to become active it calls siSetRadioNodule().
    * It should not become active until it receives a call to piSetRadioState(true),
    * since another module might call siSetRadioNodule() at the same time.
    * The other plug-ins will receive a call to piSetRadioState(false), and
    * should become inactive.  This ensures that only one module is active
    * at a time, similar to radio buttons on a dialog.
    public boolean piSetRadioState(boolean state) 
		throws HwException
        return false;

	/** piMouseDown **
	* Called by the system when the user has depressed the mouse
	* within the plug-in's clickable extent. This extent may exclude
	* transparent areas and may include selection highlights.
	* The plug-in should update its appearance and internal state 
	* accordingly. Wire messages initiated by the event will be sent 
	* automatically by the system. The implementation should return
	* true if it wishes to terminate the broadcast of the event
	* through the module hierarchy, and false, if the event should be
	* broadcast to other modules as well.
	public boolean piMouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y)
			throws HwException
		return true;

	/** piMouseMove **
	* Called by the system when the user has moved the mouse with
	* the mouse up within the plug-in bounding rectangle. The plug-in 
	* should update its appearance and internal state accordingly. Wire
	* messages initiated by the event will be sent automatically
	* by the system. The implementation should return
	* true if it wishes to terminate the broadcast of the event
	* through the module hierarchy, and false, if the event should be
	* broadcast to other modules as well.
	public boolean piMouseMove(Event evt, int x, int y)
			throws HwException
		return true;

	/** piMouseDrag **
	* Called by the system when the user has moved the mouse with
	* the mouse down within the plug-in bounding rectangle. The plug-in 
	* should update its appearance and internal state accordingly. Wire
	* messages initiated by the event will be sent automatically
	* by the system. The implementation should return
	* true if it wishes to terminate the broadcast of the event
	* through the module hierarchy, and false, if the event should be
	* broadcast to other modules as well. This event will only be sent if
	* the module is not moveable. If the module is moveable, the drag will
	* result in the visual representation of the module being dragged in
	* the display.
	public boolean piMouseDrag(Event evt, int x, int y)
			throws HwException
		return true;

	/** piMouseUp **
	* Called by the system when the user has let up the mouse
	* within the plug-in's clickable extent. This extent may exclude
	* transparent areas and may include selection highlights.
	* The plug-in should update its appearance and internal state 
	* accordingly. Wire messages initiated by the event will be sent 
	* automatically by the system. The implementation should return
	* true if it wishes to terminate the broadcast of the event
	* through the module hierarchy, and false, if the event should be
	* broadcast to other modules as well.
	public boolean piMouseUp(Event evt, int x, int y)
			throws HwException
		return true;