167 The recipient name is ambiguous. Multiple matches were found. 168 The specified attachment was not found. 169 The specified attachment was found but could not be opened, or the attachment file could not be created. 170 The specified attachment was found and opened, but there was an error reading it. 171 The attachment file was created successfully, but there was an error writing it. 172 This implementation does not support the counted-string type. 173 There was a general failure that does not fit the description of any other return code. 174 There is not enough memory available to complete the requested operation. 175 The service, user name, or password specified is invalid, so logon cannot be completed. 176 One or more of the specified recipients were not found. 177 The data extension requested is not supported. 178 The function extension requested is not supported. 179 The operation was canceled by the user. 180 The user is not logged on. 181 A flag set using a flags parameter was invalid. 182 One of the parameters in the message was invalid. 183 A function parameter was invalid. 184 The specified session handle is invalid or no longer valid - for example, after logging off. 185 The specified user-interface identifier is invalid. 186 The size of the text string passed to the current implementation is too large. 187 The current implementation cannot support the number of files specified. 188 The current implementation cannot support the number of recipients specified. 189 The current implementation does not support the flag requested. 190 Unknown error encountered. 193 Windows messaging subsystem (MAPI32) is not installed properly. 194 The testing message was successfully transmitted to the Windows Messaging Subsystem. If your recipient does not receive your fax/mail, please check Microsoft Exchange(and its services) settings.